Connect the buggy with the j-linkcable to your laptop. Connect your laptop and the buggy to the same wifi network. You can use the IP that we used so the buggy connects automatically to it. But if you want to use another IP, you need to connect a serial cable to the NavQP board, open a shell session in MobaXterm, and run the following command: sudo nmcli device wifi connect . It is good to check your new IP: ifconfig mlan0
Start new session by filling in the wiffi
Ip address:
Once wifi connection is setup, open an ssh session in MobaXterm, and type your ip/hostname and the username: (you can type b3rb-anne.local instead of the ip)
Shell login:
username: user
password: user
4. in a shell prompt run the following ros2 command:
ros2 launch b3rb_brigup
If it does not run well, check history | grep ros
Once wifi connection is setup and you can see topics display in foxglove, you are ready to do a test drive.
First, press the button in the GPS module, you should see that SAFETY is OFF in foxglove
Connect the GPS to the CANHUBK3 and press the switch bottom
Then, choose a mode: manual for manual drive, and auto or cmd_vel for autonomous mode
Then, press arm button in foxglove to arm the buggy
If you choose the manual mode, use the joystick in foxglove to drive the buggy
If you choose autonomous mode, use the arrow button in foxglove and choose a destination in the map