This section is for various linux commands that may be useful when using the NavQ, and the Demo image.
The i.MX 8M Mini parts are rated 0C to +95C. We do not expect they will need any additional heat-sinking, especially while flying, but you can monitor the core temperature with the following command:
cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp
If you've ever run into a situation where you need to view a raw stream from the NavQ's Google Coral Camera, or need to run a lightweight GUI application on NavQ, you can do so using the guide below.
You can run the commands below to start a VNC server on your NavQ.
You can use TightVNC to connect. You'll want to use the IP address of your NavQ at port 5901.
GPS Time for Small Unmanned Aerial Systems by Andrew Brahim Part 1: Part 2: