This page contains important information that you should be aware of before using your HoverGames drone development kit. Please read it carefully.
The HoverGames drone development kit (the “KIT”) is for experienced developers above the age of 18 only. CAREFULLY read all information and instructions on this page before assembly and operation of the device.
NXP provides no software for this circuit board. You are using open source software and programming the flight controller yourself.
Advanced mechanical and flying skills are a prerequisite for assembling and operating this device. If you are in doubt of your assembly or piloting skills, do not assemble or fly.
It is your responsibility to inform yourself of and follow all current federal, state, provincial, district and any local laws regarding the use of the drone in the area where you plan to operate it.
If you choose to modify your drone to function in any autonomous manner, you must ensure that you obtain any required certifications, waivers and licenses and comply fully with local, national and international laws that will apply. It is your responsibility to know what is legal operation.
It is highly recommended that you have proper liability insurance coverage at all times.
Your first priority must be the safety of people. Therefore, always keep the drone at a safe distance from people (including yourself!) and follow the provided safety instructions.
Always fly at locations that are clear of buildings and other obstacles.
DO NOT fly above or near people or crowds.
Avoid flying at altitudes above 400 feet (120 m).
Be certain you are legally allowed to fly in the location and at the altitude you are planning.
Fly in moderate weather conditions with temperatures between 32 to 104 °F (0 to 40 °C).
Check all applicable NOTAM and Flight Restrictions in your area. If you don't know what this means, study and educate yourself on the local area aviation rules first. You may need to call and ask a nearby flight control tower before flying.
These are some very important things to check before every flight:
Ensure you have programmed a motor "kill switch" on the RC transmitter and that it is tested and functioning. How to do this will be explained in this GitBook as well.
Ensure the remote controller and aircraft batteries are fully charged.
Ensure the propellers are in good condition and securely tightened.
Ensure there is nothing obstructing the motors.
Be sure to calibrate the compass at every new flight location or if the app prompts you.
Check that the camera lens is clean and free of stains, in case of FPV (First Person View) flight.
Also see the page about safety. Never attach propellers until ready to fly.
You must have a "kill switch" programmed! It is common to have the kill switch immediately stop the motors upon being triggered in order to avoid damage to nearby people or objects. Setting up a kill switch will be explained in the HG Drone User Guide.
Stay away from the rotating propellers and motors.
Maintain line of sight of your aircraft at all times.
DO NOT answer incoming telephone calls during flight.
DO NOT fly under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
In the case of a "Low Battery Warning", land the aircraft as soon as possible at a safe location.
After landing, first disarm the drone, unplug the flight battery, then turn off the remote controller.
There is also the possibility to insure yourself. It is your own responsibility to find out whether this is required in your location.
Germany - Pages like DMO offer insurances especially created for drones.
Americas - AMA and MAAC are two hobby associations that offer insurance for hobby drones (non-commercial use). There are insurers for other usage types.
Other countries - Contact local drone/hobby flight associations, they should be aware of the best available options.
This GitBook is by no means a complete reference guide for the HoverGames drone development platform or other NXP mobile robotics products. Also be aware that this GitBook is continuously being improved and expanded. Information may change without notice and some sections may be incomplete or contain errors. If you find an error or have a suggestion, any feedback is very welcome.
NXP Semiconductors provides the KIT “as is” and “as available” for your use, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including all implied warranties of merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose. NXP provides no software for this KIT.
In no case shall NXP Semiconductors be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, or consequential damages AND PERSONAL INJURIES, INCLUDING THAT TO LIFE AND HEALTH, RESULTING FROM THE ASSEMBLY AND OPERATION OF THE KIT.
Welcome! This GitBook serves as the official documentation for the NXP HoverGames drone development kit, including the RDDRONE-FMUK66 flight management unit (also referred to as NXPhlite).
Also have a look at some of the other NXP GitBooks. These solutions all work together and can contain useful cross-linked information and example applications:
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) promise new perspectives on the world around us and the ability to go places that were once impossible. NXP is a trusted leader in automotive, radar, aerospace, RF, security, motor control and battery management and places the world’s most complete portfolio of UAV technologies in the hands of developers. Our automotive grade solutions are well suited to the design methodology and environments in which commercial unmanned aircraft systems, and increasingly also personal UAVs, operate. We provide semiconductor solutions for every aspect of drones and rovers.
The HoverGames drone kit is a single, modular, and flexible NXP development platform with the RDDRONE-FMUK66 flight management unit at its base. It can be used to build any autonomous vehicle, from drones to rovers to flying cars. As part of the kit, participants receive a complete reference drone including the flight management unit (FMU).
NXPhlite was the working name for the NXP RDDRONE-FMUK66 flight controller. You might still find references to it on older pages. We usually refer to it now as FMUK66.
For full functionality of the kit, you will need to purchase a telemetry radio set separately.
Note that in HoverGames the discount code includes a corresponding discount for the Telemetry radio, but it still needs to be purchased/put in the shopping basket as a separate line item.
Other NXP flight management units, drone development kits and equipment will have similar naming conventions as they are introduced.
Drones and rovers have the capability to enhance our cities and rural areas in the same way that autonomous cars and mobile technologies do. We want to bring the latest innovations in these areas to the small autonomous vehicles of the future. They need the same high reliability, security and functional safety that make it possible to occupy the same spaces, roads and sky, as we humans do.
With the HoverGames challenges we can introduce this technology to you, and share our findings as we learn together how the technology could be used in new ways. We want to invite everyone who is interested to use the newest technology on the market and take advantage of the many possibilities the tech provides.
The result of solving a set of ongoing coding enablement challenges, be it for enabling new hardware components or new software features, is to use the sum of all these new capabilities to take on complex action challenges where participants design and adapt their vehicles to tackle a real societal problem. Each one is different and can range from cleaning up the beach, mapping a dangerous gas emission, or locating and tracking migration patterns of an endangered animal species.
To achieve these goals, we will have a series of developer and hacker challenges.
HoverGames are a series of hands-on challenges for engineers and tech enthusiasts to co-pioneer with NXP and design for new forms of mobility. Each game consists of a set of challenges. Participants need to buy a kit - a physical complete drone kit you hold in hands - form teams and enroll virtually. As part of each game, participants will write code that activates their vehicles.
After getting comfortable with the entry level challenges, participants can enroll in any of the currently active Virtual Software challenges. Some will be open to anyone, some will need pre-qualification in order to get access to specific hardware boards that might be needed.
Once or twice a year larger Societal Challenges will be announced. For these, the participants use the existing and newly solved body of knowledge to design vehicles that can solve a societal problem – For example a simulation of cleaning up nuclear waste, or tracking migration patterns of an endangered animal species.
HoverGames: Build your drone kit with leading edge technology - navigation, AI, environmental sensors, connectivity, functional safety and security - and start programming!
UAVs have a wide range of applications in many fields like environmental hazards monitoring, traffic management and pollution monitoring, all of which contributes greatly to the development of any city and rural area. HoverGames will be of great benefit to developers around the world to jointly develop autonomous robot vehicle solutions.
An overview of the latest news and updates.
Below you will find a list of recent updates and important news about the HoverGames and this GitBook, but there are also some other platforms that you should keep a close eye on:
Five HoverGames/PX4 example labs have been added. You learn step-by-step how to create a basic PX4 module/application. The following labs are currently available:
GitBooks added for NXP's new HoverGames add-on boards:
The NavQ companion computer was added to list of add-on components.
- (New!)
- VMU and T1<->CAN (New!)
(Buggy3 Revision B - PREVIEW)
: T1 Ethernet Adapter
: Battery Management System
: Including build guide
: NXP Mobile Robotics demo rover
: Robotics competition like NXP-CUP (india) Older:
(As used in HoverGames2)
See the for interactive questions and answers. There is a space for as well as a subspace specifically for the .
The actual are:
- Complete drone development kit including RDDRONE-FMUK66
- NXP flight controller with the 180 MHz Kinetis K66
Depending on your location, you need either a 915 MHz or 433 MHz set.
- Holybro 915 MHz telemetry radio set (Americas)
- Holybro 433 MHz telemetry radio set (Europe, India)
RDDRONE-FMUK66 is an experimental flight management unit that is compliant with and software. PX4 is used extensively for research and commercial drone platforms. Its permissive BSD license preserves the ability to include proprietary IP.
The RDDRONE-FMUK66 runs RTOS on a microcontroller, with an ARM Cortex-M4 core at 180 MHz and 2 MB flash memory. It uses NXP sensors, automotive bus transceivers, as well as the new two wire automotive transceiver .
Many drone challenges today are human operated races, and while they are lots of fun, they are about operating a drone, not controlling or programming a robot. HoverGames will encourage participants to write code that enhances or activates new features in their vehicles, in addition to fun racing challenges. Ongoing coding challenges of all levels will be presented, and the resulting code is shared and published as open-source. The , and the GitBook platforms give participants the ability to communicate and support each other as well as get support from NXP Industrial and Automotive and from external partners.
To warm up - participants will be asked to take part in comparably simple coding challenges to get familiar with their drone and the environment including software flight stack . This code serves as a basis for further challenges as they build upon each other.
More information can be found on . It is also possible to directly contact the HoverGames team, contact information is available on our .
This work is licensed under a .
A page about has been added.
The section in the developer guide has been updated. Because of changes in the and some information and screenshots were outdated.
Note that the preconfigured has not yet been updated, but it can still be used without any issue in its current state. However, it should now also be a little bit more straightforward to install your own VM from scratch!
We added . It shows you step-by-step how to flash the bootloader and PX4 firmware binary on the FMUK66 when you take it out of the box for the first time. Keep in mind that you can also after the bootloader has been programmed!
HoverGames Challenge 2 has been ! More information is available on and . The top 100 project proposals on Hackster.io will receive a $400 discount on the complete drone kit with the new .
This GitBook is now synchronized with a . Feel free to open an issue if you find an error or if anything is unclear. You can also open a pull request if you want to contribute yourself.
: Also known as NavQ. Companion computer with i.MX 8M Mini running Linux.
: Smart battery management system with the S32K144 Automotive MCU.
: UAVCAN V1.0 development board and generic CAN/CAN-FD node.
This page was created. From now on we will try to provide a short update here when there are any significant changes made to this GitBook. Important news about the HoverGames might also be shared here, but will usually be published first on or .
An overview of useful software packages.
Download QGroundControl from QGroundControl.com (Stable release, recommended)
Download QGroundControl from QGroundControl.com (Daily build / development release)
QGroundControl is the ground control software (GCS) of choice within the Dronecode platform. It can be used to flash, configure and control any FMU that runs PX4 or a MAVLink compatible flight stack. It is recommended to use the latest stable release and update regularly when new releases become available.
(Note: NXP does not provide precompiled code. Binaries are available through the courtesy of PX4)
Check below which file(s) you should download.
Download nxp_fmuk66-v3_default.px4 (stable build for Rev. C/D, use with QGC)
Download nxp_fmuk66-e_default.px4 (stable, build for Rev. E, use with QGC)
Download nxp_fmuk66-v3_default.bin (stable build for Rev. C/D, use with J-Link)
Download nxp_fmuk66-e_default.bin (stable build for Rev. E, use with J-Link)
Download nxp_fmuk66-v3_default.elf (stable build for Rev. C/D, use for debugging)
Download nxp_fmuk66-e_default.elf (stable build for Rev. E, use for debugging)
Download nxp_fmuk66-v3_default.px4 (latest dev. build for Rev. C/D, use with QGC)
Download nxp_fmuk66-e_default.px4 (latest dev. build for Rev. E, use with QGC)
Download nxp_fmuk66-v3_default.bin (latest dev. build for Rev. C/D, use with J-Link)
Download nxp_fmuk66-e_default.bin (latest dev. build for Rev. E, use with J-Link)
Download nxp_fmuk66-v3_default.elf (latest dev. build for Rev. C/D, use for debugging)
Download nxp_fmuk66-e_default.elf (latest dev. build for Rev. E, use for debugging)
First you should determine whether to use the -v3 (Rev. C/D) or -e (Rev. E) build. This depends on when you got your RDDRONE-FMUK66. Rev. C and D boards have been distributed before 2022, but are still supported. New boards distributed since the beginning of 2022 are most likely Rev. E. You can also recognize a Rev. E board by the 8x RC PWM outputs (older boards had 6x PWM), or the small 2-pin NFC antenna connector on the side (which was not present on previous revisions).
Next you should consider whether you want to use the stable or development build. For flying it is generally recommended to start with a stable build. Only use a development build if you want to use experimental features or if you ran into a bug with the stable build. Note that it is very much possible that the development build introduces additional bugs - so be careful!
Finally you look at the purpose for which you need the binary. Are you flashing the FMUK66 board with a debugger (for example because you are using the board for the very first time), then you need the .bin file. If you have already flashed the board before and a bootloader has already been installed, then you can also upload it as a custom firmware binary through QGroundControl. For this you need the .px4 file. Then there is also the .elf format which can be used with debugging software (e.g. GDB).
In order to use PX4 Autopilot with the RDDRONE-FMUK66, you first need to flash a bootloader using J-Link commander. The bootloader binary must be present at memory address 0x0000. When you manually flash the PX4 firmware as well, keep in mind that the the PX4 binary has to be written from memory address 0x6000 onwards. After the bootloader has been flashed you can also use QGroundControl to flash firmware to the board.
After the bootloader has been installed, the PX4 firmware can be installed or updated through QGroundControl. When using QGC, it is not necessary to download a firmware binary separately. It will download and flash the latest stable release to your FMU by default, but you can also select the latest development build or a custom binary (.px4 or .bin file).
Guides are available for updating firmware, and building the firmware from source.
(Note: NXP does not provide precompiled code. Binaries are available through the courtesy of PX4)
Download nxp_fmuk66-v3_bootloader.bin (for Rev. C/D)
Download nxp_fmuk66-e_bootloader.bin (for Rev. E)
A precompiled PX4 bootloader is available for convenience. This file will be updated infrequently and usually without notice. There is usually no immediate need to flash newer bootloader versions.
However, if you are ever having issues with flashing or booting newer versions of PX4 Autopilot, then that might be an indication that the bootloader needs to be updated.
This GitBook has a guide for programming software using the J-Link debugger. The bootloader binary has to be programmed at memory address 0x0000 on the RDDRONE-FMUK66. There are also instructions for building the bootloader from source, in case you ever need it.
It is required to setup a Linux-based* development environment, preferably based on Ubuntu 20.04 (or 22.04). If you are not running a Linux OS already, you can consider to install Ubuntu natively besides your Windows setup (dual-boot), or on a separate laptop. However the easiest option might be to run it virtually from within your Windows OS. NXP does not endorse any specific tool. An often used option is Oracle VM VirtualBox, which is an open-source virtual machine hypervisor that can be used for free.
Our Developer Guide contains further information and instructions on how to setup your own Linux-based development environment from scratch in e.g. VirtualBox.
*A native macOS-based development environment might also work, but not all tools are available. We cannot guarantee support - but you might be able to get help from other developers in the HoverGames community that work with macOS.
NXP and Dronecode used to provide a preconfigured virtual machine image for VirtualBox. This image was based on Ubuntu 18.04 and contained the required tools to start developing and debugging software for HoverGames. We no longer recommend using this image as most preinstalled tools are now outdated and would require significant work to get into a working state again.
A fresh setup based on Ubuntu 20.04 (or 22.04) is now recommended. No preconfigured image will be made available however, as it would again become outdated within months after its initial release. It is more beneficial to learn yourself how to setup and maintain a Linux-based development environment - and it is not difficult!
More information and instructions are available in our Developer Guide
There is an Extension Pack available for VirtualBox which includes support for USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 devices. It is not strictly required, but it improves performance of USB devices (e.g. the J-Link debugger) and you should therefore consider to also install the Extension Pack.
While the basic VirtualBox software is available free of charge for all users, the VirtualBox Extension Pack is only licensed free for personal use. Commercial users have to pay for a license. Employees of NXP Semiconductors or other organizations should check with their IT departments for license costs.
J-Link Commander is used to flash binaries onto the RDDRONE-FMUK66 board. The latest (stable) release of the J-Link Software and Documentation Pack is available at the SEGGER website for different operating systems.
Download FlySky-i6S firmware updater (click the firmware button at the bottom of the page)
The firmware on the radio controller can be updated by connecting the transmitter to your PC with a micro-USB cable. Go to the settings menu on the controller, and select "Firmware update". Run the firmware updater tool on your PC to update the firmware on your controller.
In some cases you might need to install a VCP driver for the FTDI (USB-TTL-3V3) cable. It is available for Windows and Mac OS. For Windows there is a setup executable available in the "Comments" column.
This section guides you through the assembly of the drone kit with the LJI X4 500 drone frame.
This section is a complete guide on how to build the HoverGames drone with the LJI X4 500 drone frame. It is recommended to read this guide thoroughly and in order. You should start with mounting the motors, and finish with connecting all wires to the FMU (flight management unit).
The guide originally consisted of text and pictures. Videos are now available as well. It is recommended to use the videos together with the written instructions, to make sure you are not missing any information.
Please contact the HoverGames team in case anything is missing, unclear or if you have any feedback.
This page lists the most important parts of the HoverGames User Guide to get you started.
This user guide should contain most information you need to get your HoverGames drone and RDDRONE-FMUK66 flying. Most pages should be read in order. Sometimes a link to another page or external source is provided. It is often useful to have a (quick) look at the information found on the external page before you continue reading on this GitBook.
Also, remember that GitBook has a search function - use it to locate specific details quickly! You can find the search box on the right side at the top of the page.
Questions can be asked on the PX4 community Slack and Discuss forum. If anything remains unclear or if wrong information is provided, you can contact the HoverGames team.
Read our introduction to the HoverGames and RDDRONE-FMUK66 if you haven't already done so! It explains what this program is all about, and it introduces the hardware which HoverGames builds upon. Make sure to have a look at the important must read information and the safety page before you continue!
After receiving the HoverGames kit, the first thing you should do is check its contents. A list is available which explains which items should be included in your kit, and the purpose of the different components.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to include absolutely everything you need to fly your drone in the kit. There is a short list of items you will have to buy separately. Most importantly, the kit does not include a battery!
If you have never done anything with drones before, it might be a good idea to get familiar with some basic concepts first. The earlier mentioned list of items included in the kit gives a short explanation of the different parts of a drone. The following page also introduces some of the hardware, software and other important concepts:
This page is part of the documentation for the PX4 Autopilot software, which also supports the RDDRONE-FMUK66. We will also use it to set up the HoverGames drone. There is no need at this point to read about anything other than the basic concepts. We will get to the other parts after you have build your drone.
You might come across many acronyms and terminology that you are not yet familiar with. Everything should become clear as you keep on reading. If not, there are many resources available on the internet, such as these two webpages:
When you are sure nothing is missing from your drone kit, and you have become familiar with some of the basic concepts and principles, you are ready to assemble your drone! We have an assembly guide that explains how to put all the parts together. There are written instructions with pictures available that explain how to build the frame and how to connect the electronics. Videos have been added as well.
Be careful with the carbon fiber parts of the drone frame! The edges may be sharp.
Make sure to properly configure your radio controller. The controller configuration should be changed to make it more reliable and safe.
The RDDRONE-FMUK66 is supported by the PX4 Autopilot software. This GitBook will explain how to install and configure it later. First, it is important to get to know this piece of software. Luckily, the PX4 community has excellent user documentation. Have a quick look at what PX4 has to offer:
The PX4 software is often setup using the QGroundControl software, which can run on your Windows, Mac or Linux computer. You will use this software a lot when changing the configuration of the HoverGames drone, when calibrating sensors or even during flight to monitor your drone. They also have their own user guide available. Install QGroundControl on your computer and have a look at their documentation as well:
After you have assembled the drone, you should program the FMU for first use with a bootloader and the PX4 software. Then you can continue with configuring PX4 using QGroundControl.
More (advanced) information about PX4 is available in the PX4 User Guide that has already been mentioned a few times. It is recommended to have a look at what PX4 has to offer before your first flight.
When the drone is ready, make sure to check everything is connected and working as intended!
We have written down some important (safety) steps before, during and after flight, as well as some general tips on flying. Make sure to read them carefully before your first flight.
Be careful! The HoverGames drone is not a toy! It can cause severe damage to people or objects if not handled correctly. Be prepared and act responsibly when you fly. Also, don't forget about your own safety!
Running into problems? Make sure to check the troubleshooting page before asking the community for help. If you are unable to solve the problems yourself, you can get help on the PX4 community Slack (check out the #hovergames channel!), as well as their community forums.
Now that you have a working drone, you can start writing your own software for the drone. This GitBook provides some information to get you started. Have a look at our developer guide.
This GitBook also includes a technical reference section for the RDDRONE-FMUK66 flight controller hardware. It provides detailed schematics and pinouts for all connectors. Have a look at this section when you start developing your own software and applications for the HoverGames drone. It gives an indication of the different options you have for extending the FMU with additional hardware components.
Before we put the last parts of the frame together, we should install some components on the top plate. We will install vibration dampers, the GPS mount, telemetry radio and the FMU itself.
First the FMU mount should be put together. It's a small carbon fiber part and it should come with four black vibration damping rubbers. You should put these rubbers through big holes in the corners of the carbon, as shown below.
There are four similar holes at the corners of the big gap in the middle of the top plate. You should also put the rubbers through these holes, as shown below. Note that they do not exactly align, there will be some tension on the rubbers. This will help dampen the vibrations.
The GPS and its mount consist of several parts. The GPS should come with a short and a long rod. We recommend to use the shorter one, because it won't vibrate as much as the longer rod. However, many successful tests were done with the long one as well, so ultimately it comes down to personal preference. The longer one is useful when you get too much interference from the other electronics on the drone.
You will need a 1.5 mm hex/Allen key for the very small screws that keep the rod in place. There are 2.0 and 2.55 mm hex keys included in the kit, but not 1.5 mm! (Recent kits that include a hexdriver set that should work) Also, some GPS mounts have a Phillips/Pozidriv screw instead of 2.5 mm hex screw. You might need an additional screwdriver for this as well.
A small part that will hold the rod should be screwed onto the cross-shaped base, using a hex screw.
The rod can be inserted into this piece and will be kept in place with a tiny hex screw.
You should put the big "cone" over the rod, you can screw this onto the base.
The "cone" may feel tight when screwing down. Some people have found that they need to file the edge of the head of the tilt-hinge screw to improve this situation.
On top, you should have a big flat piece, which is also kept in place with a tiny hex screw.
With the included double sided tape, you can install the GPS itself on top. Make sure the arrow on the GPS aligns with one of the "arms" of the cross-shaped base. It doesn't have to be perfect, you will be able to slightly rotate the GPS after loosening the small screw in the top part of the mount.
There may still be a bit of play in the GPS mast after the nut is tightened. You can improve this by adding a bit of clear tape around the hole where the mast enters the 'cone', or by adding some tape under the cone itself. Alternatively you may want to check if the head of the screw on the tilt mechanism is sticking out a bit too far. Filing the edge of this screw head may allow the cone to tighten on a bit better.
