Creating a systemd service to auto-start the microRTPS agent on NavQ
Generate a start up script for the micrortps client under /usr/local/bin
sudo nano /usr/local/bin/
with content
## startup script for micro_rtps_agent
## agent will communicate to FMUK66 via UDP
## FMUK66 IPv4 addr =
## Author: Gerald Peklar <>
source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
source ~/px4_ros_com_ros2/install/setup.bash
# Comment out the line that you are not using:
# If you're using T1 Ethernet communication:
micrortps_agent -t UDP -i
# If you're using UART communication over the UART3 port:
micrortps_agent -d /dev/ttymxc2 -b 921600
Save the file and exit nano.
Make the file executable