We also suggest to remove the piece of heatshrink (or cloth tape) at the end of the GPS cable, just before the connector. Be *very* careful to not cut the wires! The reason for this is that this heatshrink itself is quite stiff and in some cases this could cause mechanical vibrations in the GPS mount to be transmitted by the cable to the FMU.
It is also recommended to use small cable ties to hold it down to the top plate in order to further isolate the cable and mast from the FMU.
Once it's assembled, the GPS mount can be installed onto the top plate. It's easier to do this now, because you can easily access the bottom side of this plate.
Earlier, on the bottom plate, we defined the front as the side pointed to by the weirdly shaped gap in the plate. The gap with the little notch or triangle. We will also use this to define front for the top plate. We will install the GPS on the right side of the plate, and the arrow on the GPS should point towards the front of the drone. Also see the picture below.
There should be screws and nuts included with the GPS. You can use the slits on the side of the plate to put the screws through. On some top plates there will be exact holes to mount to. We have used only three screws, which should be enough. If you put a washer in between, you might also be able to use the fourth screw.
The GPS module consists of a GPS receiver and a magnetometer (compass). There are also a few LEDs on the module: a RGB status led, a small GPS fix led which indicates if the GPS reception is good enough, and a switch LED which can be pressed and acts as a safety switch for arming your drone.
Note the GPS module serves multiple purposes. There is an ARMING SWITCH as part of the light-up "ARMED" LED that needs to be pressed before flight.
The telemetry radio can be installed on the left side of the plate (the opposite side of the GPS). Use a ziptie or some double sided foam tape. Make sure both the JST-GH and Micro USB connectors remain easily accessible. You will use the JST-GH to connect the radio to the FMU, and you might need the micro USB to connect it to your computer to update the radio firmware.
Be careful that you don't cover the screw holes for the arms with the telemetry radio or its antenna. There are four in each corner of the plate.
You can mount the FMU with some sticky pads. Later, we will plug in all the wires and use some zip ties to secure them.
This page lists some parts that are not included in the HoverGames kit, but are required to use the HoverGames drone.
While the HoverGames kit includes most of the parts needed to build your HoverGames drone, some parts could not be included. You will have to buy them yourself. On this page, you can find a list of parts that you need to buy to complete your HoverGames drone.
The standard drone kit does NOT include a telemetry radio transceiver set, because there are different versions for different regions. However, NXP does sell the recommended Holybro radios!
Please make sure you order the right ones for your region. Depending on your location, you need either a 915 MHz or 433 MHz set. Please check which frequencies / ISM bands are allowed in your region.
These are the NXP part numbers of the telemetry radio sets:
HGD-TELEM915 - Holybro 915 MHz telemetry radio set (Americas)
HGD-TELEM433 - Holybro 433 MHz telemetry radio set (Europe, India)
A set of telemetry radios allows you to change settings and parameters of the FMU without USB. It also allows you to check the status of the drone while it is in the air. One radio connects directly to the FMU. The other radio can be plugged into your computer using the included USB cable.
Drones require batteries which can handle the high currents drawn by the motors. Lithium batteries are able to supply these high currents. Typically these are lithium polymer batteries in a flat "pouch" type configuration. Other cell types and chemistry such as Lithium ion cylindrical or LiFe prismatic cells may be used in some commercial applications. These lithium polymer (LiPo) batteries (and most lithium batteries) can be quite dangerous because of the amount of power they hold, and as such there may be restrictions for shipping this kind of batteries. Overcharging, overdischarging and overheating can lead to catastrophic failure and an uncontrollable lithium metal fire. While you should not be unduly worried, you should always treat the battery pack with respect, store and charge them safely, and properly dispose of any damaged ones. For this reason, there was no battery included in the kit. You will have to buy an appropriate LiPo battery yourself.
As an extra precaution, charging and storing batteries outside, on a concrete floor or in a metal box (Bat-Safe) is a good practice.
NOTE: In most parts of the world LiPo batteries must be shipped by ground only, and labelled properly on external packaging. Never try to ship or pack a LiPo battery by air.
Review local regulations when carrying LiPo batteries on an Aircraft - for example to attend a tradeshow. Generally you cannot pack LiPo batteries in luggage that will go in the cargo hold, and will be required to safely carry them on your person in hand luggage. Battery size, number of batteries and battery wattage restrictions will apply. Check with your airline.
The provided frame, motors and ESCs are designed for a a LiPo battery with the following battery specifications:
3S or 4S, which means a battery with 3 or 4 cells in series. This is often also indicated by the nominal voltage, which is 11.1 V for 3S batteries and 14.8 V for 4S batteries.
XT60 power connector (the big connector, usually yellow).
Capacity of 3000 mAh to 5500 mAh will give you a reasonable flight time.
Smaller batteries will reduce flight time.
Larger capacity batteries will become too big and heavy.
A capacity of around 4200 mAh is usually the most cost effective.
20C continuous discharge rating or higher is recommended. 20C means that the battery can supply a continuous current 20 times its capacity. For a 4000 mAh battery, that means it can continuously supply a current of 80 A. For a 3000 mAh battery you probably want to have at least a 25C rating.
Check your local RC flying or DIY electronics shop, or RC and electronics webshops such as Hobbyking or Conrad. You can also have a look at the ReadytoSky shops at Alibaba.com or AliExpres. NXP does not endorse any specific shop, we are merely suggesting some options.
We suggest a 3S, +/- 5000 mAh battery with XT60 connector.
Handle LiPo batteries with care! These batteries can catch fire or explode when not handled in the right way. Read about the dangers of LiPo batteries and make sure you know how to safely charge and store LiPo batteries.
A good LiPo battery charger is required to safely charge your LiPo batteries. This cannot be done with an ordinary power supply or battery charger! The kits already include a simple charger to get you started. However, these chargers are slow because they only charge through the balance connector.
Therefore, it is recommended that you buy a higher quality charger at some point. A good one charges the battery through its main connector and uses the balance connector only for cell balancing. A good battery charger should also be able to charge batteries with different cell configurations.
The same shops suggested for the LiPo batteries should also sell the right chargers. Have a look at your local RC flying or DIY electronics shops, or go to webshops such as HobbyKing, Conrad, or the ReadytoSky shops at Alibaba.com or AliExpress.
Again, this is not an endorsement of these specific shops, merely a suggestion.
The RC transmitter is powered by four AA batteries, which are not included in the kit. They should be easily available for you to buy.
The HoverGames kit includes some hex/Allen keys and a wrench which are needed to build the frame. However, you might also need an additional Phillips/Pozidriv screwdriver and a small 1.5 mm hex/Allen key. Note that there are 2.0 and 2.5 mm hex keys included in the HoverGames drone kit.
This page lists the contents of the HoverGames drone kit.
The HoverGames drone kit includes most components required to build your own quadcopter. The kit provides a frame, motors, electronic speed controllers, the RDDRONE-FMUK66 flight controller and some additional peripherals. The contents of the package should be checked to make sure nothing is missing.
Sorry - Some required parts cannot be included in the HoverGames drone kit because of shipping regulations. LiPo batteries and some other small items are listed on a separate page. They have to be bought separately before you are able to fly.
12x Extension cable with bullet connectors
1x Holybro Pixhawk 4 GPS with integrated safety switch and buzzer
1x 3D printed RC receiver antenna mount
1x Debug breakout board with cable and 3D printed enclosure
1x Segger J-Link EDU Mini debugger
1x HoverGames battery strap
1x HotRC A400 3S-4S LiPo battery charger, with EU & US power plugs (BATTERY NOT INCLUDED!)
Hex/Allen keys and wrench
Extra cables with JST-GH connector
Double-sided foam tape / sticky pads
Zip ties
Micro USB cables are included with the radio controller and the telemetry radio sets. Note that the telemetry radio sets are sold separately, they are not included in the HoverGames drone kit!
The NXP RDDRONE-FMUK66 flight management unit is the brain of the HoverGames drone. It features NXP sensors and automotive grade components and it is fully supported by PX4 Autopilot software. This GitBook provides instructions and external sources which should help you set up the software.
The FMU comes with a 3D printed enclosure, which can be mounted on top of the drone with double-sided tape. A microSD card is also included, to which logs will be written during flight. Make sure to insert this SD card before you fly!
The LJI X4 500 quadcopter frame is the body of the HoverGames drone. It replaces the S500 frame that was included with older kits. It is completely made out of carbon fiber parts and has a vibration damped mount for the FMU. This GitBook provides instructions on how to assemble this frame.
Frame size: 500 mm (diagonal), 200 mm (height)
Weight: 475 g (without electronics and motors)
Be careful with the carbon fiber parts of the frame. The edges may be sharp.
Note Updated kits after 2021 use a different 5010 motor type. These all use CW threads, which is acceptable industry practice, however extra care should be taken to ensure the motor nuts for the CW and CCW propellers are tight. The nuts should be checked before any flights. This gitbook and included videos may still refer to and show images using the RS2212 motor type.
The kit includes four brushless motors suitable for a quadcopter the size of the HoverGames drone. Two motors will rotate in clockwise (CW) direction, and two in counter clockwise (CCW) direction. This allows the drone to fly stable without unwantedly rotating around its vertical axis.
The clockwise (CW) rotating motors have a little notch on top of their shaft. It might come with a black nut. The counterclockwise (CCW) rotating motors have a smooth top and they usually come with silver nuts.
Make sure to use the right nuts with the right motors! You could damage the threading on the motor shafts or the nuts if you force a nut with the wrong threading onto the shaft.
Note that the nuts might also be "integrated" into the propellers. The propellers included in the HoverGames kit should be of this "self-locking" type.
Direction of rotation matters when mounting the motors on the frame. This will be extensively discussed in other parts of this GitBook. Make sure to not miss any steps of the assembly instructions.
There are four ESCs (electronic speed controllers) or motor controllers included in the HoverGames kit. The ESCs control the current to the motors on demand of the FMU. The motors are connected to the ESCs with three bullet connectors. It is safe to connect these three connectors in any order.
The three bullet connectors can be connected in any order. However, when a motor does not turn in the desired direction, two of the three cables should be swapped. The motor will then turn into the opposite direction. We will come back to this during the assembly instructions.
The provided ESCs are able to handle currents up to 40 A continuously, which should be more than enough when used with the included motors. They support battery configurations between 2 and 6 cells in series (3 or 4 cells are recommended).
Included in the kit are also two clockwise (CW) turning propellers and two counterclockwise (CCW) propellers. The intended direction of the propeller becomes clear from the shape of the propeller. Looking at it from the side, it curves down towards the back of the propeller blade, with the front being the side which "slices through the air first".
The direction of these self tightening propellers is also easily recognized by the color of the "integrated" nut. Propellers with a black nut are meant to go clockwise, and propellers with the silver nut go counterclockwise.
The power module provides power to the FMU and also includes voltage and current sensors which allow the flight controller to keep track of the battery level.
The small white JST-GH connector provides power to the FMU. The larger black XT60 connectors go to the batteries and to the power distribution board (PDB). The PDB included with the frame kit should already have an XT60 connector installed. (Note that XT60 connectors may also be yellow.)
GPS allows the drone to receive information about its position. This enables position hold mode and autonomous flying modes in which no user input is required. The Pixhawk 4 GPS has an integrated safety switch, buzzer and status LED. It plugs directly into the FMU. It also includes a compass, which is able to measure the rotation of the drone. The GPS comes with its own mount as well.
For controlling the drone, a radio controller is included. The transmitter has several switches to which different actions and functions can be programmed. Settings are changed with a touchscreen, which can also be set up to show telemetry data. The receiver module connects directly to the FMU. A 3D printed component for mounting the antennas of the receiver is included in the drone kit.
More information on setting up the RC transmitter and receiver can be found elsewhere on in this GitBook.
Debug tools are also included in the HoverGames kit. It consists of a small breakout board with a 3D printed plastic case, a Segger J-Link EDU Mini debugger and a USB-TTL-3V3 cable, as well as a 7 pin JST-GH cable that connects the breakout board to the FMU. With this setup you can program a blank board, single step through the code, set breakpoints and debug the processor. The USB-TTL-3V3 cable gives you access to the system console.
The USB-TTL-3V3 cable has to be inserted into the 6 pin connector on the debug breakout board as shown below. The black wire (ground) has to be on the side with the small notch/mark. Doing it the wrong way around could damage your FMU or adapter board!
How to upload firmware onto the RDDRONE-FMUK66 using QGroundControl.
When a compatible bootloader is present on the target device, QGroundControl can update the firmware on it. You can use this feature to update the PX4 firmware on the RDDRONE-FMUK66, but also to update firmware on telemetry radio modules.
The QGroundControl user guide provides a clear description of the firmware uploading process. Please have a look at their documentation:
It is recommended to use PX4 on the RDDRONE-FMUK66. It's an opensource flight stack containing all the software necessary to get your drone into the air. PX4 is constantly being updated with stability improvements and new features. It is recommended to always run the latest (stable) firmware on your FMU, as constant updates will make your drone fly more stable, add exciting new features and open up more possibilities for using different sensor types. In the Firmware screen you can upload a new version of PX4.
QGroundControl will ask you to plug in your FMU using a USB cable. It might also ask you to first unplug it again, because it needs to enter the bootloader before it can upload firmware. A popup will appear that asks you which flight stack you want to use. We will use the PX4 flight stack. You can choose between the standard (stable) version and test/development versions, or a custom firmware binary. It is recommended to use the stable version, for now.
It is recommended to also update the firmware on your telemetry radios. Simply go to the Firmware tab in QGroundControl and plug in your radio using a USB cable. Make sure you only have the radio plugged in to your laptop, no FMU. QGC should automatically detect the radio and start the firmware upgrade process. If you get any errors during this process, starting over usually works.
You have to do this for both radios! If you don't, you might not be able to establish a connection. Make sure the radio on the drone is not connected to the FMU (take out the JST-GH connector) and connect it with a USB cable to your computer, just like the other radio.
You probably already ! In that case you do not have to program firmware again. However, you can use this feature to upgrade to newer firmware versions when they become available.
It is also possible to build the firmware yourself (or ), and upload it through the custom firmware option. Instructions for building your own firmware binaries from source are available in the developer guide:
Instructions for assembling the bottom part of the drone. This includes the power distribution board, landing gear, and the rails to which other components can be attached later.
Each leg consists of two parts. The first is the horizontal part with the T-connector and foam protection. The second is the carbon fiber tube with the connector that can be mounted to the frame.
Begin by loosening the two hex screws on the side of the T-connector. You should now be able to put in the carbon fiber tube. Once it is inserted, you can tighten the two screws again. Do this for both legs.
Next, we will need the bottom plate of the frame. It is one of the two plates with the cut out areas as shown above. The bottom plate is the one with the circle shaped holes in the middle and on the sides, we will put the other one on top. Around the two circle shaped holes on the sides, there are four small holes for screws. The black M3 socket head cap screws go down these holes, and should screw directly into the leg mounts. Nuts are not needed for this part.
The T-connector is vulnerable to cracking with hard landings. We have found that adding a zip tie around the connector can help protect it. Alternatively, an extra-strong 3D printable T-connector and leg mount can be found in the replacement parts section.
Also consider using a threadlocking adhesive such as Loctite 243 for the legs. At the very least, check them regularly to make sure that there aren't any loose screws. Flight performance can be significantly decreased by a loose landing gear.
Next, we will install the power distribution board (PDB) onto the bottom plate. You should have a pre-soldered board included with your kit. It already has small connectors for your ESCs. It also has a yellow XT60 connector for the FMU power module (and battery).
The PDB is supplied and soldered by a 3rd party. Some HoverGames participants have noticed a white residue on the backside of the PDB. This may be flux residue leftover from soldering. We recommend cleaning this residue with alcohol first before installing in case this residue inadvertently causes corrosion over time.
Some Hovergames participants have chosen to protect the terminals even further by covering them with hot melt glue (glue-gun) or additional heatshrink. This seems like a reasonable positive idea.
There should be nylon spacers and nuts included with the unsoldered PDB. We will reuse these with the soldered PDB and install four of these spacers on top of the bottom plate. We will then use the remaining four spacers to keep the PDB in place.
Please check that the battery wires on the backside of the PDB do not touch the carbon fiber plate when installed. If necessary, trim the solder "nubs" with some side cutters.
There are eight holes for screws distributed in a circle around the center of the bottom plate. We will use the "diagonal" holes, so not the holes that are closest to the legs or the front/back of the plate. Put a spacer through from the top, and use a nut to keep it in place. It should be fine to tighten them by hand, it is not necessary to use the wrench.
You can now put the PDB on top, and use the other four spacers to keep the PDB in place. The orientation of the PDB does not matter a lot, but the XT60 connector should go through the larger hole at the back of the frame. We define the front of the drone as the side to which the weirdly shaped hole "points". Also see the picture below.
The next step is installing the rails. Other plates and components can easily be attached to them. These rails are a defacto standard of 60 mm spacing with 10 mm carbon fiber tubes, and you can find several 3D printable mounts which fit.
We have to install these rails now, because after the other components are installed the screws will be very difficult to get in place. We need the two 10 mm carbon tubes, the two plastic bags with tube mounts and rubber rings, and the small M2.5 screws. There is also a smaller carbon fiber plate included, typically used for camera mounting, that we will put on these rails.
First things first, put the rubber rings through the tube mounts, as shown in the picture below.
While there are multiple techniques possible to assemble this section, we have found the following method to be most convenient.
You can now gently slide these tube mounts onto the carbon rods. We found that this is easier than first installing the tube mounts on the bottom of the frame, and then forcing the carbon tube through them.
Slide the tube mounts on the carbon tube, such that on one side the screw holes in the tube mounts align with the holes in the big bottom plate of the drone. On the other side, the holes should match with the small plate. Also see the picture below.
We can now easily mount this onto the bottom plate, using either the small M2.5 socket head cap screws. The screws go down from the top, and should screw directly into the tube mounts. The extra tube mounts for the small plate should be at the front of the drone.
Finally, you can also mount the small plate. You either need the same M2.5 screws or the small countersunk screws that are included in newer kit. This plate could be used to mount a camera gimbal. Note that there is no camera or gimbal included in the drone kit.
It might also be useful to apply a threadlocking adhesive (such as Loctite 243) to the screws for the rails and connected plates. In any case make sure to check the screws regularly, especially if you have any payload attached to these rails (such as a camera module).
This page will explain how to mount the ESCs, the FMU power module and the RC receiver module.
Before we continue, you should put the yellow XT60 connector through the hole closest to what will be the back of the drone. See the picture below.
The ESCs should come with pre-soldered bullet connectors on the red and black leads. Also, there should be four sets of three extension cables included, which go between the ESCs and the motors. Plug these extension cables into the ESCs first, if you didn't already plug them into the motors. In that case, you can connect them to the ESCs later when we install the arms onto the body of the frame.
Then, plug the red and black wires into the PDB and use some zipties to strap the ESCs to the bottom plate. You could also use the double sided foam tape / sticky pads. You can see four screws for mounting the arms in each corner, make sure you do not cover them with the ESCs.
You should install the ESCs in a similar way to what is shown in the picture below. This should still give you enough space to plug in the connectors.
The video above shows a slightly different distribution of the ESCs around the PDB. We believe this method is easier than the distribution shown below. We will adapt the written instructions and pictures soon. Please use the method as shown in the video for now.
The yellow XT60 connector coming from the PDB is now coming out at the bottom of the frame. You can plug the FMU power module (with black or yellow XT60 connectors) into this connector. Use a zip tie to strap the power module to the bottom of the frame. You should be able to use some of the slits at the front for this. When we are finished, the battery will be plugged into the other end of the power module.
Make sure to put the 6 pin JST-GH connector coming from the power module through the hole in the middle. We will plug this into the FMU (which will go on top) later. This cable will provide power to the FMU as well as voltage and current sensor data.
We will also mount the RC receiver module on the bottom. The receiver for the radio controller has two antennas that work best when under an angle. A 3D printed antenna mount is included in the kit. The antennas should fit right into it and can be attached to the rails.
If the antennas do not fit in the 3D printed mount, you might need to drill the holes in the mount slightly. Scraping off some of the 3D printed plastic on the inside with a screwdriver or sharp object also works.
A small cable with a 6 pin JST-GH connector one side and a 3 pin servo connector on the other side should be plugged into the receiver module. The pins are labeled i-BUS SERVO
on the receiver. The signal wire (white) should be on the outside. See the picture below.
The antenna mount can be easily attached to the rails at the bottom of the drone. You can always move it over the small carbon tubes if the antennas are blocking a screw or nut.
You can fix the receiver module itself with a zip tie or some double sided foam tape/pads. Just like the cable coming from the power module, put the cable with JST-GH connector through the hole in the middle. This cable will plug into the FMU as well.
We have installed everything on the bottom of the drone, except for the battery plate. It consists of a carbon plate with two clamps that are put together with four small screws. It is easiest to put the clamps onto the rails first, then screw the carbon plate onto them. A velcro strap is included to keep the battery in place.
The screws that go into the battery plate could really use some threadlocking adhesive (e.g. Loctite 243). Also check these screws often! You don't want to lose your battery during flight.
This page shows how the FMU is installed in its 3D printed enclosure.
The FMU comes with a 3D printed enclosure, which still has to be assembled. It consists of a top part, a bottom part and a tiny reset button.
Slight warping of the plastic during storage may be easily corrected by running the enclosure under warm tap water and bending back into shape by hand.
You may find the FMU board still has Kapton tape covering the top of the connectors. (They look like translucent yellow orange stickers) You should remove this protective tape before installing the FMU inside the enclosure.
You may notice that two pins on the PWM servo-rail of the FMU are shorted with solder. This is intentional and ensures that the rightmost GND pin on the PWM servo-rail is correctly connected to the PCB ground. Both pins are GND signal. This is adjusted on "FMUK66E" and later boards, but it is completely fine if you see these two pins connected together on your board.
First, make sure the reset button is installed inside the enclosure. It should fit in a hole in the side, next to the hole for the micro USB connector.
Now, the FMU can be installed into the bottom part of the enclosure with four short screws (7 mm). You may only have one type of screw with your case, which is fine as well. Just use four of the included screws and be gentle when tightening them into the plastic. Do not overtighten.
After the FMU is installed and screwed down to the bottom part, you can put the top part of the case in place and turn the whole enclosure upside down. You need two short screws (7 mm) and two longer screws (about 10 mm) to keep the two halves together. The short screws should go in the holes close to the servo-rail of the FMU. The longer ones go in the holes near the SD card slot. Again, if you have only one type of screw with your case, that is fine as well. Just be gentle when tightening the screws.
Once the FMU is inside the enclosure, you should insert the microSD card! Flight log data will be kept on this SD card and it contains very useful information for analyzing flight performance. It's also a very nice tool when you are having issues, the logs provide detailed data about what is going on.
In normal operation the FMU may generate an error and/or refuse to arm without the SDCARD in place.
The main website for HoverGames is .
The has a space dedicated to . Here you can ask your questions about the drone kit and add-on boards. There is also a subspace for the . For questions about PX4 Autopilot and other Dronecode software you can use the platforms mentioned below.
HoverGames has its own Slack channel () on the . To gain access to the PX4 Slack, you have to register through first. There are many channels on the PX4 Slack related to different Dronecode projects and different features of the PX4 software. It is recommended to have a look at the list of available channels.
To join you can press "Channels" or the small plus icon next to it, then search for the channel name. If this is not visible, you can make the menu appear by pressing the PX4 logo at the top. Any HoverGames or RDDRONE-FMUK66 specific questions can be asked here. More general PX4 related questions can be discussed in other channels.
Dronecode also has a for discussing PX4, QGroundControl, MAVLink, MAVSDK and other Dronecode projects. General questions regarding drones and PX4 can also be asked there.
General questions can also be asked on the . We try to keep an eye on the new posts and ongoing discussions, but more in-depth or technical questions are better asked on the NXP Mobile Robotics community or on PX4 Slack (or the PX4 Discuss forum).
The discussion board for the first challenge is also still available and can be found .
Please use this GitBook as your guide. If you would like to contribute, or have questions that cannot be answered here, you can contact the NXP HoverGames and RDDRONE-FMUK66 team by e-mail:
We would really like to receive your feedback regarding this GitBook. You can send us an e-mail or let us know on Slack. This GitBook is also synchronized to a , so you can open an issue or pull request on GitHub as well.
This page provides instructions on how to setup the FlySky FS-i6S RC transmitter that is included in the HoverGames drone kit.
The FlySky FS-i6S RC transmitter is a highly configurable radio controller with a touch screen, supporting up to 10 control channels at the same time. In order to use it with the HoverGames drone, some setup is required, both for the RC transmitter and for the FMU. On this page, we will go into detail on how to set up the RC transmitter so that it can be used to safely control the HoverGames drone.
The radio controller box should include a quick start guide. A digital user manual for the radio controller is also available, for further information.
To turn on the transmitter, press and hold the two power buttons on the front of the device until the screen lights up. After you see the logo, you will be presented with the home screen.
You might see some warnings when you turn on the controller, often about default switch positions. Just follow the instructions provided on the screen to continue to the home screen.
The transmitter contains a touch screen, used for displaying status info and setup purposes. The home screen has three different views. You can switch views by swiping left and right, where the bottom indicator shows you on which screen you are (when you start the transmitter, you see the center screen).
The left screen shows you the current value sent over all channels, while the right screen shows information about sensors connected to the transmitter.
Configuration is done by pressing the icon with the wrench and screwdriver on the center home screen. The next screen has two different views: the function view and the system view. The function view provides options that change how the different sticks, buttons and dials on the transmitter are transformed to channel values. The system view provides setting for setting up the transmitter itself.
Before configuring your controller, you might want to update the firmware. Newer firmware might contain stability updates and new features that might be useful. A download link to the firmware updater tool is provided on our downloads page.
Turn on the controller and connect it to your PC using the included micro-USB cable. Go to the system view in the settings menu and select firmware update. Press the button to continue. When you start the firmware updater tool, you should see the connected controller and the current firmware version. If it is outdated, you can choose to update it.
Once the update is done, the controller should go back to normal. You should now go back into the settings menu, system view and select factory reset. This will reset all settings to the factory default. We are now ready to start changing the configuration of the radio controller.
If you are annoyed by the the beeps coming from the transmitter, you can change the sound volume using the Bri./Sound setting under the system view in the settings menu.
However, keep in mind that these sounds can also be useful. For instance, it will provide feedback when you forget to turn off the controller. It might save you some AA batteries.
The RC receiver module has already been installed on the drone. Please verify that it is correctly connected on both the receiver side and on the FMU side.
Out-of-the-box, the receiver and transmitter should be automatically bound to each other. If this is the case, the RC transmitter display would look similar to the picture below when both transmitter and receiver are turned on (receiving power). Please note the RX battery bar. If this shows a question mark (while the receiver is getting powered), the receiver pairing was most likely not done successfully.
The TX battery bar shows the remaining capacity of the batteries in the transmitter. However, the RX battery bar does NOT actually show the battery capacity of the drone. It reports a reading of the voltage level (between 4.0 and 8.4 V) that is provided to the receiver module by the FMU, which should always be 5.0 V. In our case, it is only useful for verifying that the transmitter and receiver module are communicating.
If the transmitter and receiver are not bound, you can do it yourself. Make sure the FMU is not powered by the battery or USB cable. Insert the jumper cable in the rightmost vertical slot (labeled B/VCC
) on the receiver module, see the picture below. The cable that goes to the FMU should remain as shown.
Turn on the RC transmitter and go to the system view in the settings menu. Select RX bind. It will wait for the receiver to be turned on in bind mode as well. You should now power the FMU, which will also power the RC receiver module. The easiest way is to power the FMU with a micro-USB cable. When power is provided, the receiver module will go into bind mode because of the jumper wire. The binding procedure should be finished automatically (you might not even notice).
You should now pull out the binding jumper from the receiver module. It should not remain in the receiver module, it will trigger the binding procedure again every time the receiver module is powered.
In the world of drones and radio controllers, there are a lot of different protocols that are being used. More information about these different protocols can be found here. The FlySky FS-iA6B receiver that was included with the FlySky FS-i6S supports PWM, PPM, S.BUS and i-BUS output, but the RDDRONE-FMUK66 only supports PPM and S.BUS. For the HoverGames drone it is recommended to use the S.BUS protocol, since it is the most stable of the two and supports more channels (10 vs. 8).
Configuring the RC receiver to output the S.BUS protocol can be done in the OUTPUT MODE screen shown below. You can find the OUTPUT MODE screen on the system view in the settings menu. Everything should be configured as shown in the picture. This will set PPM and S.BUS as the output communication protocols, which will be available on separate pins. The FMU has already been connected to the pins on which S.BUS output will be available.
Some changes such as enabling new RC channels to the FlySky TX or RX might reset the output mode. Check this if you no longer see RC activity in QGroundControl.
The receiver module supports up to 10 channels when using the S.BUS protocol. The first 4 channels are used to have basic control with the joysticks, leaving 6 free channels which can be mapped to auxiliary control switches. We will use these channels for changing flight modes. Assigning switches, dials and buttons on the transmitter to channels can be done using the aux. channels option under the function tab in the settings menu. You can press the icon to change the kind of input (STx = stick, SWx = switch, VRx = dial, KEY = button). Pressing the text label you can specify which exact input should be mapped to the channel. It is also explained in section 6.7 of the manual.
The FlySky FS-i6S has 4 switches on the front, 2 dials on the top and 2 buttons on the back. All auxiliary inputs are labeled on the transmitter. For the HoverGames drone, we provide a default channel setup which allows for maximum utility of the available channels, which can be found below. In future references, we will always use the channel setup as provided here.
Switch (SWX), dial (VRx) or button (KEY)
Note that we chose to assign the two dials to channel 9 and 10. We thought these would be more useful than the two push buttons on the back of the controller. You could set up the flight controller to control a camera gimbal with these dials (please refer to the PX4 documentation or the community if you want to set this up). Feel free to reassign these two channels, we will not use them in our initial setup.
You can test the channel setup by swiping right on the home screen, and seeing whether the channel output changes when you move the inputs. You can swipe up and down to scroll through the list.
By default, when the RC receiver loses connection with the transmitter, the receiver will continue sending the latest known stick position to the FMU. While this could be useful in some situations, it is very dangerous for flying drones: it can result in fly-away situations whenever signal is lost! To change this, the failsafe option in the function tab of the settings menu can be used. It allows us to set a desired value for each channel to take on whenever the RC loses connection.
Setting up proper fail-safes is very important for your own safety and the safety of your environment! Don't neglect this, and review your setup regularly!
While the FMU should be able to detect signal loss and has different options to react in such a situation, we also recommend a good failsafe setup on the RC transmitter, as a last resort in case the FMU does not detect the signal loss.
We recommend to set the failsafe options as follows in terms of stick and switch positions. This will cause the drone to shut down its motors when the FMU does not detect the signal loss. This is the only viable option, it is not safe to keep the drone in the air when we do not have any control over it.
We will later have a look at failsafe options in the FMU configuration as well. For now, we will set the RC transmitter failsafe to (also shown in the picture below):
Left stick to the bottom and horizontally centered.
Right stick both horizontally and vertically centered.
Switches SwA, SwB and SwC in upward position, SwD in downward position.
This will set the throttle to zero and reset the yaw, roll and pitch to neutral angles. We will later assign functions to the four switches, where the upper position will be the default state. We will assign a kill switch function to switch D. With this failsafe setting, the receiver module will emulate the kill switch being flipped when it loses connection.
To actually set up the failsafe, go to the failsafe screen from the function screen in the settings menu. To set up a failsafe for a channel, tap the Off
button next to the channel. In the screen that appears, tap the On
button to enable the fail-safe for that channel. Now make sure the stick/switch belonging to that channel is in the right position, and tap the Setup
button to save this position.
It is also possible to set the fail-safe position for all channels at once. To do this, set all sticks and switches in their wanted fail-safe position, and press the Set all
button to save the position of all channels. Note that you still have to manually enable the fail-safe for each channel individually after pressing the Set all
In the end, you should (approximately) have the following fail-safe values for each of the channels:
Fail-safe value
The exact percentages on your RC might differ a little bit. This depends on the internal stick calibration of the RC transmitter. You can re-calibrate the sticks and dials of your transmitter by using the sticks adjust setting in the system tab of the settings menu (see section 7.6 of the manual). Note that, to complete this process, you should put both your sticks in center position after pushing them to their maximum positions. After stick calibration, you should reset the fail-safe values.
Also note that this process is not required, as the software running on the FMU will also automatically apply corrections to the RC channels. However, if the values differ more than 10% from the values given above, stick re-calibration is highly recommended.
More information on how to set up the failsafe function can be found in section 6.9 of the manual.
In the default HoverGames configuration (when following the default setup as provided in the rest of the guide), the drone will switch to manual mode with throttle all the way down and the kill-switch enabled, causing it to crash-land. Though it is not nice for the drone (it will crash, possibly causing damage to itself), we recommend this behavior as it prevents scenarios where the drone flies away without you being able to control it (fly-away). You should never fly above people with these settings!
If you do not want the drone to crash in such situations, you could try different fail-safe settings that will keep the drone in the air. Note that this will always depend on good GPS coverage and height sensors, which makes it possible that the drone will suddenly behave unexpectedly: when GPS signal is lost, it could fly away in a random direction! When height data gets corrupted, the drone could suddenly change altitude rather quickly, which could also cause unsafe situations. Unless you really know what you are doing, we strongly recommend you to use the provided settings!
Again, setting up the fail-safe is very important for your own safety and the safety of your environment! Take the time to carefully review this page.
To get started, we will first assemble the motor mounts and arms.
If you purchased a drone kit in late 2021 or 2022, you will receive the new 5010-750kV motors. These motors use a different type of propellor and propellor attachment mechanism. Please pay attention to the updated pictures below for the new motors. NOTE These 5010 motors use only CW mounting propeller screws. This is accepted in the industry. Please however be certain to mount the correct CW or CCW propellers and be extra careful ensuring the nuts on the CCW propellers are tighened very securely to avoid accidental unscrewing. Check nuts regularly and before flight. See also our notes under Safety section for additional general precautions.
The four motor mounts go on the end of the arms (carbon fiber tubes). Each one consists of two small carbon fiber plates, four tube clamps (the arch-shaped parts), and four long M2.5 screws with locknuts (with an elastic ring inside). Additionally, you need the motor itself and four short M3 screws from the labeled bag.
When watching the video below, please use the updated instructions below to attach each motor.
The new motors for late 2021/2022 require some assembly. Please follow the images below to assemble.
In late 2021/early 2022, some kits do not include the silver M3 screws. You will need these screws to mount the motors. You will need to source some M3x5mm screws for this step. We apologize for the inconvenience.
First, you should organize the parts that come in the package for each motor. The package should include 4 black M3 screws, 4 silver M3 screws, a washer, a hub, and a cap.
Install the hub to the top of the motor using the 4 included black M3 screws.
Add the washer and the cap to the hub.
Use the video below to get an idea of how to attach the motor. It takes 4 screws on the bottom just like the previous model. You will find that the motor blocks the nuts for the comlete motor mount package. We suggest using the included wrench to tighten these down, rather than the nut driver shown in the video.
For the motors, make sure that you are using the +/- 5 mm long silver M3 screws from the separate package with the label saying to use these screws for mounting the motors. Do not use the longer M3 screws included with the frame, these screws may go in too deep and can damage the motor windings. The black screws included with the motors might be safe to use, but be careful.
The first step is to mount the motors onto the carbon plates. You need a carbon plate and four M3 screws for this. Make sure the three motor wires come out on one of the short sides of the carbon fiber plate. Repeat this step until you have all four motors mounted. Make sure you tighten the screws appropriately, because it will be hard to access the screws later.
While we have not seen many problems in practice, you may still want to consider using a threadlocking adhesive such as Loctite 243. This will make sure that the motor mount screws don't come loose due to vibrations. It is also recommended to check all screws regularly to ensure they haven't come loose.
Note that the main body screws for the arm clamps have nylon locking nuts and are not really affected as much by the vibrations.
For the next step, we need: four tube clamps, the other carbon plate, four long M2.5 screws and the locknuts.
The screws go through the holes in the corners of the carbon fiber plate.
Then on each side, slide *two* tube clamps (forming a circle) over top of the screws The carbon fiber arms will fit between these clamps.
Finally, the remaining carbon fiber plate goes on the part of the screw left sticking out. A locknut goes on the end. Tighten the nuts slightly by hand, so they don't fall off. You don't have to fully tighten them with a wrench yet, because we have to put the carbon fiber tubes through first, and then we will tighten it around the tube.
There are two ways to assemble the motor mounts. While having the screws come down from the top, with the locknuts on the bottom makes logical sense as you would probably only lose the nut if it comes loose during flight. However, it can also be convenient to put the screws up from the bottom. In this case, you put the screws through the "bottom plate" first, with the tube clamps going on top. The advantage is you can then put this structure on the table and put the plate with motor on top of it.
Serviceability is also a bit easier since the Motor plate is easy to put on and off without disturbing the screws and clamp portion. This is nice if you are building multiple drones kits, or when you have to take them apart often. Similarly "up" going screws are especially useful for the clamps in the middle main body part of the drone. These are built in a similar way as these motor mounts. The disadvantage is that you are likely to lose both the screw and the nut in case it comes loose. Ultimately, it comes down to preference.
You can now insert the carbon fiber tubes between the tube clamps. The motor mounts should be on the end of the tube. The tube should extend slightly beyond the motor mount, but a few millimeters should be enough. The motor wires should be on the opposite side of the carbon fiber tubes. These wires will later plug into extension cables that will come from inside the carbon tubes. Once the tube is inserted, you can tighten the screws using a hex key and a wrench.
This guide will instruct you to put the ESCs inside the drone frame. Extension cables are provided for this. It looks a lot cleaner. However, it is also possible to put the ESCs on the arms. This is a bit easier to do, but doesn't look as nice. You can also experiment with other configurations, such as putting the ESCs underneath the motor mounts.
If you look carefully, you can see that two motors have a notch on top of the shaft. The other two motors have a flat top. This is an indication of the direction in which the motor is supposed to rotate, and the threading on the shaft corresponds to this.
We will come back to this later. Just keep in mind that there are motors that are supposed to rotate clockwise, and motors that should rotate counter clockwise.
You can choose to insert the extension wires into the tubes already. These wires will plug into the ESCs (electronic speed controllers) that we will put inside the center of the drone frame in a later part.
This content generously contributed by @NotBlackMagic
The stock firmware of the included RC receiver, the FS-iA6B, does not provide any RSSI signal feedback even though the hardware is capable of it. It is possible to enable this feature by flashing a new firmware, developed by the community: https://github.com/povlhp/FlySkyRxFirmware
This GitHub has all the instructions necessary on how to access the programing interface of the RC receiver and how to flash the new firmware.
Important to note here is that the stock firmware is read protected and can't be backed up before flashing this new firmware. You may wish to locate the original or at least the FlySky published firmware first before making this change! See - https://www.flysky-cn.com/fsi6s
With the new firmware flashed, we now have the receiver RSSI signal output on SBUS Channel 14, which then can be read by the FMUK66 by setting the RC_RSSI_PWM_CHANNEL parameter in the PX4 firmware (can be done through QGroundControl) as shown in the figure bellow:
Enabled RC RSSI reading on SBUS Channel 14
The RSSI value is then also displayed in QGroundControl like can be seen in the figure bellow:
Important safety and failsafe options.
A very important step is the setup of the safety features and fail-safe options. Make sure to have a look at the QGroundControl documentation for this tab.
For safety, we again recommend you to set up a kill switch on your controller, as has already been mentioned in the flight modes section.
It is also highly recommended to set up fail-safe features in case the connection to the RC transmitter is lost. If you followed the suggested radio controller setup, you already have a fail-safe implemented that the receiver module will trigger. It was explained as a last resort that should turn of the drone to prevent a fly-away situation. However, PX4 should also be able to detect RC connection loss (and not listen to the kill command coming from the receiver module). You can configure different fail-safe actions, that don't necessarily damage the drone.
There is not a single best setting for fail-safe options: it depends on the situation in which the drone is deployed. For example, when flying autonomously close to people, it might some times be better to just stop the motors in uncontrollable situations: when you are flying close to people, the drone might fly into them when control is lost.
But in other situations it might be better to have the drone try to fly to a safe location before landing: when the drone is flying very high, almost above people, where a gust of wind could blow it towards and on top of someone. You should always evaluate what is best in your specific situation.
We recommend to use the land mode action for both the low battery level fail-safe and the RC communication loss fail-safe. The drone will try to land in its current location when the fail-safe is triggered.
Note that a fail-safe action triggered when RC connection is lost, will be canceled when a connection is re-established. That means it is not safe to hold the drone while the fail-safe is active: the motors might start spinning again! You should always first disarm the drone before picking it up (check the arming-status using either QGroundControl or the LEDs on the drone).
More information on how to set up fail-safe features can be found in the PX4 user guide:
This page provides an overview of how to connect all wires to the FMU.
We are almost ready. We only need to connect the wires to the right connectors on the FMU. A diagram showing all port locations is available below. More indepth information is also available in the technical reference section.
There are four connectors that you should plug in. The 6 pin POWER IN connector at the top right. Below that is the 10 pin GPS connector. On the left side is the 6 pin TELEM connector for the telemetry radio. And below the GPS there is also the 5 pin RC IN connector for the RC receiver.
The servorail pinout is shown in the diagram below. If you have a BEC (not included in the standard HoverGames kits), it should be connected to the leftmost pins. The ESCs should be connected to the first four sets of pins on the right side.
The +5V rail can only be powered with an external BEC (not included). The FMUK66 itself does not provide any power to these pins.
The order in which the ESCs should be connected to the servo rail is given by the diagram below. The red arrow indicates the front of the drone. Because the ESCs are mounted in a very tight space, it might be hard to find which wire is coming from which ESC, and which ESC is connected to which motor.
If you followed the assembly instructions on the previous pages, the position of the ESCs should correspond to the table below. If you are not sure if you followed the previous instructions correctly, you might want to have a good look at where the wires are going, and write down which motor they control.
Motor number
Motor position
ESC position
PWM wire coming from
Front right
Back right
Back left
Front left
Front left
Front right
Back right
Back left
When inserting the connectors to the servorail, the black (ground) wires should be on top, and the white (signal) wires on the bottom. The BEC doesn't have a white wire, but it has a red wire, which goes in the middle. It will provide 5V power to all pins in the middle row. However, the ESCs included in the HoverGames drone kit already receive power directly from the PDB and therefore don't have a wire that connects to the middle pins of the servo rail.
At this point, the drone should look similar to the picture below.
Finally, you can use some zip ties to make sure the propellers won't cut through any loose wires. You could already install the propellers, but you might have to remove them again later. The propellers with black nuts go on the clockwise rotating motors (with a notch on the shaft), the propellers with silver nuts go on the counter clockwise rotating motors.
You probably still have the extension cables coming out of the carbon tubes. Unless you have already verified that all motors are rotating in the right direction, you should leave it like that for now. You can put the wires into the tubes later, after spinning the motors for the first time.
You should insert the microSD card into the FMU if you haven't already done so!
When you are setting up the software you should take the propellers off for your own safety. It is a good idea to only have the propellers installed when you are ready to fly. Also have a look at our section about flying safely.
Setting up the airframe configuration.
The HoverGames drone kit includes the LJI X4 500 drone frame. We previously used an S500 drone frame, for which a S500 airframe preset was available. Currently, we still use this with the LJI X4 500 frame.
In the airframe screen, under the Quadrotor X configurations, select the S500 airframe preset. The QGroundControl user guide provides more information on how you can select this airframe.
Options for battery management and voltage and current measurements.
All relevant information is available in the QGroundControl documentation. Below we provide some more information about the different settings found on the Power page.
For correct display of battery percentage, you should always specify the correct number of cells in the battery (indicated by 3S, 4S, etc. on the battery). You should also calculate the value for the voltage divider to calibrate the voltage readings coming from the power module. This can be done by measuring the voltage of the connected battery using a volt- or multi-meter, and inserting the measured voltage into the Calculate Voltage Divider
prompt. Together, these settings will provide you with an accurate battery percentage while the drone is idle on the ground, so you can determine whether it is still safe to take off. PX4 also has a fail-safe that prevents arming when the battery percentage is too low.
If you don't have a multimeter, keep in mind that a fully charged 4S battery should have a voltage close to 16.8 V, and a 3S battery should be 12.6 V. When you have a fully charged battery connected, you could use those approximations because they would be very close to the actual value. This should give decent results in the end.
For a better indication of the battery percentage when the drone is flying, you should also calculate the Amps per volt value: this will allow the software to calculate the battery voltage based on current draw, correctly taking high-load voltage drop into account. The calculation can be performed by measuring the current through the drone when it is idle, and inserting the value into the Calculate Amps per Volt
prompt. After calculating the correct Amps per Volt value, the battery percentage will also be correct during flight. This will allow you to determine how much flight-time you have remaining during flight. It also allows you to make use of more advanced PX4 fail-safes based on battery percentage, such as automatically returning home and landing when the battery percentage gets too low.
It might not be easy to measure the current flow if you don't have the right tools. We have found that the whole system draws about 0.15 to 0.20A when disarmed (no motors spinning). You can use this to make an educated guess, which will give decent results if you are not able to perform the measurements.
If you still have issues with incorrect battery percentages, it is possible to manually specify the voltage drop under Advanced power settings. This voltage drop can be determined based on flight logs by looking at the difference in voltage when the drone takes off.
To ensure that all motors correctly respond to commands coming from the FMU, you should perform an ESC "calibration". It makes sure that the ESCs are aware of the minimum and maximum PWM values that the FMU will provide. This can be done by pressing the ESC calibration button and following the on-screen prompts. The calibration process requires a USB connection, since it involves steps where you have to disconnect and reconnect the battery.
You should always perform the ESC calibration. Uncalibrated ESCs can make your drone unable to fly.
You should NOT have propellers installed when performing the ESC calibration!
Safely disarm your drone and analyze your flight.
After flying, make sure to disarm the drone while you are not operating it. This can be done by moving the left stick to the bottom left until the LEDs on the drone start flashing. At this point the propellers of the drone stop rotating. This prevents unwanted accidental takeoffs. It is also safer to disarm the drone at all times when it is on the ground; when the drone is armed, it could also react to movement when you pick it up, causing your fingers to be cut by the propellers. Regardless, always check that the drone is disarmed before handling it.
When you are done flying the drone, make sure that you disarm the drone on the drone-side as well before handling it: this can be done by pressing and holding the safety switch (on the GPS module), until it starts flashing slower. After this, it is also safer to have the batteries disconnected to prevent draining your batteries while moving the drone. Usually propellers are also taken off the drone after flying.
On-board log files are generated and stored on the SD card. These can be analysed using the tools and procedures shown here:
How to perform sensor calibration.
The sensors screen lists most of the sensors that are available to the FMU (internal or external). It allows you to start the calibration process for the listed sensors. The QGroundControl user guide has all information you need about calibrating the sensors. This step is very important for stable flights, it is required to do the calibration at least once and it should be redone whenever the drone starts flying less stable!
You can check whether the sensors are properly calibrated using the Analyze widget, which can be found under Widgets at the top of the screen. This is a tool in QGroundControl that allows you to plot sensor values of sensors inside of the RDDRONE-FMUK66 in real-time.
You can check the calibration of the sensors inside of the FMU by putting the drone on a flat, horizontal surface, and looking at the ATTITUDE.roll and ATTITUDE.pitch variables. If they are larger than 0.02 (both positive and negative), you should consider recalibrating the Accelerometer, Gyroscope and Level Horizon.
Note that the scaling of the graphs in the analyzer changes automatically! In some cases, very small changes might appear as if they are very large. Look at the current scale before drawing any conclusions!
An overview of JST-GH contacts and connector housings
It's recommended to buy jumper wires with pre-crimped contacts and connector housings. You can easily insert the jumper wires into the connector housing.
2 inch, black: Digikey
4 inch, black: Digikey
6 inch, black: Digikey
8 inch, black: Digikey
10 inch, black: Digikey
12 inch, black: Digikey
This page explains how to mount the top plate and arms, as well as plugging in the motor cables.
We will first install the top plate and the tube clamps, in between which the carbon tubes will be kept in place. These are the same tube clamps as used for the motor mounts.
It's easiest to put the plate on top of the ESCs, it should be fairly level. Then, start on one side. Put two tube clamps in between the plates, put the screws through and put the nuts on by hand. You don't have to tighten them with a wrench yet. Make sure the three extension cables coming from the ESC are put through the middle.
Before you put the top plate on, it is convenient to pull al signal cables coming from the ESCs (black and white) to the back. If possible, already pull them through the gap in the top plate below the servorail of the FMU.
Also, you should try to pull the cable coming from the RC receiver through the gap underneath the FMU, from the the right side. The cable coming from the FMU power module should go through the gap in front of the FMU.
It will be a lot easier if you do this now, the cables might be hard to access when everything is in place.
Repeat this seven more times, until in each corner you have two sets of tube clamps. Make sure the ESC extension cables are routed through the holes in between the clamps.
When we first put together the arms, it was explained that there are clockwise rotating motors and counter clockwise rotating motors. At this point, you have to be careful. You have two arms with a clockwise (CW) rotating motor (with a notch on top of the shaft), and two arms with a counter clockwise (CCW) rotating motor (flat top).
Absolutely make sure you have the right motors in the right spot. The threading on the shafts of the motors matters, you will only be able to install CW propellers on a CW motor shaft.
The motors should be mounted according to the following diagram. The CW rotating motors with a notch should go on the front left and back right of the drone. The CCW rotating motors without this notch should be on the front right and back left.
If we look at the figure above, the green motors (3 and 4) should have a notch on top of their shaft. The shaft of the blue motors (1 and 2) should have a flat top.
Once you are absolutely sure that you have the right arm, you can put the extension cables inside of the tube, and put the tube it in between the clamps. On the inside, make sure the carbon tube aligns with the clamps. It's also okay if it slightly extends beyond the clamps, then just make sure this is the case for all four arms.
Make sure the motor is pointing upward and is not askew. You can then tighten the screws that go through the tube clamps, using a hex key and a wrench. Repeat this process for all four arms. Make sure at all times that you use an arm with a motor that is made to rotate in the right direction!
The extension cables should come out slightly at the end of the arm. You can plug in the motor wires, the order does not really matter. However, if the motor happens to be turning the wrong direction (note that this is independent of whether the motor is SUPPOSED to rotate that way), you only have to swap two of the wires, and it should then rotate in the other direction.
Note the motors used in recent kits may have three different colored wires for each of the motor phases instead of all black. This doesn't matter. You can still swap any two of the three (colored) wires in order to change motor direction
It's best to leave the cables like this for now. After you have been able to run the motors for the first time, you can verify whether all motors are rotating in the right direction, and change the cables if necessary. After that, you can push them inside the carbon fiber tube. You might have to pull gently from inside the frame. It can be a bit hard to access, but you can also use some pliers, as long as you are careful.
It is very important to keep safety in mind at all times. This page provides an overview of the most important safety aspects and provides links to other important pages in this GitBook.
Protect yourself and others during drone development and flying. We strongly encourage you and anyone nearby wearing personal protective equipment.
This includes but is not limited to:
Protective Eyewear
Protective foot wear such as heavy boots (Steel toe)
Arms and legs fully covered.
Heavy jacket.
Leather gloves, but be careful they don't inhibit safe movement or handling.
You and observers should be well away from the vehicle while testing. You may also want to include a barrier such as netting to either protect yourself, others. You can also fly the drone in a netted enclosure.
Regulations around the world vary greatly, and not handling according to regulations can result in significant penalties. It is your own responsibility that you follow these regulations. The links below are provided here for guidance only and should not be considered comprehensive information in any way.
Ensure you are familiar with the local regulations that are in place before you fly: regulations are different depending on what continent, country or region you want to fly. The links below might be a good starting point. Please contact us if you have any additions to this list.
Many locations require you pass a drone safety test or drone operators test, and also register and display a registration number on your drone. It is usually not difficult to comply to these regulations but will require some study.
General resources for drone laws and regulations:
https://uavcoach.com/drone-laws/ (scroll down for a list of countries)
European Union: http://dronerules.eu/en/
United Kingdom: https://www.caa.co.uk/consumers/unmanned-aircraft-and-drones/
United States of America: https://www.faa.gov/uas/
In addition to regulations regarding flying a drone, there may also be regulations relating to privacy when a camera is on board the drone. The link below has a reasonable summary of what may be the situation in your location. This link is provided for convenience only, and should not be considered comprehensive:
Some important safety settings are explained in this GitBook. You will come across them when following the pages in the intended order, but please check that you did not miss anything.
The sections linked to below describe how to set up the RC transmitter and FMU such that the drone should not show unexpected behavior when, for instance, the connection is lost. Before you turn on your drone with propellers installed, you should have read these pages and set the settings as described. You should understand why we advice these settings, and understand the shortcomings.
If you decide to deviate from the recommended settings, make sure you know what behavior you can expect and learn what you can do in case something goes wrong.
In the flying section, the principles of safely handling your drone are described. Remember to be extra careful with your first few flights. Fly responsibly and be prepared in case something goes wrong. Make sure you know what to do when something happens. You should know which options you have to land or shut down the drone in case of emergency.
How to set up the connection with your RC transmitter and configure different flight modes.
In the Radio tab, you only need to perform the calibration. Press the calibrate button and follow all instructions. The graph on the right side of the screen shows which stick you need to move! After the calibration is done, make sure that you see all the channels on the right of the screen move according to the movement of your sticks, switches and dials.
More information is available in the QGroundControl User Guide:
After the radio calibration is done, you can continue with setting up Flight Modes, which has its own tab. Have a quick look at the QGroundControl documentation to know what flight modes are available:
For setting up flight modes, you are free to assign the different switches to different functions. We provide a default way of setting up the switches, which should cover most of the use cases and safety features. It includes manual and assisted flight modes, as well as offboard mode for autonomous flight and a kill switch. The mapping is based on the RC channel mapping given in the radio controller setup section. Below you can find a screenshot displaying the default configuration we recommend.
We recommend to use channel 6 (switch B) to switch between flight modes. Switch B is a three way switch, which correspond to flight modes 1, 4 and 6. We suggest to setup the manual, altitude and position modes to get started.
You should also assign a kill switch channel. You should use channel 8 (switch D), because you easily reach it when something goes wrong. Our last resort RC receiver fail-safe was also set with a kill switch on channel 8 in mind.
Channel 5 (switch A) is a nice switch for the loiter (hold) mode. When you flip this switch, the drone will stay in the same position until you switch it back.
That leaves switch C (channel 7), which is a three-way switch. You can leave it unassigned, or have a look at the other available flight modes. The choice is up to you. We have assigned the offboard mode, which allows the drone to be controlled by software running on a companion computer. If you are not sure what mode to assign, just leave it unassigned.
To recap, with this mapping switch A will put the drone in "hold mode". Switch B can be used to change between different flight modes. Switch C either remains unused, or is used to toggle offboard mode or another mode that you assigned to it. Switch D is the kill switch. Remember this, in case something goes wrong you need to be able to quickly change between flight modes or shut down the drone!
If you are making changes to this setup, you should make sure to always include a kill switch for safety! Also adapt the RC receiver fail-safe according to your assigned functions, the provided configuration is based on the kill switch being assigned to switch D.
Things to keep in mind during the flight of your drone.
There are multiple modes in which you can control a drone. For each of these modes, there are different things to keep in mind. Some things apply to any flight mode, while others apply only to the more advanced flight modes. More information about the different available flight modes can be found here:
Always watch your environment during flight. Next to people and animals getting in your flight area, the weather is also very important. A sudden gust of wind can quickly blow your drone out of the sky, or out of sight! If you notice that you are unable to keep the drone stable, land it immediately to avoid damage to the drone or its surroundings.
While you can technically fly a drone by yourself, it is always safer to have someone else with you. They can keep track of your surroundings, and watch the telemetry information of the drone, while you can be more focused on flying the drone.
During flight it is important to keep track of the battery percentage and voltage of your drone; when the voltage gets too low, the drone will become less mobile, and eventually it will crash! Note that the lower the cell voltage, the quicker the battery will deplete. Especially at a cell voltage below 3.7 V (3S = 11.1 V, 4 S = 14.8 V), the battery percentage will drop pretty quickly.
When you lose control of the drone, always make sure that it is safe to stop the motors mid-flight; do not engage the kill switch immediately! However, when the drone is about to hurt someone, you should enable the kill switch as soon as possible.
When the kill switch is used to turn off the drone, be aware that the drone is not immediately disarmed! You have to do this manually. If you don't, and turn off the kill switch again, the motors will turn on again!
Make sure to leave the kill switch on until you have disarmed the drone and unplugged the batteries.
Assisted flight modes are flight modes in which the drone uses more sensors in order to keep position when it does not receive any command. An example of an assisted flight mode is altitude control, in which the drone regulates its height in the air using a barometer or its height above the ground using a distance sensor. Position control is another assisted flight mode, in which the drone also keeps its horizontal position using GPS or a flow sensor.
During assisted flight modes, more sensors are being used by the drone. When one of these sensors fails, the drone will turn on its fail-safe (https://docs.px4.io/en/config/safety.html) mode, which can sometimes mean that you have to manually bring the drone to the ground. This means that you should always be watching the state of the drone to be able to react appropriately. In some cases, this means switching to another flight mode!
During autonomous flight, the drone essentially controls itself. The drone can fly missions using GPS which you can configure using QGroundControl, or you can put the drone in offboard flight mode. When in offboard flight mode, a companion computer will provide commands to the drone.
Even though the drone controls itself, this does not mean that you do not have to watch your drone: during autonomous flight you should still keep clear sight on the drone, and be ready to take over when the drone loses control of itself.
This means switching back to an assisted flight mode or to full manual mode, or flipping the kill switch. Make sure you know which modes are available and how they work, and think about what you would do in case something goes wrong.
When something goes wrong in offboard flight mode, you should first turn of the offboard flight mode. You should set up an offboard switch on your RC transmitter, so you can use the controller to decide whether you are in control, or the companion computer.
It is also possible to set up failsafe actions for when offboard mode fails, both with and without RC connection. Before flying in offboard mode, it is highly recommended to set up these offboard failsafes, to avoid non-expected behaviour during flight.
When you need to monitor or control the companion computer connected to the FMU during flight, you should also have someone else fly the drone.
More information about autonomous flight using offboard control can be found here:
The propellers coming with the HoverGames kit (the same as provided in the links above) can sometimes have balancing issues: one blade can be heavier than the other, which could cause unwanted vibrations. This inbalance can be removed by adding or removing weight from one of the propeller blades (sticking tape underneath the blade or by sanding it down).
To check the balance of a propeller, you can use special propeller balancing tools, which can show you whether one of the propeller blades is heavier than the other. Some people have used very basic setups, such as an iron nail. Others have used dedicated propeller balancer shafts such as the one linked below.
This page lists some frequently asked questions and problems that often occur, and how to solve these issues. Please have a look at this page before you ask for help in the community.
Many problems are solved by simply switching the device off and on. This goes for both the RDDRONE-FMUK66 and your computer. If you can't connect with your drone, first try to switch it on and off, and also try restarting the software you are using, or reboot your PC.
Originally there were some issues with the Windows driver that comes with QGroundControl. It did not recognize and support the RDDRONE-FMUK66. If this occurs again in future then once again Flashing firmware via QGC may be impossible.
Flashing firmware using the debugger should always work, even under Windows. Otherwise, it might be a good idea to setup a virtual machine with a Linux OS. The Linux version of QGroundControl does recognize the FMU, and this also works in a virtual machine if you set up the USB passthrough correctly. Note that the FMU has a bootloader which is seen as a separate device during boot, you will also have to add this device.
One of the HoverGames reported the following issue: "I had FMU communications issues recently. QGroundControl was no longer detecting FMU/Telemetry. In my case, it turned out the Bluetooth controller included in my laptop (Dell Latitude E7450) was creating UARTs COM ports conflicting with FMU/Telemetry, preventing QGC to detect the new ports. To work around this connection issue, just temporarily disable the Bluetooth in Windows 10 (for example, in the bottom right notification area menu, set the Bluetooth OFF), unplug FMU or Telemetry cables, then restart QGroundControl."
Make sure there is actually a bootloader on the board, and that the firmware is working correctly. When first powered on the Bootloader will flash the yellow LED while in bootloader mode. If you are having difficulty you can follow the flashing instructions, and re-flash both the bootloader and firmware using the debugger.
Check if you can power the FMU at all. If the FMU works fine when the battery is connected, but not when only USB is connected, it could be that fuse F3 is blown. Please see the page about the fuses on the RDDRONE-FMUK66 board.
If the motors are not spinning at the right speed, or are not reacting properly to changes in the throttle input coming from the controller, there are quite a few things to check.
Check the electrical connections, see if the bullet connectors coming from the motors are completely plugged into the ESCs, and check if the ESCs are soldered in the right way and if they receive power.
The three bullet connectors coming from the motor have a piece of heat shrink tubing over them. Sometimes, the glue from this heat shrink tubing is also on the part of the connector that goes into the ESC. It should be visible, but it will also be clear when you need a lot of force to get the connector into the ESC. If this is the case, make sure to wipe of the glue. You might need to use some alcohol. If you don't do this, it might cause connection issues.
On the software side, you can redo ESC calibration to make sure that the ESCs are properly responding to input from the FMU.
Also make sure to check your RC configuration on both the transmitter (controller) and the FMU. Also check with the information in the radio tab in QGroundControl if the signal is properly received.
If you cannot solve the issue yourself, try to determine whether the source of the issue is electrical or due to the software, and ask for help in the community or contact the HoverGames team.
DANGER - REMOVE the propellers!
DANGER! This method bypasses some of the normal QGroundControl internal fail-safes!
The airframe must be set, and to get accurate results the motor calibration should be completed. After ensuring the propellers are removed for safety, from the console you can issue the following commands to directly test and exercise the PWM outputs:
The fmu test command will sweep all the PWMS up and down repeatedly
>fmu test
The pwm command will let you individually control the pwm output channels as configured by your specific airframe and mixer settings.
>pwm test -c 1234 -p 1300
>pwm -test -c 24 -p 1630
You can use the -c parameter to select which channels you want to use. With the -p parameter you can select the pwm value.
It was reported that MAVLink v2 is not always used when it should. By default, PX4 uses MAVLink v1, unless v2 is supported and requested to be used by the connected device.
A possible solution is to set the MAV_PROTO_VER
parameter to 2
, to force all MAVLink connections to use MAVLink v2. Note that this makes it impossible to use devices that only support MAVLink v1!
If you question is not answered on this page, or you are not able to solve the problem yourself, first try to ask in the community (if applicable). Otherwise, contact the HoverGames team.
Several 3D printable models have been designed to improve the user experience with RDDRONE-FMUK66 and the HoverGames drone kit. Some 3D printed parts are also included in the drone kit.
Also, you may also find interesting accessories by searching for "S500" or "LJI X4"
Note that the improved landing gear T-connector above is based on the T-connector included with this design. From this one, you should only use the part that connects the landing gear to the body of the drone.
You may have to drill or cut access holes for the GPS or telemetry antenna
An overview of suggested sources for replacement parts.
Several 3D printable models for the HoverGames drone . Search terms such as "RDDRONE-FMUK66", "NXPhlite" or "HoverGames" should pull up most files. They are also listed below. Please also use these terms for tags if you publish anything yourself.
The PX4 project provides a set of recommended tools that you can use to develop, build and debug PX4 Autopilot and other Dronecode software projects, as well as Apache NuttX RTOS.
To start building PX4 Autopilot from source, you should first install the PX4 toolchain. This provides you with all the tools required to develop, build and debug PX4 Autopilot, but the same tools may also be used for other software projects, such as Apache NuttX.
These tools can be installed for various operating systems, but are best supported for Ubuntu. Some tools or features may not work if installed on different operating systems. Therefore we recommended to install Ubuntu either natively or inside a virtual machine. The step-by-step instructions below will be specific to Ubuntu 20.04 (or 22.04) and may not work if you are using a different OS.
The minimal installation that we selected does not include Git by default. Git is a very popular distributed version-control system and you will probably use it a lot when developing software for the HoverGames. It will also allow us to easily download ("clone") the PX4 code because it is available on GitHub, which is a Git-based source code hosting platform.
So let's install Git using the following command:
Before we install any tools we will download the PX4 Autopilot source code. The PX4 developers have included a script with their source code that makes it much easier to install all required tools. Let's first create a folder to hold all sourcecode that we are going to work with. The following command creates the "src" folder in the user's home folder (if it doesn't exist already):
The next step is to actually download the source code. We will use Git to create a local copy of the online repository that is hosted on GitHub. The following command first changes the working directory to the "src" folder that we just created, then it will "clone" the whole PX4 Autopilot repository, including submodules, in a new "PX4-Autopilot" folder.
Note that it will take a while to clone the whole repository. The PX4 source code should now be available in the ~/src/PX4-Autopilot
folder. The tilde represents the current user's home folder within the file system. You can also browse to this location with the file manager.
As already mentioned, the PX4 developers provide a bash script to easily install all the tools that you need to build the PX4 firmware. We already cloned the PX4 source code, so we can just change our working directory and run the script:
You should reboot the (virtual) machine after the installation is done.
Make sure to reboot your computer after the toolchain installation is finished. Then change your working directory to the PX4 Autopilot repository again and start a build for the FMUK66E using the following command:
If you still have the older FMUK66 Rev. C or Rev. D then you should use a slightly different target:
After the build process has finished, you should be able to find .bin
, .px4
and .elf
files in the ~/src/px4-firmware/build/nxp_fmuk66-e_default
or ~/src/px4-firmware/build/nxp_fmuk66-v3_default
folder (depending on which target you have chosen). We will revisit the build process when we set up the NXP MCUXpresso integrated development environment (IDE) to edit, build and debug the PX4 firmware.
The MCUXpresso Integrated Development Environment allows developers to edit, compile and debug code for many NXP microcontrollers. For HoverGames it is a useful tool for debugging the PX4 code.
We will install MCUXpresso inside the Linux environment (native or virtual). This allows MCUXpresso to build PX4 Autopilot, flash it to the FMUK66E and debug the code while it is running on the board. You can also install MCUXpresso on your host operating system, but we recommend to keep all tools in the same (Linux) environment.
The MCUXpresso IDE is available free of charge and can be downloaded from the NXP website, but you will need to create a (free) NXP account:
Click on the download button and login to your NXP account. The next page will show the current available releases. There is also a tab for previous releases. You should download the current release (11.6 as of August 2022), click on "MCUXpresso IDE" to continue. You will have to agree with some terms and conditions before you can download the software.
Assuming you have the file stored in the ~/Downloads
folder, you should first enter the command below to allow the package to be executed and installed. You should replace the last part of the filename with the right version number for your download! You can use the auto-complete feature for this by pressing the tab key. Just start typing the command below and press tab when you get to the version number in the file name.
Now you can install MCUXpresso by executing the installer package, for which you again have to modify the filename to match the right version:
You might get asked to accept an agreement (use the arrow keys to select "Yes" and press enter). Then wait for the installation to finish.
Now we should start MCUXpresso. You can find it in Ubuntu's launcher menu (the icon in the bottom left corner of the screen). Look for the blue icon with the "X", or just type "MCUXpresso". MCUXpresso will immediately ask at what location the workspace should be saved. You can chose your own directory, or leave the default as is. You can also create additional workspaces for different projects if you want.
You will then be greeted by a welcome screen. You can close the "Welcome" tab or press the "IDE" button on the top right to continue. Once you are in the main view of the IDE, find the location were you stored the Kinetis K66 SDK .zip file, and drag the archive into the area of the IDE window that says "Installed SDKs". It's usually located at the bottom. It will ask you to confirm that you want to import the SDK. Just press "OK". It might take a few seconds to install.
Now that MCUXpresso and the Kinetis K66 SDK are installed, we can continue and create a PX4 project. You can create a new project in MCUXpresso by going to "File", "New", and then "Project". A list with different project types will appear, from which you should select "Makefile Project with Existing Code" under "C/C++".
You can use any project name, but for clarity we will call it "HoverGames PX4". You should select /home/hovergames/src/px4-firmware
as the existing code location. This is the folder where we cloned the PX4 firmware code. Make sure that both the C and C++ languages are selected. For "Toolchain for Indexer Settings", select "NXP MCU Tools". Click "Finish" to create the project.
Before we continue we should change some project properties. Select the project we just created on the left side of the screen, go to "Project" in the menu at the top and then select "Properties".
Go to "MCU Settings" under "C/C++ Build". An error might pop up, complaining about invalid values. If this happens you can close the error, switch to another tab and switch back again. You should now see the same screen as shown in the image below. On this "MCU Settings" screen, select the MK66FN2M0xxx18 under the K6x family of MCUs.
Now go to the main "C/C++ Build" tab. Uncheck "Use default build command" and change the build command to just make
. The PX4 build scripts will take care of the specifics, we should not supply any additional arguments here.
Then switch to the "Behavior" tab. Uncheck "Enable parallel build", because the PX4 build tools also already takes care of this. Set the "Build (incremental build)" target to nxp_fmuk66-v3_default
and change the "Clean" target to distclean
. Click "Apply" to apply all changed settings.
You can press "Apply and Close" to apply the changes and close the window.
We now have a build configuration that allows us to create PX4 firmware builds for the FMUK66 board. You can use the hammer icon to start a build for the selected project. If you add multiple configurations you can switch between the different profiles with the small arrow next to the hammer icon.
Give it a try, the console at the bottom of the IDE window will show the progress of the build. Note that this might take a while if you are building PX4 for the first time! When you make changes to the code after the first build it should only rebuild the changed files.
We can now build the PX4 firmware with MCUXpresso. We are now going to also add a run configuration to flash the binary directly to the FMUK66 board with just a USB cable, without debugger!
At the top of the screen, you have a green "Run" icon. Click on the small arrow next to it, and select "Run Configurations...". In the window that opens, select "C/C++ Application" and click the "New" button above it. Name the newly created configuration "PX4 FMUK66 Upload (USB)" to remind you that this will flash the firmware using only USB. Change the field under "C/C++ Application" to /usr/bin/make
Also go into the "Arguments" tab and add nxp_fmuk66-v3_default upload
into "Program arguments".
Finally, go into the "Common" tab. Tick the checkbox in front of "Run" under "Display in favorites menu". Press apply and close the window. You can now upload firmware binaries to the FMUK66 with just the USB cable by clicking on the green "run" icon in the toolbar.
Now in the bottom left of your screen, in the quickstart panel, press the blue bug icon with the label "Debug". Make sure that you have the right project ("HoverGames PX4") selected in the project browser on the top left!
A new window opens and should show the attached J-Link debugger. Select it and press "OK".
When you have the .elf file selected, press "OK". It might start building the code and start a debug session. Wait for it to finish (there is an indicator at the bottom). Then press the "Terminate All Debug sessions" button in the top bar (the red square next to the resume and pause buttons) to stop all debugging sessions.
We should make sure that the generated configuration is correct and make some small changes. Click on the small arrow between the green debug icon and the green run button. Go to "Debug Configurations...".
Under "GDB SEGGER Interface Debugging", select the generated JLink configuration. It is probably called something like "HoverGames PX4 JLink PX4 FMUK66 Default". Make sure "nxp_fmuk66-v3_default.elf" is selected in the field under "C/C++ Application".
In the "Startup" tab, disable the "Set breakpoint at" option. You can set your own breakpoints anywhere you want, we just don't need this default one.
Finally, switch to the "Common" tab, and tick the checkbox in front of "Debug" under "Display in favorites menu". Press "Apply" and close the window. You can now start a debug session with the debug icon!
If you want to do a clean build, press the clean button on the right side first. Then, click the hammer button to build to build the PX4 firmware for the FMUK66. You can check that the build configuration is set to "PX4 FMUK66 Default" by clicking on the dropdown menu next to the hammer icon. After you start the build process, the progress will be shown in the console at the bottom of the screen.
You can upload the firmware with the green "run" icon (not to be confused with the "resume" icon that you can use during debugging). You can again check that you have the right run configuration selected by clicking on the dropdown menu next to the run icon. Keep in mind that the FMUK66 needs to be connected via USB for this to work!
If this does not work, make sure you have the FMUK66 plugged in to your computer and that there are two FMUK66 devices "passed through" to the virtual machine. One for the bootloader, and one for "normal operation".
You can start debugging by clicking the green debug icon, or open the dropdown menu next to it and select the "HoverGames PX4 JLink PX4 FMUK66 Default" configuration. You might get a popup about switching to the debug perspective, which will rearrange some panels within the MCUXpresso window. The debug perspective provides a better overview of the different debug tools. After debugging you can change back to the default view through the "Window" menu at the top.
You can terminate the debug session by clicking on the button with the red square.
The "Advanced Debugging with MCUXpresso IDE" series provides a great introduction to the debugging tools in MCUXpresso. Most of the tools shown in these videos can be directly applied to debugging an FMUK66 board running PX4 Autopilot.
Advanced Debugging with MCUXpresso IDE
Download the .deb.bin
file for Linux. You can directly download it using the Firefox browser which is included with Ubuntu, or if you are using a virtual machine you can download it on your host operating system and move it into the , which should be accessible in the file browser.
You can click "Apply" to apply the changes, but don't close the window yet. The current configuration is named "Debug". Let's give that a more descriptive name. Click on the "Manage Configurations..." button and then choose "Rename..." to change the name. We will call it "PX4 FMUK66 Default". You can later add additional configurations if you want to play around with the build variables or if you want to build PX4 for another board, such as the .
Flashing the PX4 firmware without a debugger is only possible (with a compatible debugger and a tool such as JLink Commander).
The next step is to also add a debug configuration. This requires the J-Link EDU Mini debugger that is included with the drone kit. Make sure the debugger is plugged in to your computer and passed through to the VM ().
In the next screen, you should make the "Name" column a bit wider and select "nxp_fmuk66-v3_default.elf". If this file is not being shown, you should cancel and first build the software (you can click on the , or build "manually" ).
Also make sure that the board actually has a .
Further and about MCUXpresso are available on the NXP website. You will probably have to login to access some files and videos. You can .
are in this series, but are outside the scope of the HoverGames.
An overview of commonly upgraded parts or possible add-ons to the HoverGames drone kit.
Here are some commonly used upgrades or add-on components for drones. They are not required for use with the HoverGames drone but you may enjoy adding them. The linked items are only suggestions, and should not be considered an endorsement of any specific company.
Original DJI propellers will be much better balanced than the propellers included with the kit, but quality comes at a price. The propellers below are very similar to the propellers that come with the HoverGames drone kit. You can also look for good quality propellers in any hobby flyer shop.
Instructions on how to build the PX4 firmware from source using the console.
Most of the times when using the RDDRONE-FMUK66 (NXPhlite) flight controller, you will only be using the latest stable firmware, which can be directly installed using QGroundControl
However, some times you want to be able to test the latest development version, or your own modifications. To do this, you can build the latest version yourself, and load it on the FMU. On this page you will find the steps on how to approach this.
When you have your toolchain set up, you can start building firmware. As part of the installation, the firmware has already been cloned to your computer under the folder ~/src/Firmware
. To build the firmware for RDDRONE-FMUK66 (NXPhlite), open a terminal in this folder (On Windows, follow steps 1. and 2. at
and use the following command:
This will create a firmware file called nxp_fmuk66-v3_default.px4
, which can be found at ~/src/Firmware/build/nxp_fmuk66-v3_default
. This is the firmware file based on the current master, which can already by uploaded to the RDDRONE-FMUK66 using QGroundControl. It will also create a nxp_fmuk66-v3.bin
file in the same location which you can program with the debugger.
You can also have the building process directly upload the firmware to the FMU. To do this, run the following command:
This will also build the current version of the firmware, but when it is finished building it will also upload the firmware to a connected RDDRONE-FMUK66. If you do not have an FMU connected or the uploader does not recognize a connected FMU, it will display a message that it is waiting for a "BootLoader". If you have not connected the FMU yet, the uploading will commence whenever you plug it in. If the FMU is already connected, you can try resetting the FMU using the reset button on the side.
If you want to test an experimental branch to test an experimental feature or fix, you can simply checkout the different branch, because the firmware folder is a clone of the Git repository.
The project contains a lot of submodules, of which different versions are being used between different branches and commits of the firmware project. Therefore it is recommended to update them every time you switch between branches. You can use the following sequence of commands to update all the submodules after a checkout:
You can pull in the latest changes from the remote repository using the following command:
This is useful if you already have a local clone of the repository and you want to get the latest version of the code. Using this, you don't have to clone the repository again.
Examples to get you started with creating your own modules within PX4 Autopilot.
Some simple examples have been created by the HoverGames team. They are available for download on our NXP HoverGames GitHub in the Tutorials repository.
These HoverGames PX4 starter examples are complemented with step by step tutorials:
The PX4 firmware already includes a few example applications, some of which are similar to the examples created for HoverGames. They can be found under the src/examples
folder and should be included by default on most builds.
The PX4 Developer Guide also includes a "getting started" page for writing your first PX4 module. This is also based on some of these examples. It explains some of the basics of creating a new module, building your new code and interacting with it from the console. It also gives an introduction to using uORB, the middleware layer that allows you to communicate with other modules.
Example software for add-on components used in the HoverGames is available on their own pages. You can find them by scrolling down in the menu on the left. They are listed under "Add-On Hardware".
The RDDRONE-FMUK66 board will not have any software loaded when turned on for the first time. This page explains how to load precompiled code for the PX4 bootloader and the NuttX/PX4 application.
However - To quickly get started, you can program a precompiled bootloader and PX4 firmware by following the instructions on this page.
The debugger can be plugged into the FMU using a small adapter board. This small PCB comes with a 3D printed case that can easily be put together. The J-Link debugger can be connected using an SWD cable. The connectors have to be oriented such that the wires directly go to the side of the board, as shown in the picture below.
While you do not need it right now, the adapter board also has a 6-pin connector for a USB-TTL-3V3 cable, which you can use to access the system console of the FMU. The 3D printed case has a small notch on one side of the connector. The USB-TTL-3V3 cable needs to be plugged in such that the black (ground) wire is on the same side as this notch in the case.
We have created a video walking through the instructions below if you prefer watching a video rather than reading documentation. If you get confused at any time during the video, use the documentation below as a reference!
If the board already has a bootloader programmed, there should be a yellow/orange LED blinking when you first power on the FMU with USB attached. If this is the case, you do not have to program the bootloader again.
The bootloader changes infrequently and changes are often minor. Unless instructed to do so, you don't have to update or rewrite the bootloader.
Connect the debugger to the FMU using the 7-pin JST-GH connector from the debug adapter board and plug the USB coming from the debugger into your computer. You should provide power to the FMU using a USB cable. Then start the J-Link Commander program, and follow these steps:
Enter the connect
Enter ?
to bring up a window in which you can select the target device.
In the Device
field, enter MK66FN
, select MK66FN2M0xxx18
and press OK
Type s
to select SWD as the target interface.
Press enter
to select the default interface speed (4000 kHz).
Enter loadbin "/absolute/path/to/bootloader.bin" 0x0
command to write the bootloader to the board at memory address 0x0
. Change the path to the location of the bootloader binary file.
However, it is also very easy to load the PX4 firmware in the same way as the bootloader. The instructions below will help you to flash the PX4 firmware using the debugger.
To write the firmware, you have to make sure the debugger is still plugged into your computer, and the FMU is still powered. If you did not keep J-Link Commander open after writing the bootloader, you can restart it and follow these steps again:
Enter the connect
Enter ?
to bring up a window in which you can select the target device.
In the Device
field, enter MK66FN
, select MK66FN2M0xxx18
and press OK
Type s
to select SWD as the target interface.
Press enter
to select the default interface speed (4000 kHz).
Note the PX4 firmware is installed at an offset in memory after the bootloader, at address 0x6000. The bootloader was written to address 0x0.
Finally, you can write the firmware to the board using the following command:
Enter loadbin "/absolute/path/to/firmware.bin" 0x6000
command to write the firmware to the board at memory address 0x6000
, which is the address at which the bootloader will look to start a program. Change the path to the location of the firmware binary file.
A more detailed reference and guide on using the debugger and J-Link software to upload any software to the RDDRONE-FMUK66 board is available as well.
uORB messaging protocol
Lets review uORB, a messaging protocol that will be used in many of the examples.
uORB is a publish/subscribe messaging protocol that is deeply embedded in the PX4 system. Now, you may ask, what is a publish/subscribe messaging protocol? Lets find out!
In the image above, you can see that PX4 is a publisher of a multitude of different "topics". These topics are similar to a "struct" in C. They have a name (such as led_control) and can contain different variables that correspond to that topic.
For example the topic "sensor_gyro" contains the following information:
The sensor_gyro topic contains quite a few variables. Each topic is able to be sent as a message from a publisher to a subscriber. A timestamp is included each message, and that is defined in the .msg file.
The primary data of interest is for this topic is x, y, z, and temperature variables. The gyro on the RDDRONE-FMUK66 outputs angular velocities in the x, y, and z directions, and also reports the temperature.
Again in the image above, it shows that hg_gyro subscribes to the sensor_gyro topic to harness the data published to it.
Above we've shown the sensor_gyro uORB message, lets go through the HoverGames HG_gyro example code and find out how we can print gyro measurements to the MavLink console.
First, we have to include the header license comment since the software is permissively licensed:
Alright, with that out of the way, let's start!
We will review each section of code and then combine everything into one file at the end. The first section of code is where we include all of the necessary header (*.h) files we will need for this example.
Now that we have all of our headers included in our application, we can begin the real stuff. We define our main function and export it so that other applications can call upon it in PX4.
When creating our own PX4 user apps, it's necessary to name your main function <filename>_main
so that PX4 can tell what the new function is named and how to call it.
The int argc, char *argv[]
arguments in the main function allow the addition of command line parameters to your app when you call it from the PX4 MavLink console or in a script. While they aren't necessary for this example, it doesn't hurt to include them for future iterations of our app!
Next, we will go through the code to print out our gyro measurements. We need to set up the uORB messaging protocol to subscribe to the sensor_gyro topic:
After subscribing to the "sensor_gyro" topic and limit the update rate (interval) to 200ms, we set up a polling structure which allows the application to enter sleep mode until another set of data gets published to the topic. This makes our application efficient and prevents it from eating CPU cycles when waiting for new data!
Using a simple integer counter variable in a loop allows the program to end after a specified number of times. We will print out a text chart so that we can visualize the data a little bit easier.
That was easy enough, now lets create our for loop and actually start grabbing data from the "sensor_gyro" topic.
This section of code is polling the sensor_gyro uORB topic and then copying the data to a structure that allows us to print it out on the MavLink console. If the poll doesn't receive data within 1 second, it will timeout and we will send an error message.
There we have it! We have just written our first example program for the FMU RDDRONE-FMUK66 running PX4 flight stack on NuttX RTOS.
In the next lab we will look at publishing to a uORB topic to control the RGB LED on the FMU.
Instructions for building the bootloader from source using the console.
It is not (always) required to build the bootloader youself. We provide a pre-built bootloader binary on the Downloads page:
First, clone the PX4 bootloader repository: git clone https://github.com/PX4/Bootloader
Then, change your working directory to the just cloned repository: cd Bootloader/
Synchronize submodules: git submodule sync --recursive
Update the submodules:git submodule update --recursive --init
Build the RDDRONE-FMUK66 PX4 bootloader: make fmuk66v3_bl
The bootloader is now available under Bootloader/build/fmuk66v3_bl/fmuk66v3_bl.bin
In case you already have the bootloader repository cloned, you can pull in the most recent changes and rebuild the bootloader binary. Open a console and go to your local clone of the PX4 Bootloader repository
If you want to checkout another branch, or switch back to master branch, you can do that first.
Fetch available branches in the remote (online) repository: git fetch
Checkout another branch: git checkout branchname
Now make sure your local repository is up-to-date with the latest upstream changes:
Pull in new changes: git pull
Synchronize submodules: git submodule sync --recursive
Update the submodules:git submodule update --recursive --init
You can now rebuild the RDDRONE-FMUK66 PX4 bootloader: make fmuk66v3_bl
This section will explain how to configure the PX4 software running on the RDDRONE-FMUK66.
The next sections will guide you through the process of using QGroundControl to set up your FMU. All the steps correspond to one setup screen inside of QGroundControl. In the QGroundControl documentation you can find more information about each of these steps.
At the top of the next few sections there will be a link to the corresponding page of the QGroundControl User Guide. Each section will also have additional information specific to RDDRONE-FMUK66 and HoverGames. This distribution was chosen to make sure that we are not mirroring the official QGroundControl documentation too much.
In order to configure your FMU through QGroundControl, you need to connect it to a computer that has QGroundControl installed on it. This can be done directly with a micro-USB to regular USB cable, or with the telemetry radio transceiver set that you bought together with the HoverGames drone kit. On the FMU side, the telemetry radio transceiver can be connected to the TELEM connector, while the computer side has a USB-A connector which can be plugged in directly. Both these links should be automatically detected by QGroundControl. The differences can be found in the table below:
You can place these examples in the src/examples
folder of the PX4 firmware and edit the file boards/nxp/fmuk66-v3/default.cmake
It is strongly recommended that you start with these examples and then slowly start exploring other parts of the software. The is a good place to get information and you can always ask your questions on the .
Note! - NXP does not officially supply any software for the RDDRONE-FMUK66. Expect that it will be completely blank and unprogrammed upon delivery. Normally you should plan to prepare your own , fork the PX4 Git repository and .
The bootloader can only be written to the board using a debugger. Once a bootloader is present, then PX4 itself may be written using QGroundControl or the debugger. The HoverGames drone kit includes a J-Link EDU Mini debugger. To use it, you need to install the J-Link Software Pack. Links are provided on the page.
RDDRONE-FMUK66 expects a bootloader to be programmed onto the board. We will flash the PX4 bootloader, which can be used from the command line or QGroundcontrol to load new PX4 firmware when powering the board. A precompiled binary of the bootloader is available on the .
The bootloader includes a special protocol which allows you to update the firmware over USB instead of the debugger. Once the bootloader is programmed, you can use QGroundControl to upload firmware to the board, as will be explained .
The firmware can be programmed to the board with almost the same procedure as the bootloader. You first need to download a firmware binary (.bin file) of the PX4 firmware. We keep up-to-date links to the recommended releases , because it is important that you start with the most stable and up-to-date version of the firmware.
In this section, we will go through some of the PX4 example code and explain how it works, and then write our own PX4 app to run on the RDDRONE-FMUK66. As a prerequisite, you should download the PX4 examples outlined in the , and then come back to this section.
To build the bootloader, you will need the , which you should have setup in your development virtual machine. When the toolchain has been installed, you can run the following commands in the command line tool available on your operating system or installed through the development toolchain.
Instructions for are availabe in the user guide. for programming binaries onto the FMU are available in the developer guide.
Ground control software is used for configuration and monitoring of your drone. We will use to configure the PX4 flight stack that you should have been programmed on your FMU. With QGroundControl you can configure the propeller configuration, radio controller, sensor calibration and much more. It also provides different ways of controlling the drone, such as an autonomous mission planner. Download links for QGroundControl are available on the .
(*) While the USB connection cannot be used to connect the FMU to a laptop mid-flight, it can be used as a way to connect a companion computer for performing complex computations on the drone. This requires advanced parameter configuration (one step required is ).
USB cable
Telemetry radio
Connection type
Link speed
Very fast
Can upgrade firmware
Can perform ESC calibration
Can be used mid-flight
Estimating parameters
The HoverGames drone KIT-HGDRONEK66 doesn’t have an officially specified carry weight as it is not a product, but rather a reference or evaluation tool.
In practice – with the motors and propellers we provide – is is good for about 500g payload. People have maxed it out to almost 1Kg payload.
BUT – The motors and props can be changed to larger ones, as can the batteries and even the motor controllers. Bigger motors, bigger Carbon Fiber props and optimizing the battery size vs payload all contribute to the tradeoff between lift capacity and overall flight time.
You COULD even attach a second set of four motors facing downward.
ALSO – the size of the motors / props is limited only by the frame. All the same electronics can be moved to a larger multicopter frame. You might also just be able to use longer arms on the same frame in order to get larger propellers in place. Keep in mind these modifications will change the characteristics of the ariframe, and you will want to spend time with advanced tuning to make sure the airframe performs as expected. (PID timing, resonances etc)
There are online calculators to work out payload and estimated flight time. This is a popular one: https://www.ecalc.ch/xcoptercalc.php
The traditional battery current and voltage, and hence state of charge, is managed by a simple analog to digital conversion. There are scaling factors that mean you may not be getting the full energy out of your battery. In addition different batteries have different internal resistances, and react differently to temperature changes. For example, you won't get the same energy out of a battery that is operated in the cold. Some systems exist even to warm up a battery to an optimal temperature.
There are a number of things that can be done to ensure your battery readings are accurate. Follow the PX4 guide for this.
XXX <Todo> created a nice youtube video that shows how to check that scaling parameters in PX4 accurately match what is happening at the battery.
Tips for (safely) flying a drone.
This section provides important information about safely flying a drone. It is split up in things you should do before you fly, things to keep in mind while you're flying, and things to check afterwards.
It is recommended that you check all three sections before your first flight.
Important things to check before you fly.
In order to start flying your drone, there are a couple of steps you need to follow. It is important to follow all these steps before every flight.
Please use PPE - Personal Protective Equpiment such as eye protection, heavy clothing that covers exposed skin and closed toe heavy boots while working with any drone.
Make sure you have fully set up your drone. While it is not necessary to check every little setting every time before takeoff, it is a good idea to regularly check your settings, especially after making a lot of changes.
Check out the Flying Regulations in your area whether you are allowed to fly in your area.
Check that you are flying safely by going through the Safety Guidelines.
Arm the drone, which is a two-step process involving both the drone and the RC transmitter:
Arm on the drone-side by pressing and holding the safety switch on the GPS module, until it starts blinking faster.
Arm on the RC transmitter-side by holding the left stick to the bottom right, until the safety switch and RGB LED on the FMU glow solid. At this point the drone is armed!
When the drone is armed, its motors will start rotating immediately! When you test this for the first time, do this without propellers!
Now that the drone is armed, it can be controlled using the RC transmitter. For more tips on things to think about while flying, you can refer to the During flight section. When it is armed, the drone can be disarmed by moving the left stick on the RC transmitter to the bottom left, until the lights on the drone start flashing again (safety switch and RGB LED). More information on what to do when you are done flying can be found in the After you fly section.
It's a good idea to make your own pre-flight checklist and "tick off the boxes" before you arm the drone and go fly. At least include the steps that are mentioned above, with as much details as you need to remember what you need to do exactly.
You can also enable a generic preflight checklist in QGroundControl! Go to the application settings by clicking on the logo on the top left, and the enable "Use preflight checklist". When this is enabled, the home screen will show a checklist with some important steps you should perform before a flight.
Drones are not toys, and should be handled with care to make sure no-one gets hurt. While the local regulations mentioned above improve the general safety somewhat, taking good care of your drone is also required for a safe flight. It is important to do this before every flight, since damaged or loose components can cause the drone to malfunction during flight, leading to loss of control and crashes!
Some general checks that apply to any custom-made drone:
Check whether the propellers are mounted properly. This means that they are spinning in the right direction, and that they are mounted tightly.
DOUBLE CHECK that the propeller nuts are tight and they have not loosened since last use.
Make sure that the propellers can rotate freely without touching any of the frame or wiring.
Check that there are no loose wires that could get in-between the propellers during flight.
Make sure that the battery is tightly strapped to the frame: it should not be able to move at all. If the battery can shift during flight, it causes the drone to get out of balance, or the battery could even detach from the drone!
Check the battery percentage and voltage. Flight-time can drastically decrease when taking off with a lower battery percentage. When the voltage per cell is more than 4V (total voltage for 3S = 3x4 = 12V, total voltage for 4S = 16V) there should be no problem, but when the cell voltage is below 4V you should watch your battery level extra carefully during take-off.
Make sure that you have correctly set up and configured all the settings on the FMU and the RC transmitter.
Ensure you have calibrated and tested all your sensors before flying.
PX4 contains advanced battery measurement features that allow for accurate estimation of battery percentage from measured voltage and current. More information about these features and their setup process can be found at https://docs.px4.io/en/config/battery.html
Drones and robots can be dangerous if safety precautions are not followed:
Be very careful and follow all safety instructions and help prepare additional safety instructions and labels.
Propellers can and will cut severely if not treated with respect. NEVER mount them until after you have calibrated and flight checked the whole system, and are ready to fly.
On the software side, PX4 also provides a lot of safety features, which can improve the safety of your flights. More on these safety features can be found here
How to use Git when working with a group of people on a complex software project.
Git is one of the most popular tools to manage source code and keep track of changes. It is also a great tool to prevent conflicts when working together in a team. If you are not yet familiar with Git, we strongly advice you to learn the basics. Git is used for managing many open source software projects, but it is also used extensively in corporate environments. It is an invaluable tool for anybody working with source code.
There are already plenty of resources available on the internet to learn Git, therefore we will not repeat the basics here. The official Git website provides a complete e-book for free, as well as some introductory videos. You can also use the (interactive) tutorials by GitHub and Atlassian Bitbucket. Last but not least, this blogpost by Nico Riedmann also provides an excellent overview of the most important Git concepts.
The sections below will try to address some practical issues and more advanced concepts that you might run into when developing software for HoverGames. Keep in mind that you can always have a look at the Git reference in case you "feel lost".
Git is a command line tool, however there are graphical interfaces available. If you have worked with graphical user interfaces for years, it might be attractive to install a graphical interface for Git as well. However, a graphical interface will just be a layer on top of the Git commandline and you will probably not understand what is really going on behind the scenes. Also, once you learn to use the command line properly you will see that it can be much quicker to use and it has some very powerful tools that are often not available in any GUI.
The commands can be hard to memorize at first, but remember that you can always look at the Git reference. At the top of the reference page there are also links to cheat sheets that list the most important commands. A web search will also quickly provide you with the right commands and hopefully also some explanation as to why you need to use that specific command.
After installing Git there is some additional configuration needed. If you are using a GUI tool this configuration might be taken care of automatically or you will get a popup. However, most people will be using the command line and need to do this configuration by themselves.
The first and most important thing you need to do is set your name and e-mail. All your commits will be linked to this name and e-mail. Initially your commits will only be local (on your own computer), but if you start pushing commits to remote repositories, your name and e-mail will also be published with these commits.
You can configure your name and e-mail with the following two commands (replace with your own name/e-mail):
It is possible to avoid "leaking" your e-mail address if you want to keep it private. GitHub is one of the largest Git-based code sharing platforms and many of the remote repositories that you will work with are hosted on GitHub. GitHub offers the option to use a special "noreply" e-mail if you create a free account.
It is also convenient to tell Git what "core" editor you want to use. This can be a very simple text editor like Gedit or Nano on Ubuntu, or Notepad on Windows. A full IDE is usually not needed, as Git will only use this editor for simple tasks like entering commit messages. You can still use any other editor (with more features) to write and debug your code.
You can configure Gedit as your core editor with the following command:
On Linux you can just provide the command that would start the editor. On Windows you usually need to provide the full path to the executable. There is a list available with commands for different editors.
More information is available on the "first time Git-setup" page in the Git documentation.
Git can be used in different ways and many teams have their own workflow. Atlassian Bitbucket offers a great overview of some different Git workflows. It will give you some insight in how Git can be used to work together on a larger software project.
The PX4 Developer Guide explains the most used workflow for contributing to PX4 Autopilot. It is based on the GitHub flow. The PX4 documentation explains their basic branching model and code formatting, as well as Git examples that show you how to clone a forked PX4 repository, how to pull newest commits from the upstream master and more. This is a great starting point for most people.
PX4 and Dronecode are very important for the HoverGames. Most participants will work extensively with the PX4 Autopilot software and extend it with their own software. It would be great if changes and additions that could be useful to other people are shared with the PX4 community. Think about:
Bug fixes!
Drivers for new components!
New features
Exciting ideas
Even if you think that your work is not ready to be merged into the main PX4 repository, consider creating a (draft) pull request or issue on the PX4 GitHub to at least make the developers aware of it. You can also ask the core development team on Slack what they think about your fix/addition/idea and what would be the next steps to get it merged.
Most teams will probably also create some software that is very specific to their use case. It might not really be possible or useful to share all these software additions, but you can always start the discussion on PX4 GitHub, Slack or Discuss to learn what would be good additions to the main PX4 project.
If you are participating in the HoverGames as employee of a company, you have to make sure that you are compliant with the policies of your company. You probably do not want to share any intellectual property without approval of your employer.
This is especially the case for NXP employees, who have their own internal HoverGames competition. Any software developed by NXP employees as part of the internal competition has to be reviewed before it can be published, unless it is just a small bugfix.
The next sections discuss more advanced concepts and might not be easy to grasp if you are just getting started with Git. Take your time to learn about the basics of Git, look on the internet for additional information and ask questions if you have any issues.
Also remember that Git is just a tool. You do not have to use all of its features right from the start! It's fine if you start with the basics now and implement a more advanced workflow later.
The PX4 Autopilot source code is hosted on GitHub, and it is recommend that you make your own PX4 fork on GitHub as well. You can do this under your own GitHub account, or you can fork the repository under an organization. You can create an organization on GitHub for free as long as your repositories remain open source. Using a repository under an organization allows multiple people to manage the same repository, but you can also work together on a personal repository.
However, there might be cases where you want to keep (some of) your code private. It is recommended to still have a public fork which you can use to publish bugfixes and changes that you want to merge back into the main PX4 repository. You can setup a second, private, online repository on websites like GitHub or Bitbucket to hold the code that you want to keep hidden from the general view.
Using different repositories is just one part of the workflow when working together. You should also think about using different branches to keep different fixes and features separated. More about this will be explained below in its own section.
The graph below shows an example of the different repositories and the flow of data once everything is set up. In general, the local repositories of the individual team members (users) are the starting point of all changes. They add their own code, but also pull in changes from the shared repository (a private Bitbucket repository in this case) or from the upstream PX4 Firmware repository. They publish changes (new code, or pulled changes from the upstream repository) to a private Bitbucket repository.
When something is ready to be made publicly available, it can be pushed to the public GitHub repository as well. From this public GitHub repository you can then create a pull request to the main PX4 repository to ask them to merge your changes.
For a team that is not using a private repository, their public GitHub repository will be the place to share code within the team. This simplifies the graph (and the workflow) significantly. You only have to keep track of the code changes in one place, and you can directly create pull requests from your main repository to the "upstream" PX4 repository.
Note that if you are working alone, you will still have your local repository, your online repository on GitHub and the upstream PX4 repository. That also means that you can easily start working together at any time. The whole setup with different repositories does not really change, except that each user has their own local repository.
This example uses Bitbucket for the private repository, but you could also use a second GitHub repository, or other platforms such as GitLab. Keep in mind that this is merely a very general example. You are free to put together your own workflow and select your own tools.
The first step is to create a fork of the PX4 Firmware repository on GitHub. Create a GitHub account if you do not have one, and go to the official PX4 Firmware repository. Press the "Fork" button on top of the page and fork the repository under your own account or under an organization. You can click your profile picture and go to settings and then create a new organization if you want.
You now have a your own public fork of the PX4 Firmware, but to actually make changes you want a local clone of the repository. To clone your own repository from GitHub, enter the command below in the command line. The URL specifies the location to the online repository that you want to clone. Usually it is of the form shown below, but with your own username.
You can also get the right URL for your repository by pressing the green "Code" button on the main page of your forked repository (NOT the original PX4 repository). Make sure to press the small "Use SSH" link in the corner, because it will probably default to "Clone with HTTPS".
After you enter the command it will take a while to download all files and setup the local repository.
When you want to push changes to a GitHub repository, you will be asked for a password and it will be checked if you have permission to make changes to the online repository. If you have a private repository, authentication is also required when you clone the repository or pull changes.
An SSH will make authentication very easy (and secure)! We strongly recommend you to generate an SSH key and add it to your GitHub account. It requires a few extra steps but will make your life much easier. GitHub has an excellent step-by-step guide on how to generate and add an SSH key. Make sure that you select "Linux" at the top of the page if you are using Git within the Ubuntu virtual machine.
It is not required, but some people might want to use a private repository to create an online backup of their code or share it between different team members without giving the whole world access. For example, you could setup a private repository on Bitbucket.
It might be possible to "import" an online repository directly. You can use this option to make a direct copy of your public GitHub repository. You can also create an empty repository and push the code into it from your local repository, which we will do here, because this option is always available.
When the local repository was created ("cloned"), the original GitHub repository was automatically set as the standard remote repository named "origin". We will change this now to your private repository, because this is usually your default repository that you want to push to. You need to replace the URL with the URL your new (private) repository.
You can now push the code that you downloaded from your public repository into your private repository by using
You will be asked for authentication. If you have issues with this, please refer to the documentation of the service (BitBucket, GitHub) you are using. If you generated an SSH key you can easily add it to your account on the service that you are using.
You should add the public repository again as a remote repository as well. This will allow you to easily push changes to the public repository, for example when you want to open a pull request at the upstream PX4 repository. We'll call it "public". Make sure you use the URL of your own repository:
For convenience, we will also add the upstream PX4 repository. This will allow you to easily pull in changes from the upstream repository, which you can push to the repositories of your team (public and/or private) if required.
In a Git repository, usually different branches are used to develop different features in parallel or to separate stable versions of the code from code that is still being developed. PX4 uses the "master" branch as their main version of the code. Features are developed in different branches and merged into master when they are ready. (Approximately) every 6 months a new major stable release will be created from the code in the master branch.
When you forked the official PX4 repository, you made a copy of all code revisions and branches up to that point in time. It is recommended that you make new branches (branching off from your copy of master) for your own features. You can keep pulling in commits from the official PX4 repository to keep your own repositories up-to-date with the upstream master branch. Note that you first have to apply changes to your local repository and then push these changes to your shared repositories.
What we recommend is to set up at least two branches. Master should correspond to the upstream master branch, you can pull changes from the official PX4 repository into this branch. Your own work should be kept in a development branch, consider this your own main branch. From this development branch, you can branch off again to develop different features, and merge them back into the development branch when they are finished. At the same time, you can also pull in changes from master if desired. This is summarized in the graph below.
The following command will create a new branch "hovergames_feature" and checks it out as your current working branch.
Prepare a commit
Setup default remote branch and push
From now on, for this branch, you can directly push to your main remote repository (origin) with the command:
If you have both a public and a private repository, you can also push to the public repository by specifying its remote name and branch name. The following commands pushes the changes to the remote that we defined as "public".
A pull request is a request to merge the changes made in a certain branch into another repository or branch. This is not a Git feature, so it is not available in your local repository, but it is a tool in online services such as GitHub and BitBucket. It allows discussion and additional explanation of the changes before they are actually merged. More information is available in the GitHub documentation and the Bitbucket documentation.
The official PX4 Firmware repository uses pull requests to manage all contributions to their source code. Anybody that wants to make any changes to PX4 has to create a pull request so the core development team can review and discuss the changes. If you ever have any changes or additions that you want to contribute to the main PX4 project, you should put them on separate branches (split different features and bugfixes to make it easier to review) on your own public fork of PX4. Then you can directly create a pull request from this branch on your own repository to the PX4 master branch.
The next few steps will guide you through the Ubuntu installer. It does not matter if you install Ubuntu natively or in a virtual machine, the install procedure remains (mostly) the same.
When you boot your (virtual) machine for the first time you will be greeted by a screen that asks you to try Ubuntu first or directly install it. You can select a different language, if you want, though it is recommended to stick to English if you want to follow along with these instructions. Then press the Install Ubuntu button to start the install procedure.
If desired, you can change the keyboard layout. Note that the standard US layout is also often used in other countries. You can test if the setting is correct by typing some (special) characters in the field at the bottom of the screen.
We recommend to do a minimal installation. This will only install a minimal amount of additional software. Especially for users of a virtual machine this will help to keep the amount of occupied disk space low. It is also useful to already install updates and third-party drivers, as you would need to do this anyway after Ubuntu has been installed.
If you are installing Ubuntu within a virtual machine you can safely choose to erase the disk and install Ubuntu, as this will only "erase" your virtual hard disk image and not your actual hard drive. For a native setup you should consider whether you want to erase your disk or shrink the existing partition(s) and put Ubuntu on a second partition. After pressing "Install Now", you might get a pop-up that asks you to confirm that you want to write the changes to the disk, just press continue. After that, you might have to wait for a few minutes.
If you are installing Ubuntu natively you should do your own research about different installation types. If you have Windows installed on the same computer it will probably be detected by the Ubuntu installer and propose a dual-boot setup. This allows you to choose at boot between Windows and Ubuntu. However, this is beyond the scope of this GitBook - and there should be plenty information available on the internet to help you.
The next screen will ask for your location/timezone. It should already provide a default location, which will probably work fine. If it does not match your city our country at all you can select one yourself.
Finally, you will be asked to set up a user account. You can pick a name with which you want to be addressed by the system, for this example we will use "NXP". For compatibility reasons we suggest to use a strictly lowercase computer name, for example "nxpdev". If you are using a virtual machine you can just choose a simple username and password to make it easy to use, such as "nxp". You can also select the option to log in automatically for convenience. However, if you are installing Ubuntu on native hardware you should use a proper username and password combination, to keep your system secured.
It will take a while to finish the installation. You might be asked to restart the (virtual) machine after the installation is finished, just restart it immediately using the button. During shutdown, Ubuntu might also ask to remove the installation medium. You can ignore this when installing inside a virtual machine and immediately press enter on your keyboard.
When the system reboots, you will be greeted by a screen that asks you to connect to your online accounts. You can just skip this for now, as well as the next few tabs, until you are asked to help improve Ubuntu. You can choose to not send system info, if you don't want to. Then just continue until you are done and see the desktop.
You might also get a popup from the software updater. It is recommended to install these updates now. You will most likely be prompted to enter your password. After the updates are installed you get asked to restart again, which you should do before we continue.
After the reboot we will (again) check for and install updates. Open a terminal window by going to the launcher menu (the icon with the 9 dots at the bottom of the dock) and search for the terminal application. Once you have it opened, don't forget to right click the terminal icon on the dock and add it to your favorites - you will be using the terminal much more often! You can also right click and remove the "Help" and "Ubuntu Software" icons from the dock, because you will probably not use them much. You can always find them again in the launcher menu.
We should first update the package lists of the apt package manager with the following command:
The term "sudo" stands for "superuser do" and runs the command that follows with superuser privileges (administrator). You will probably be asked to enter your password. The terminal does not show your password while you type it, so it might seem as if nothing is happening, but just enter your password and press enter.
After the package lists have been updated, you will probably find that there are some updated packages available. We can install these updates with another command:
It will show you a list of packages that are going to be installed (not necessarily the same as shown in the screenshot below) and asks if you want to continue. You can press enter to select the capitalized default option ("Y" for "yes"). Now it might take a while to finish.
We will now install the "VirtualBox Guest Additions", which are some packages that will provide better integration between your guest OS and host OS. Open a terminal and enter the following command:
You will probably be asked again whether you want to install the listed packages. You can just press enter to continue. It might take a while to install.
Copying and pasting commands between your host and guest operating systems is not yet possible. You will need to enter a few more commands yourself until we have installed the guest additions. After that you should be able to just copy the commands directly from these pages.
Go to the "Devices" menu and click on "Insert Guest Additions CD image". It will ask you whether you want to run the software, and may ask you to enter your password. It will then open a terminal window and start the installation.
Wait until the installation has finished and close the terminal window. You can then eject the guest additions disk image by right clicking on the icon on the desktop and selecting the eject option. Now that the guest additions are installed you should be able to maximize the virtual machine window, and the resolution of the Ubuntu desktop should scale with the window size. The shared clipboard should work as well. You might have to reboot the virtual machine again if it is not working.
You should redo the last step when you update VirtualBox. You can just go to the device menu, insert the guest additions image and run the installer again. This will install the new version.
We created a shared folder when we configured the virtual machine. To make it work within the VM we also need to add our user account to the vboxsf group. Enter the following command in a terminal window:
This will give you access to the shared folders. You might get asked for your password. You possibly have to reboot before it becomes active. If after a reboot the shared folder is still not visible from the file manager, you should check the virtual machine settings if the shared folder has auto-mount enabled.
This page provides instructions on how to upload any software to the board using the debug interface.
To program a blank board, or recover a board that has been "bricked", or simply to have low level access to the MCU, you will want to use a J-Link or other SWD (Serial Wire Debug) capable programmer. Normally there is a standardized 10 pin header that is used for ARM debuggers. On the RDDRONE-FMUK66 the DCD-LZ interface is used to carry these signals, plus a primary serial console. To connect the J-Link debugger to the FMU you will use the DCD-LZ adapter as mentioned below.
This section will show the basics of how to install the software for using the J-Link programmer, and which commands to use to program a binary (*.bin) file.
The HoverGames drone kit includes an adapter board for the RDDRONE-FMUK66 DCD-LZ interface which allows a standard J-Link debugger and a USB to 3.3V TTL serial interface to connect using the 7 pin JST-GH connector on the RDDRONE-FMUK66 board.
This picture below shows the J-Link EDU Mini and an FTDI-USB-UART-3V3 plugged into the DCD-LZ-ADAPT board and then connecting to the DCD-LZ port an RDDRONE-FMUK66. This is the setup as included in the HoverGames drone kits. Note that the FMU has to be powered using a micro USB cable.
The 7-pin JST GH cable connects the debug adapter board to the FMU. The USB-TTL-3V3 cable plugs in as shown below. The black (GND) wire should be on the same side as the small notch/mark on the orange case! The SWD cable goes between the adapter board and the J-Link EDU Mini debugger.
Shown below is the Landzo OpenSDA Debugger with an adapter board connected to the 7-pin JST-GH RDDRONE-FMUK66 DCD-LZ interface.
You will need the J-Link Commander program, which is part of the J-Link Software pack. Installers for different operating systems are available at Segger's website. Links are available on our download page.
On Windows, you will find J-Link Commander under the program menu after installation. It can be found in a directory similar to this:
You can also browse to the installation folder and run the program from there. Usually, the J-Link Software pack is installed to a location similar to C:\Program Files (x86)\SEGGER\JLink_Vxxxx
. Note that the name of the J-Link Commander executable is actually JLink.exe.
On a Linux OS, you can only run the executable through a commandline. You can directly run J-Link Commander from its installation directory by entering /opt/SEGGER/JLink/JLinkExe
in the commandline.
When prompted, type connect
to establish a connection with the debugger.
The next step is to specify the target device, which is referring to the microcontroller that is on the RDDRONE-FMUK66. For the RDDRONE-FMUK66, the correct selection is MK66FN2M0XXX18
. You can enter this by hand, or enter ?
to bring up a selection dialog in which you can select the right device. The selected device will be remembered in next sessions, meaning you can just press enter to select the saved default.
MK66FN2M0XXX18 is the target device for RDDRONE-FMUK66 (NXPhlite).
This selection dialog might not work on operating systems other than Windows. If it does not work, restart the program and enter the right device manually, by typing the full device name (MK66FN2M0XXX18) instead of the question mark (?).
Enter s
to select SWD as the target interface.
You can accept the default target speed of 4000 kHz by just pressing enter
The JLink will then connect to the target. You should see something similar to this:
At this point you can type ?
to get help and a list of commands that JLink accepts. Note the command loadbin
, we will use it later.
When a connection is established, you can flash binary files to the FMU board using the same commandline as we used before. We will use the loadbin
command to write binary files to the FMU.
The general format of the command is as follows: loadbin <path to binary file> <target memory address>
The path to the binary file is an absolute path, and the target memory address is a hexadecimal address. The default address is 0x0, when no address is given. The PX4-compatible bootloader should be written to memory address 0x0, while the firmware should be at memory address 0x6000. The bootloader is then automatically started when the board receives power, and the bootloader then loads the firmware located at memory address 0x6000.
Depending on whether you are flashing the bootloader or firmware, you will have to enter a command similar to this:
Bootloader: loadbin /complete/path/to/bootloader.bin 0x0
Firmware: loadbin /complete/path/to/firmware.bin 0x6000
When your path includes a whitespace, you will need quotation marks around you path, like so:
loadbin "/another path/to/bootloader.bin" 0x0
Depending on the size of the binary, it might take a while to flash. A pop-up will appear which shows the different steps. It will first check the contents of the binary and match it against the contents of the memory on the board. If they are equal, the binary doesn't have to be flashed. Otherwise, the old contents of the memory are first erased. Then the contents of the binary are programmed into the memory, and finally it is verified that it was done correctly.
That is everything. You may need to press reset on the board, or power cycle for the new code to start running on the RDDRONE-FMUK66. Note that with just a bootloader, the board will not do much. You will need both a bootloader and PX4 firmware for the board to function as intended.
Previously, no .bin files were available. To upload the software to the board with the J-Link debugger, you had to convert the .elf to .bin manually. On Linux, this can easily be done using the following command:
arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O binary nuttx_nxphlite-v3_default.elf nuttx_nxphlite-v3_default.bin
Some options to improve the flight characteristics of your drone.
As is often the case, practice makes perfect. When you are flying a drone for the first time, it's not going to be easy and you will make mistakes. As you grow more confident and get more familiar with the controls and the different flight modes, you will be able to fly quicker and more aggressive.
While the default values should be a good starting point, the controllers that are part of PX4 are not perfectly tuned for every drone. Some improvements are always possible, but are probably not needed unless you are using the drone in more extreme situations, or when you are doing more advanced flying.
The default PID values for the S500 airframe preset are listed below:
The PX4 user documentation has a multicopter tuning guide that will be useful if you decide to do your own PID tuning.
You may want to try using GPS as the primary altitude source instead of the barometer (pressure sensor). The result is still fused between the two. Depending on your GPS accuracy it might improve the altitude control of your drone. To set GPS as the primary altitude source, set parameter EKF2_HGT_MODE to GPS.
Start with the FMUK66 powered off, and disconnected from USB on your computer. Run QGroundControl and navigate to the Firmware tab as shown below:
Once you've navigated to this screen, follow the instructions and plug the FMU into your computer using the provided microUSB cable. You should see a prompt asking you which firmware you want to upload.
You'll want to check the "Advanced settings" box and select "Custom firmware file..." from the dropdown box as shown in the image below. Click OK at the top right to go to the next step.
Once you click OK, a dialog to select your file will appear. You'll need to navigate to your PX4 firmware directory and go to Firmware/build/nxp_fmuk66-v3_default/
. Inside that folder you'll find an nxp_fmuk66-v3_default.px4
file. Select this file to upload the firmware to your board.
Note that this directory and filename depends on the target board you are building for.
If the firmware upgrade successfully finished, you should see a message in the log that says "Upgrade complete." in yellow. If you didn't get that message, try again, check to see that the code did in fact complete compiling without errors.
Assuming you did get the "Upgrade complete." message, then you can continue in this lab guide!
Now that we have built our PX4 application into the firmware, and loaded it onto the FMU hardware, it's time to run it. After flashing your FMU it is recommended to hard reset or power-cycle the board. Wait for QGroundControl to reconnect with your board over USB, and then open up the Mavlink console as shown below.
The terminal shell or console gives you command line access to the software running on the FMU.
It should be noted that the console is actually available through several interfaces. A hardware "root console" is available when using the FMU debugger interface connected to a FTDI-USB-UART cable. This exposes a serial UART directly on the FMU itself. The root console is particularly helpful since it is initialized on power-up and can specifically show what is happening immediately on power-up, before something like the the USB interface is initialized and working.
Note: Since the FTDI-USB-UART cable is a hardware solution that converts the FMU debugger UART interface to USB it doesn't require any FMU software. This is different than the FMU USB port itself - which makes use of a PX4 software driver in order to function.
A console is also available through a direct USB connection or over a telemetry radio to a program such as QGroundControl. (and there are even other methods, such as SSH over an Ethernet connection). With any of these connections you can run PX4/NuttX commands in the Mavlink console. To see a list of commands you can run, type "?" into the console input field.
With any of these connections discussed above you can run PX4/NuttX commands in the console program. In QGroundControl this is known as the Mavlink Console. As with other operating systems such as Linux, commands are actually just programs that can be run on the command line or called from other programs or scripts. To see a list of PX4 commands you can run, type "?" into the console input field.
At the top left, you can see our new program, hg_led! Go ahead and run it by typing its name in the console and pressing <enter> to see your hg_led
program in action!
The main multicolor LED is the one we are controlling in the program, the other red and orange LEDs are other indicators. Fun! Next, we will go over a more advanced example and you can try coding it yourself!
This section provides an overview of replacement parts, as well as alternatives or upgrades for parts included in the HoverGames drone kit.
NXP sells the complete drone kits and separate FMU modules and telemetry radios. The list of components available directly from NXP is available here:
Other FMUs, HGDRONE kits and equipment will have similar naming conventions as they are introduced.
Many other parts are commonly found at hobby shops or on online retailers. Some suggested sourced are listed in the following pages. In addition many parts or upgrades can be fabricated or 3d printed.
Start developing software for the HoverGames drone by extending PX4 Autopilot or by controlling the flight controller using software running on a (separate) companion computer.
In the "user guide" part of this GitBook we showed you step-by-step how to build and configure your drone. However, now it's your turn. You have to pick your own tools and make your own plans for what comes next. This "developer guide" will not be a step-by-step tutorial for writing your own software for your drone, but it should still give you some idea of where to start. We aim to provide you with all the resources that you need to start learning about the PX4 software architecture and how to extend it.
Developing new features for your HoverGames drone can be done in different ways. It is possible to add new modules directly into the PX4 Autopilot software. You can also send commands to PX4 Autopilot from a companion computer. These options will be discussed below. You can also keep it simple and run your software on a separate microcontroller (or processor) that does not communicate with the FMU, but keep in mind that this limits the usefulness of your project.
Ultimately, you are free to do whatever you want, as long as you stay within the requirements of the challenge. You can combine different approaches for developing your application, or come up with your own approach to realize new functionality on the drone. Be creative.
Adding modules into the existing PX4 Autopilot architecture can be quite challenging, but does not require extra hardware. The Kinetis K66 on the RDDRONE-FMUK66 is a fairly powerful microcontroller, but you cannot compare it to the processor in your personal computer. Resources (RAM, processing power) are limited and your own modules have to share this with the rest of the PX4 Autopilot software. When building more advanced applications, you might have to learn more about the PX4 software architecture and embedded software in general.
The PX4 Developer Guide has some resources that will help you get familiar with the PX4 architecture, as well as writing your first module/application within PX4.
The PX4 Developer Guide provides some information about the use of companion computers.
Technically it is possible to fully control the FMU over a wireless (telemetry) link. Your "companion computer" can be a powerful laptop computer if you want. However, a wireless link may not be reliable and usually does not support the high data rates that you can achieve between devices on the drone itself. Also keep in mind that mission critical commands may not reach the FMU. In general it is advised to have the companion computer on the drone.
If you have not worked with Git before, you should really learn the basics before you continue. Git is a very popular version control system and you will probably have to use it a lot when developing your own software for the HoverGames drone. The PX4 Autopilot source code is hosted on GitHub, a Git-based software hosting platform. You have to use Git to retrieve the original source code, but also when you want to publish your code and contribute to the PX4 project.
Most PX4 code is written in the C and C++ programming languages. If you are not familiar with these languages, it will be useful to follow a few tutorials and read about the basic concepts. There are many great books, courses and tutorials available for learning these programming languages.
These are some useful websites to get you started:
These two Stack Overflow posts provide lists of the best C/C++ books:
In the last lab, we learned what uORB and publish/subscribe protocols were. Then, we wrote a bit of code that allowed us to print out some gyro measurements to the MavLink console! The program we wrote was only half of the equation, though, as we only used the "subscribe" portion of uORB. In this lab, we will publish some data to a topic that will control the RGB LED on the RDDRONE-FMUK66. The topic we are publishing to is subscribed to by an internal PX4 program that handles LED control.
To start, let's get the license for this source code out of the way:
As in the last lab, we include our headers to the source code. The headers will be nearly the same, except we will change the uORB topic from sensor_gyro
to led_control
As done in the previous lab we create our main function and export it.
Here we export our hg_led_main
function. Remember, your main function should be called <filename>_main
. ThePX4_INFO()
function to show text indicating that the program has started.
A structure is created that we can save LED control data to. This structure will be used to publish the data to the led_control
uORB topic.
First step is to create the structure itself. Here, we created an led_control_s
structure and named it led_control
. Then, we call memset()
to fill the structure we created with zeros. We do this because the memory we allocate could have uninitialized random data in it, and in a safety critical platform such as a drone, we don't want to inadvertently send bad data if for some reason our data allocation code fails. The last line of code creates a uORB topic advertisement variable that allows us to publish to the led_control
Once the initial setup is done, we can now start filling our led_control
structure with data.
Colors, modes, and priorities can be set using the parameters as described in the link above. In this example, we are going to tell the LED to blink 10 times at max priority with the color green. Here's how to do that:
These parameters are easily set simply by referring to the parameter and giving it a value.
: We set the number of blinks to 10. You can make this whatever number you want, but don't make it too large or your LED will blink for a very long time!
: Make our LED app max priority so that something else can't override it by setting LED_CONTROL_MAX_PRIORITY
. Note that there is are priority levels for a reason. Think carefully about your application as not everything should be max priority.
in practice, max priority is reserved for things like error LED sequences.
for a normal blink sequence.
: We set this to 0xff
which tells the led controller to blink all LEDs. (FYI - This parameter is used in *some* custom LED drivers to allow a variety of LEDs to be controlled with uORB message. For example - LEDs located on each of the motor pods that change color in flight to indicate direction of forward travel. Technically it is not fully implemented in the standard PX4 LED driver.
! If you'd like to set it to a different color, feel free!
In order to tell the LED controller to use the parameters we set, we have to send a uORB message with the structure we created. We will use the orb_publish()
function to do so:
And there we have it! Once this command is run, the uORB message with our data will be sent, and our LEDs will start blinking green. To close out the program, let's print something to the MavLink console that shows our program is done running.
We have now learned how to both subscribe and publish uORB messages in PX4. Next, we will create our own program that uses our new found knowledge to manipulate the LED on the RDDRONE-FMUK66.
Dobrea Dan Marius
This page lists some useful NuttX console commands. You can access the console through QGroundControl or using a USB-TTL-3V3 cable and debugger adapter board.
The PX4 Dev Guide provides an auto-generated overview of (almost) all available commands. See the following page in the Dev Guide:
This page should provide an overview of some important and useful commands that people participating in the HoverGames might find useful.
You can perform a test of how well the currently inserted SD card is performing using the sd_bench
You can perform a read/write test of the flash memory using the mtd rwtest
The part of the flash memory which holds all PX4 parameters can be erased using the mtd erase
may be useful when you have flashed new firmware and find the need to do a full reset of the PX4 settings and parameters.
All sensor drivers should be started on startup, but if this does not work or when you are debugging and need to restart a driver, you can use the following commands
NXP MPL3115A2 pressure sensor (I2C): mpl3115a2 -I start
NXP FXOS8701CQ accelerometer/magetometer (SPI): fxos8701cq start -a 8 -R 0
NXP FXAS21002C gyroscope (SPI): fxas21002c start -R 0
The file that starts the sensors on power up and specifies which bus it is connected to, is located atROMFS/px4fmu_common/init.d/rc.sensors
Each sensor has a set of commands, which are usually presented when you enter the name of the sensor without a specific command. For example, fxos8701cq
supports the following commands:
Parameters can be set from the command line, using param set PARAM VALUE
, where PARAM is the name of the parameter and VALUE is the value to which it should be set.
For example, the airframe parameters can be set usingparam set SYS_AUTOSTART 4014
, which sets the airframe to S500. After a reboot, the SYS_AUTOSTART parameter will then also change other parameters to the values that are set within the S500 airframe definition.
You can also easily read the current value a parameter is set to withparam show PARAM
. This also allows for wildcard characters. For example, if you want to show the values of all parameters that start with SYS, you can use param show SYS*
You can see the current active MAVLink instances using mavlink status
PX4 uses uORB for its internal communication between modules. It is possible to listen to uORB topics, which can be very useful for debugging or when developing new functions. See the following page for more information and commands:
You're probably wondering "now how do I upload this new firmware to my board"? There are a couple of ways. We will use the easiest method, using the on board bootloader and QGroundControl. Note: This assumes your FMU already has a bootloader loaded from the section . Assuming that the bootloader is already in place, loading code is a simple process, so lets go over that next.
- Complete drone hardware kit including RDDRONE-FMUK66
- NXP flight controller using the 180 MHz Kinetis K66 (also previously known as the NXPhlite FMU)
- Holybro 915 MHz telemetry radio set (Americas)
- Holybro 433 MHz telemetry radio set (Europe)
Remember that you can always ask questions on the and the . Also don't forget about the and the , they should be the first place to look for further information.
Another (often used) option is to send commands to PX4 from a companion computer that is also on the drone. The main advantage of a companion computer is that you do not have to worry as much about the already existing PX4 software architecture. You can build your application however you want without worrying that you are affecting the performance of the flight controller. There are some that allow you to communicate with PX4 from a companion device.
The was developed by NXP with the HoverGames in mind. We recommend it for new developers that want to get started with a first companion computer. Another possible option is to use a , but note that it has "only" a Kinetis K64 microcontroller and not the powerful i.MX 8M Mini microprocessor that is available on the NavQ.
This developer guide provides instructions for setting up and using the recommended . You will need them to write, build, debug and program software for PX4, RDDRONE-FMUK66 and the HoverGames drone. You can either download a preconfigured environment with most tools already installed, or you can setup your own environment from scratch (which might be educational as well).
We have pages that explain how to and from source using the console instead of an IDE. A guide to is also available.
The page provides all the resources you need to get started with Git and GitHub. It is an essential tool and you really should spend some time on it.
The led_control uORB message definition can be found in the PX4 source code . This file outlines all of the different parameters than can be set for led_control.
Thanks to who prepared this guide for C++ and Python interface & management application for FMUK66
This page will be updated when we come accross more useful commands. suggested improvements are welcome via email at HoverGames@nxp.com or
This section explains how to set up a Linux-based development environment with useful tools to develop, build and debug software for HoverGames and NXP Mobile Robotics platforms.
It is required to setup a Linux-based* development environment, preferably based on Ubuntu 20.04 (or 22.04). If you are not running a Linux OS already, you can consider to install Ubuntu natively besides your Windows setup (dual-boot), or on a separate laptop. Another convenient option would be to use virtualization to run Linux on your Windows computer. There are plenty of tools available, such as Oracle VM VirtualBox, VMware Workstation and even the built-in Windows Subsystems for Linux (WSL).
*A native macOS-based development environment might also work, but not all tools are available. We cannot guarantee support - but you might be able to get help from other developers in the HoverGames community that work with macOS.
NXP and Dronecode used to provide a preconfigured virtual machine image for VirtualBox. This image was based on Ubuntu 18.04 and contained the required tools to start developing and debugging software for HoverGames. We no longer recommend using this image as most preinstalled tools are now outdated and would require significant work to get into a working state again.
A fresh setup based on Ubuntu 20.04 (or 22.04) is now recommended. No preconfigured image will be made available however, as it would again become outdated within months after its initial release. It is more beneficial to learn yourself how to setup and maintain a Linux-based development environment - and it is not difficult!
The next pages will provide step-by-step instructions on how to install Ubuntu 20.04 (though all instructions should also apply to Ubuntu 22.04 as well) with a proper toolchain to develop, build and debug Apache NuttX and PX4 Autopilot for RDDRONE-FMUK66 (Kinetis K66 MCU) as well as other NXP Mobile Robotics platforms.
The first part of the instructions will also explain setting up the VirtualBox software for creating and running a virtual machine. NXP does not specifically endorse VirtualBox, but it is a free open source tool and it is a convenient way to start using Ubuntu as a beginner. More advanced developers may install Ubuntu natively or use different virtualization tools (e.g. VMware, WSL2).
The next step will explain how to install the Ubuntu Linux operating system. We will also download and install the PX4 toolchain, which should provide all the tools already to build your own PX4 firmware binaries from source. The same tools can also be used to build Apache NuttX, which is the Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) that is used by PX4, but can also be used stand-alone.
Finally, we will install NXP MCUXpresso, an integrated development environment (IDE) which allows you to edit, build and debug software for many NXP microcontrollers and processors. The instructions will explain how you can setup a project to build and debug PX4 Autopilot.
Schematics and design files for the RDDRONE-FMUK66 Rev. D as well as previous revisions of the board.
The schematics for different revisions of of RDDRONE-FMUK66 are available as PDF. The revision is usually printed on the PCB. Rev. C and above are currently the only supported revisions of our FMUK66.
Rev. F is the latest revision of the RDDRONE-FMUK66. The board may be referenced as "E" there is no discernable difference between E and F. The change occured because of internal process only.
The schematics are available on the RDDRONE-FMUK66 product page on NXP.com, and should be obtained from there. In addition the Gerber files and a Bill of Materials for this particular board (look for "Design Files / BOM"). https://www.nxp.com/webapp/Download?colCode=SPF-39053-F
Rev. D. There are only minor changes compared to Rev. C and users should not notice any difference when using the FMU.
The schematics are also available on the RDDRONE-FMUK66 product page on NXP.com, as well as the Gerber files and a Bill of Materials for this particular board (look for "Design Files / BOM").
Rev. C is the previous revision of the RDDRONE-FMUK66. It is still fully supported.
Rev. B (and older) boards are not supported anymore. The schematic is left available for reference only. Please contact us if you are still using an old RDDRONE-FMUK66 Rev B.
uORB subscribe to the compass and publish to the LED
You've made it to the last example lab on this gitbook! In this lab, we will learn how to create our own app that harnesses both the publish and subscribe protocols in uORB.
In this lab, we won't be guiding you through creating this program, but we will give instructions on how to complete it. Don't worry though, if you get stuck there is a solution file that you can reference to learn how to complete this lab.
The objective of this lab is to harness the data published by the magnetometer (compass) on the FMU and control the RGB LED when you're facing north. You should also print a message to the Mavlink console that you're facing north along with the magnetometer data.
Here are some tips to help you out:
The two uORB topics that you'll want to use are
The yaw
value in vehicle_local_position
is in radians. You can use this data in radians, or you may convert to degrees if you'd like.
The yaw
value in degrees for North is 350 < degrees < 10
. When the degrees hit 359, they wrap back to 0. (We will use about +/- 10 degree accuracy for "North")
Here's a small demo of what the output should look like. You should have some sort of logging in the Mavlink console as well as the LED flashing red when you're facing north.
If you need the solution to figure it out, or want to view some of the other tutorial files, go to this link: https://github.com/NXPHoverGames/Tutorials/blob/master/TutorialApplications/hg_magnet/hg_magnet.cpp
See if you can make the LED blink a different color for North, South, East, and West!
Thanks for following these tutorials. If you would like to see more, or have feedback or corrections please email us at HoverGames@nxp.com or on https://community.nxp.com/community/mobilerobotics
We are going to set up a Linux virtual machine that can be used for developing, building and debugging software for HoverGames and other NXP Mobile Robotics platforms.
Most of the popular tools that you can use to develop software for the HoverGames drone kit are best supported under a Linux operating system. Therefore it is strongly recommended to either use a native Linux setup, or a virtual machine (VM) running Linux on top of a Windows (or Mac) operating system. Using a VM instead of a native setup comes at the cost of processing power and flexibility, but should not be a big issue if you have a modern computer.
It is strongly recommended to use a recent Ubuntu LTS (long-term support) version as the basis of your development environment. It is a beginner-friendly Linux distribution that is widely used for software development. Most of our required tools are guaranteed to work on recent Ubuntu versions. As of August 2022, the PX4 Autopilot build system supports Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 20.04 as well as Ubuntu 22.04. We strongly recommend to use Ubuntu 20.04 because it is also supported by most NXP tools, though all instructions have also been tested with Ubuntu 22.04. Use of another Linux distribution or Ubuntu version may give some unexpected issues.
You can download the "desktop image" (.iso file) for free from the Ubuntu website:
VirtualBox is a beginner-friendly and cost-effective package for creating and running virtual machines, because it is also an open source project and available free of charge. As of August 2022, the latest version is VirtualBox 6.1.36. Please install VirtualBox and all of its components on your computer before you continue.
VirtualBox provides an "Extension Pack", which provides support for USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 devices. It is not strictly required, but may improve the performance of USB devices when used with a VM.
However, this Extension Pack is licensed free for personal use only, which should be okay for most HoverGames participants, but commercial users are asked to pay a fee:
"The VirtualBox Extension Pack is available under the VirtualBox Extension Pack Personal Use and Evaluation License, which is a free license for personal, educational or evaluation use, or an Enterprise License, which is a for-fee license that allows most commercial, non-distribution uses restricted by the PUEL."
Employees of NXP Semiconductors or other organizations should check with their IT departments for license requirements and costs.
Open VirtualBox and create a new virtual machine using the blue "New" button at the top of the screen, or using the "New..." option under the "Machine" tab. Fill in a descriptive and easily recognizable name for your virtual machine, such as "NXP HoverGames" or "NXP Mobile Robotics". The default machine folder location should be okay, but may be changed if you want. The type should be changed to Linux and the right version is Ubuntu (64-bit).
If your computer appears to not support 64-bit guest operating systems, you may need to enable hardware virtualization in your BIOS/UEFI. Look for settings that are called something like "Enable VT-x" (for Intel processors) or "Enable AMD-V" (for AMD processors).
On corporate-managed Windows 10 machines it may also be that credential guard is enabled. You probably have to contact your IT department about this.
Set the memory size to at least 4096 MiB, assuming you have at least 8 GiB of RAM available on your computer. It is recommended to allocate even more memory to your virtual machine if your computer has more RAM installed. For example, if your computer has 16 GiB RAM, you can usually allocate 8 GiB (8192 MiB) to the VM without issues. More allocated memory generally means a more responsive virtual machine and quicker software builds. Less than 4096 MiB might work, but your VM will probably be very slow.
The next window will ask you to add a virtual hard disk. Choose the option to create a new one. The default VDI file format is fine, and it is a good idea to make it dynamically allocated. You can keep the default name. Please increase the size of the virtual hard disk to at least 60.00 GB. This will be the maximum amount of space that the virtual hard disk may (eventually) use.
Select your newly created virtual machine and click the orange "Settings" button at the top of the screen, or the "Settings..." option under the "Machine" tab.
Under "General", go to the "Advanced" tab. Enable the shared clipboard and set it to bidirectional. It allows you to easily copy and paste text between your host and guest operating systems. You may also enable the drag'n'drop feature, but this has not been the most stable feature of VirtualBox. It is easier to work with a shared folder, which we will create later.
Under "System", you can go to the "Processor" tab. Assuming your CPU has at least 4 cores, you should add at least a second core to your virtual machine. If your CPU has more cores you can even consider to add a third and a fourth. This will generally make your virtual machine more responsive and speeds up software builds tremendously.
Under "Display", you can increase the video memory. You usually want to set this to the maximum value available, but any value within the green range should work well. The green range is the recommended range based on your computer hardware and the selected guest OS.
Under "Storage", select the empty disk drive in the middle of the window, then click on the small disk icon on the right side of the window and look for the "Choose a disk file..." option. Then find the Ubuntu .iso file you downloaded before. The right file might also be listed in the menu already!
If you have the VirtualBox Extension Pack installed, you can select the USB 2.0 or USB 3.0 controller under "USB". Otherwise you will be stuck with the USB 1.1 controller, which should be fine as well. The USB 2.0 controller is the default option when the extension pack is installed, but you may opt to select the USB 3.0 controller if you want to use superspeed USB devices.
While you're at this screen, consider to add some filters for the USB devices that you will be using. This allows the virtual machine to access these devices whenever they are plugged into your computer while the VM is running. Note that these devices will then not be available on your host operating system. You can also add filters at a later time or pass through USB devices manually.
To easily add a device filter, make sure the device is plugged in and click on the icon with the "+" sign. It is recommended that you add filters for the FMUK66, the J-Link debugger and the USB-UART cable.
For just a few seconds after you plug in the FMU, the "NXP SEMICONDUCTORS PX4 BL FMUK66 E" device will be available in the list. This is the bootloader. After a few seconds, this device will disappear and "NXP SEMICONDUCTORS PX4 FMUK66 E" will appear. Note that this is only the case if the FMU already has a bootloader and firmware installed!
Make sure to add filters for both the FMUK66 bootloader and the "standard" FMUK66 device. If you don't see the bootloader device in the list, make sure the FMU is not powered by anything else than the USB cable. Plug the USB cable in again and quickly click the icon while the bootloader is still active (orange LED on the FMU will blink). You have to do this quickly!
Also, make sure to plug in the debugger and USB-TTL-3V3 cable and add filters for "SEGGER J-Link" and "FTDI TTL232R-3V3" (or a name that looks similar). Be aware that the telemetry radios may also present themselves as a FTDI USB UART device if you have one connected to your computer! Their product number should be slightly different, but it's better to disconnect them to avoid confusion.
The list should look similar to this:
Under "Shared Folders", we can also setup a folder that will be accessible on both your host and guest operating systems. Please create an empty folder on your host operating system. The folder name should be short and clear. This name will be used to identify the folder in the guest operating system (Ubuntu). You can also enable auto-mount. This will make sure that the shared folder is automatically mounted after the virtual machine has booted, but first we have to install the OS including guest additions.
You can now press the green "Start" button to run your virtual machine. You may be asked first to select the right boot disk, make sure you select the Ubuntu image. The VM should then start and boot from the provided .iso disk image, starting the installation process for Ubuntu. We will continue on the next page and guide you through this process.
Compiling our new example code into PX4
Now that we have prepared two applications for use on our drone, we want to run them in order to confirm that they work.
We can test and debug code like this in a few different ways:
using SITL (software in the loop) in a simulation environment like Gazebo or AirSim. The code is running on a simulated flight controller. Fast to iterate and test unusual conditions in a safe way. Only the simulated hardware crashes, not a real drone! Sometimes not representative of real-world environment however.
using HITL (hardware in the loop) where the code is actually running on target hardware, but all the sensor and IO is attached to the simulation environment. It is more complicated to configure than SITL, but can expose things like processor or system hardware limitations or bottlenecks.
on the actual hardware, which is closest to reality, but slower and more dangerous to fully test.
When testing code for complex systems like drones, SITL is good practice because you can make sure it works properly and look for failure conditions in advance of loading it on a real physcial drone. This helps prevent accidents! However since we're just reading sensor measurements and publishing LED commands, we can't really harm our drone, so we're going to go the "real hardware" route. This will also give you experience in loading code to the FMU.
In order to build our code in PX4, we place the code in the correct location with the necessary supporting files. Lets take the hg_led
example from Lab 2. Save the source code you wrote to a file named hg_led.c
as seen here:
Now place this file into a folder also named hg_led
. Your folder name should usually match your main file's name. Next create a text file called CMakeLists.txt
that will tell cmake
how to build our application. Inside our CMakeLists.txt
file, add the following code:
Lets explain what's going on here:
: This tells cmake
that we are adding a new module (or application) to the firmware.
: examples__hg_led
tells cmake
that this application is located in the Firmware/src/examples
folder. If you add an application to another source folder, you essentially write <folder_name>__<app_name>
: This tells cmake
what the main function name is. This is your application name. In this case, it's hg_led
: Add the names of your source files under this parameter.
: If your application depends on another application, add them here. Since our application is an independent program there are no other file dependencies listed here.
Now that we have our CMakeLists.txt
file configured, we also have to tell PX4 to build it for our board. First, we need to move or copy our hg_led
folder containing the source files and the CMakeLists.txt
that we created into the Firmware/src/examples/
It should look like this:
Navigate to Firmware/boards/nxp/fmuk66-v3/default.cmake
and add hg_led
to the list under EXAMPLES
. All of these examples listed here will be built into your PX4 image and will be able to be called from the command line on the FMU when running!
parameter should now look something like this:
Now that we've added our new application to PX4, let's build our new firmware by running this command in our terminal: make nxp_fmuk66-v3
If you were targeting another board, for example the UCANS32K146
, you would just substitute that board name instead of nxp_fmuk66-v3
Hint: Since the command line supports "tab completion". if you type part of the name and press tab, the valid and correct board options will then show.
After entering the make command, the software will start building. Assuming no errors or failures, you should see an output similar to this once it's done. (If there is a failure, read the output carefully, often it is something simple that needs correction like a missing ";" at the end of a line of C code.):
Now, you can navigate to /Firmware/build/nxp_fmuk66-v3_default/
to find your *.px4 file which you can flash to your RDDRONE-FMUK66 using QGroundControl! (or a .bin file via the Segger JLINK SWD debugger tools.)
This section gives an overview of the location and pinout of the different ports on RDDRONE-FMUK66.
Most interfaces on the RDDRONE-FMUK66 use the JST-GH connectors as specified in the Dronecode Autopilot Connector Standard. The PWM interface uses "standard" RC hobby servo connections. These PWM connectors are 3 pins spaced 0.100" apart.
The male JST-GH connector has a clip on top. As described in the Dronecode standard, the first (leftmost) wire is usually the positive voltage. In some cables this wire is red. The last (rightmost) wire is ground. The wires in between carry different kinds of signals, depending on the function.
RDDRONE-FMUK66 Rev. C uses the new 10 pin connector for the Holybro GPS module. That GPS module incorporates the arming button and LED, as well as the beeper and an RGB high intensity LED.
Each connector has its own page with a pinout table and (a part of) the schematic of the connector. Some pages also include additional information relevant to the exposed interfaces. The connector specific pages are listed under this page.
Note that Rev. B prototype boards are deprecated and no longer supported. Information here is for reference only.
The pictures below give an overview of all connectors (and LEDs) on the RDDRONE-FMUK66 Rev. B. Most of the labels in the pictures are the same as the labels on the PCB itself.
Using a companion computer is a straightforward way to extend the functionality of your drone by running some of your own software.
The 915/433 MHz telemetry radios provided with the KIT-HGDRONEK66 kit, allows control of the HoverGames drone from a personal computer. You may be able to send enough data back and forth to have a program on your ground based PC to control the drone live. An additional, and typically better way to control the drone is by having a small onboard computer that connects directly to the FMU. This opens up the world of onboard and autonomous processing without relying on the radio connection, speed or bandwidth.
Some applications may even be able to make use of both a ground based computer and an on board companion computer. For example in search and rescue operations, an onboard companion computer may be able to pick out key sections of video of interest - which have some "anomaly", compress the video file, and send only those video snippets of interest to a more powerful ground computer to analyse the images in more detail.
An onboard companion computer running Linux also makes deploying these programs and using modern communications technology such as cellular or other IP radio systems easier. It is also may be possible to safely update on the fly the activity of a Linux companion computer than if you were trying to do the same with the embedded FMU that is responsible for the real time task of keeping the drone flying.
The PX4 Developer Guide has a page dedicated to the use of companion computers.
In many cases, the companion computer communicates to the FMU via a direct UART to UART connection. A connection may able be made via a set of radio transceivers, which would also normally connect to a serial port. The FMUK66 has multiple UARTs exposed, and the easiest ones to use are the TELEM1 and TELEM2 ports.
PX4 currently only supports communication with a companion computer over serial (UART). CAN, SPI and I2C are not supported for this purpose and there are currently no plans to introduce companion link support on any of these buses.
IP based connections via 100BaseT1 "2-wire" Ethernet is a desirable connection type, and we can expect to see PX4 enablement in that area soon.
There is also development on UAVCAN V1 - it is possible a connection may be enabled in the future.
When adding a companion computer on the drone itself, on the FMUK66 normally TELEM2 is used to connect it. TELEM1 would remain reserved for your telemetry link to QGroundControl. How to configure these serial ports for different applications is explained in the PX4 User Guide. In most cases you want the highest possible baudrate for the link to your companion computer (921k).
Once the physical connection is determined there are still several software methods to choose from of communicating between the Companion Computer and the FMU.
MAVSDK is one of the easiest way to communicate with the FMU from your companion computer. The MAVSDK guide states"The library provides a simple API for managing one or more vehicles, providing programmatic access to vehicle information and telemetry, and control over missions, movement and other operations". MAVSDK supports C++, Swift and Python, and support for other programming languages is in development.
MAVSDK has its own GitBook with some examples and an API reference.
A more advanced, and commonly used option for controlling your drone using a companion computer is to use ROS (Robot Operating System) to develop your application. ROS is far beyond the scope of this GitBook, further information and documentation is available on the ROS.org website. It is worth studying further once you understand PX4 fundamentals.
You can use either the original ROS or ROS2. For the original ROS, a package called MAVROS is available which acts as a bridge between MAVLink and ROS.
For ROS2, the px4_ros_com package is available. PX4 includes a FastRTPS bridge between uORB and RTPS. RTPS is used as the middleware for ROS2. It is worth noting that ROS and ROS2 as well as these publish/subcribe concepts are a popular, versatile and modern programming methods and is worthwhile studying further. More information is available in the PX4 Dev Guide here:
Simulators allow PX4 Autopilot to control a modeled drone in a simulated environment.
Simulation is a quick, easy, and most importantly, safe way to test changes to PX4 code before attempting to fly in the real world. It is also a good way to start flying with PX4 when you haven't yet got a vehicle to experiment with. -- PX4 Developer Guide
Many PX4 developers test their code changes in a simulator before flying a real drone with the modified software. It is much safer (and cheaper) to crash your drone in a simulator than in real-life. It is strongly recommended that you also do this if you start making changes to the PX4 firmware.
PX4 supports both Software In the Loop (SITL) simulation, where the flight stack runs on computer (either the same computer or another computer on the same network) and Hardware In the Loop (HITL) simulation using a simulation firmware on a real flight controller board. -- PX4 Developer Guide
Software-In-The-Loop simulation is the most used setup. It is best supported and more straightforward to use. It is actually more representative of how the software would behave in a real world flight than when using Hardware-In-The-Loop, because in HITL several software components are being bypassed. More information is available in the PX4 Developer Guide.
What the PX4 developers refer to as Hardware-In-The-Loop (HITL) is often called Processor-In-The-Loop (PITL or PIL) in industry. The term Hardware-In-The-Loop is applicable when also other parts of the real hardware are being used (e.g. sensors), not just the processor with simulated inputs.
There are multiple simulators that work with PX4 Autopilot. Most simulators support SITL, some also support HITL. Gazebo is the recommended choice, it is a very powerful simulation tool and is often used together with ROS. Other options include jMAVSim and Microsoft Airsim. A complete overview and up-to-date of simulators that support PX4 is available in the PX4 Developer Guide.
Note - A sister competition to HoverGames uses the same hardware for cars/rovers. While still new, there may be activity available showing use of CARLA for use of PX4 in an automotive simulation environment.
Many HoverGames participants will be using a virtual machine for (PX4) software development. The pre-configured virtual machine does NOT come with a simulator installed and the step-by-step guide also does not explain how to setup a simulator. It is left to the user to install one if desired.
Be aware that most simulators are resource heavy and may not run very will in a virtual machine. This is especially true if your computer is not the most powerful. It is usually better to install the simulator in a native environment setup. Simulators like MS Airsim make use of gaming engines Unity and Unreal Engine for things like environmental controls, and as such the equivalent of a Gaming PC may make a good host machine.
For reference: Decent results have been achieved with Gazebo on a virtual machine running Ubuntu. The virtual machine was assigned 3 processor cores of a modern quad-core Intel Core i7 with hyperthreading, and 8 out of 16 GB RAM.
The PX4 Developer Guide has a whole chapter dedicated to simulation, including some basic instructions on how to setup the simulator. It is the best resource available about simulating PX4 and it is strongly recommend that you base your simulation setup on their instructions and information:
If you have any questions or issues when using PX4 with a supported simulator, you can reach out to the PX4 community on Discuss, Slack or GitHub. Many people are using these simulation environments for PX4 development and it is likely that somebody will be able to help you.
Simulators can be configured for quite advanced and realistic environments including weather, automated obstacles, and wind. Typically gazebo by default is intentionally a very plain environment. You may be able to find material in the ROS project which shows methods of configuring the gazebo environment in a more rich fashion for flying drones. See the YouTube video below for a talk from Tully Foote at the 2019 PX4 Developer summit
The FMU has a servorail with six PWM outputs and a BEC input to power the 5V rail.
The FMU has six PWM outputs for controlling motors or servos. Please refer to the assembly guide for the order in which the ESCs should be connected. Make sure to plug in the connectors in the right way. The ground wire (black or brown) should go on top (closest to the board), the signal wire (white or yellow/orange) on the bottom.
The servorail also has a BEC input for powering the 5V rail, which is split from the internal 5V of the FMU and thus not powered when there is no BEC connected. This is done intentionally to isolate this as a source of electrical noise coming into the FMU. Some ESCs or servos require power from the servorail, but the default ESCs included in the HoverGames kit don't need this. They are powered directly from the battery, so it is not required to connect a BEC.
Rev. B (and older boards) are not supported anymore. This information is left for reference.
Details and pinout of the power input connector on the FMU.
The FMU receives its power through this connector, coming from the FMU power module. It has two 5V and two ground wires, and one pin for the voltage sensor signal, and another pin for the signal from the current sensor. These sensors are also included in the FMU power module.
The output voltage from the FMU power module is actually about 5.3V. On the FMU there is a voltage drop in the power circuit, leaving about 5.0V afterwards.
We have a separate page about the FMU power module, which provides the power to the power input.
Rev. B (and older boards) are not supported anymore. This information is left for reference.
The power module provides power to the FMU and has voltage and current sensors.
Presently we re-use the standard power adapter from PX4 products. We are working to supply one with the correct JST-GH end already applied.
Power modules include a regulator to adapt from 2S (7.4V), 3S (11.1V), or 4S (14.8V) battery input and provide +/- 5.3V power to the FMU. Some power adapters may allow higher input voltages. In addition to power regulation it includes signals for voltage and current monitoring.
This adapter also passes power through to the rest of the drone or rover platform. In addition there will typically be an additional power distribution board (PDB) to which the drive motors can be connected. A small PDB is included in the HoverGames kit, it should fit in the middle of your drone frame.
You may have been provided a cable to adapt from the Hirose DF13 6 pin connector on the power adapter to the JST-GH 6 pin connector.
We have noted that some of these are difficult to fit into the Hirose end.
There may be a couple of tiny "nubs" on that connector that should be removed. Also you may want to file the connector slightly.
It may require quite a bit of force to get the connector to push in. Be steady, and use some pliers to apply steady force after ensuring it is aligned correctly
Advanced: A JST-GH header can be soldered to the power adapter, allowing the used of a standard JST-GH to JST-GH straight through cable. Carefully look at the location of pin 1 as the vertical and horizontal versions of the JST-GH header swap the location of pin 1.
The initial power modules did not have the correct JST-GH end installed. You may need to swap the cable as shown below.
This is not an optimal solution, and will be corrected in the final kits. We're not clear why the Hirose type replacement is not an exact match and needs force to install. We appreciate this is a sub-optimal situation. Please be careful when installing so as to not break the connectors or cable.
The key seems to be to carefully align and get the connector started by hand before using the pliers.
Accessing and using the PX4 system console.
There are different options to connect to the serial console of the FMU. The most direct one is the connection with the DCD-LZ debug breakout board and FTDI cable. This is known as the root console and is initialized and starts emitting data immediately on power up or after reset. This can help specifically with lower level debugging. Any of the typical serial connection programs can be used. On Linux systems Minicom is widely used, on Windows TeraTerm or Putty can be used. Main detail to be careful of is to ensure the baudrate is set correctly. While many systems use 115200 baud as the default, the RDDRONE-FMUK66 uses 57600 baud. 8 Bit, no parity, is generally used.
Typically it is convenient to use the system console can also be accessed from QGroundControl. This assumes the system has successfully completed boot up and a connection between the FMU and QGroundControl can be established. It is called MAVLink Console, and it is available in the same menu as the log downloads. The MAVLink Console is available over both a hardwired USB cable connection and wirelessly over a telemetry connection.
More information about the system console is available on the PX4 Developer Guide:
FMUK66 is supported in Main branch for Zephyr.
Zephyr documentation here:
An example of using the Servo Motor:
An example of running the RGB LED test controlled by PWM
An example of using pressure sensor bme280/bmp280 over internal I2C bus
An example of using magnetometer sensor bmm150 over internal I2C bus
An example of using 3 axis accelerometer and 3 axis magnetometer fxos8700 over internal SPI bus
An example of running angular rate gyroscope fxas21002 over internal SPI bus
An example to communicate over socketcan
It is possible in the future that some development has taken place that is not yet pushed to Zephyr/ Main. Below is our local working repo where we may be working on updates.
Note there are many branches in this local repo.
You can use pr-multi-socketcan for using multiple socketcan interfaces in parallel.
For any other development checkout pr-fmuk66-board
Aim India may also use MR-Buggy3 and similar code. A link is provided here for reference only.
Connectors for providing RC input from a RC receiver module.
RDDRONE-FMUK66 Rev. C has a single RC input connector. It has PPM/SBUS, RSSI and Spektrum inputs, and a RC output that together with the PPM/SBUS input forms a UART TX/RX pair.
RDDRONE-FMUK66 Rev. B and older revisions had two connectors for input from the radio controller. The FRSKY port supports PPM and SBUS inputs and has telemetry output for an FrSky radio controller. The other connector, labelled RSSI/PPM, supports PPM, SBUS and Spektrum radio protocols. This port also has an RSSI input. FrSky telemetry is impossible when the PPM/SBUS input on either connector is also used.
Rev. B (and older boards) are not supported anymore. This information is left for reference.
We will work to add examples of how to use it here in the near future. Meanwhile there are examples os using PWM and other interfaces which can be found in the
Pinout of the GPS connector on FMU side and on the side of the GPS module.
The GPS provided with HoverGames is a commercial off the shelf product from Holybro.
For developers interested in building their own CAN connected GPS module running as a distributed processing NuttX/PX4 system, please consider a UCANS32K146-01, UCANS32K1SIC or UCANS32K1SCT module connected with a GPS module such as from UBLOX.
RDDRONE-FMUK66 Rev. B had a conventional 6 pin GPS connector. On RDDRONE-FMUK66 Rev. C this has been replaced by the 10 pin connector used by the Pixhawk 4 and its GPS. The HoverGames drone kit will also include this GPS. The 10 pin connector also includes the pinout for an arming switch and a buzzer.
Rev. B (and older boards) are not supported anymore. This information is left for reference.
This GPS module was included in some older HoverGames drone kits. For some very old kits even the pinout had to be corrected, according to the table below. Note this is different from the RDDRONE-FMUK66 Rev. B (Dronecode) pinout.
The pinout below has been tested and validated with a ReadyToSky M8N generic GPS module.
Pin on NEO-M8N
Pin on FMU
Serial port meant for use with telemetry radios, or to communicate with a companion computer.
The serial port can be used to communicate with the FMU either remotely or with a companion computer on the drone itself. Often telemetry radios are connected to this port to provide a wireless connection with a ground control station. By default, PX4 listens and communicates using the MAVLink protocol on this port.
The labeling of RX and TX is inconsistent on some radios. Typically RX on the FMU connects to the TX from the radio. Check your cable and radio! Often the cable that comes with the radio set is wired correctly, even if the labeling is wrong.
Rev. B (and older boards) are not supported anymore. This information is left for reference.
Telemetry radio sets usually have different versions. The 433 MHz version is used in Europe, while 915 MHz is used in the USA. Make sure you have the right version for your location.
Debug interface pinout, schematics and technical details.
DCD stands for Dronecode Debug, and the letters LZ stands for the NXP design partner Landzo and uniquely differentiate it from DCD-M and DCD-S. The DCD-LZ interface used on RDDRONE-FMUK66 is similar to the normal Dronecode debug interface (DCD-M or DCD-S), but with the following changes:
It is 7 pin instead of 6 pin, the RST line for the MCU is added.
It uses the same JST-GH connector as the other interfaces instead of the smaller JST-SH or JST-SUR.
Details on the original interfaces can be found here:
Rev. B (and older boards) are not supported anymore. This information is left for reference.
One of the two interfaces on the DCD-LZ connector is the ARM SWD interface. SWD stands for Serial Wire Debug and is an ARM processor alternative to the JTAG interface. It is what is used to program the board "from scratch" even when there is nothing in the microcontroller memory. This is in contrast to the USB bootloader, which relies on the fact that valid PX4 software is already running.
Note - While the RDRONE-FMUK66 uses NuttX RTOS and the PX4 flight stack by default, any other RTOS and flight stack could be loaded. In fact ANY software compiled for the NXP Kinetis K66 MCU could be loaded including ARM MBED, FreeRTOS, MQX RTOS, or BareMetal code using MCUXpresso and KSDK (Software Development Kit peripheral libraries).
The UART is typically used to access the primary serial console of the target which can be helpful while debugging. Note that this should not be confused with the fact that when PX4 is running a second and third instance of the serial console that are available via the USB interface and telemetry UARTs on board. (Technically the console can be routed to multiple locations). The difference with the primary serial console is that it will show the NuttX bootup sequence of the board and can be used to identify lower level issues before PX4 is even running.
Breakout board that exposes the different interfaces from the DCD-LZ connector.
In order to work with the DCD-LZ interface you will need a small breakout board which allows you to easily plug in each connector for all devices. The HoverGames kit includes a small board made by NXP which has a 10 pin SWD connector for Segger J-Link debuggers, a USB-TTL-3V3 header. There is also an unused "Landzo" 4 pin serial connector.
Pin 1 (black) of USB-TTL-3V3 is marked with a black dot on the DCD-LZ-ADAPT board. There is a corresponding dot marking pin 1 on top of the 3D printed case.
DCD-LZ pin
USB-TTL-3V3 pin / color
J-Link EDU Mini pin
5 / Yellow
4 / Orange
1 / Black
Note that FTDI USB-UART cable presents 5V on pin3. There were originally two forward dropping diodes installed to feed this forward to the rest of the PCB. They have subsequently been removed in newer revisions and therefore it should be noted that JP1 pin 3 does not connect to 3V3 nor to to Pin1 of the DCD-LZ connector. An updated schematic is below.
The 10 pin connector is small 0.050" pin spacing connector. This is found on the J-Link EDU Mini.
Note that this is officially referred to as a 9 pin connector since the specification calls for a keying plug to be used to block pin 7, over time this seems to have become less common.
A small case for this board has been created that can be 3D printed. The case includes an orientation mark for the ground pin of the FTDI cable and a shape which helps correct orientation of the Landzo serial port. The case should be included with the HoverGames kit, and the model is available on its own page.
The cable is just a 7 pin JST-GH straight through cable.
Pinout and schematic for the Telemetry 2 port, which can also be configured as IRDA or extra I2C bus.
On older versions of the RDDRONE-FMUK66, this port could only be used as IRDA. Since RDDRONE-FMUK66 Rev. C, it is by default configured as a free UART, which can be used as Telemetry 2 in PX4. It can still be reconfigured to use it as IRDA or as an extra I2C bus, though pull-up resistors will have to be placed by hand.
Rev. B (and older boards) are not supported anymore. This information is left for reference.
The RDDRONE-FMUK66 features two CAN (Controller Area Network) busses. PX4 implements the UAVCAN protocol, and supports some motor controllers, sensors and GPS solutions with a CAN interface. The current HoverGames kit does not include any hardware with a CAN interface, except the FMU itself.
Rev. B (and older boards) are not supported anymore. This information is left for reference.
Rev. B (and older boards) are not supported anymore. This information is left for reference.
The FMU has a TJA110x two wire automotive ethernet (100BASE-T1) transceiver . However, this is not yet supported by PX4. Adding driver support to PX4 and implementing the protocol might become a HoverGames task/challenge in the future.
Rev. B (and older boards) are not supported anymore. This information is left for reference.
The arming switch is a safety feature that prevents the drone from take-off while not activated.
Previous versions of the RDDRONE-FMUK66 included a separate arming switch connector. The HoverGames drone kit would also include a separate arming switch. However, since the release of RDDRONE-FMUK66 Rev. C a 10 pin connector is available for the Pixhawk 4 GPS. This GPS module has an arming switch as well.
The 3 pin arming switch connector is not found on newer versions of the RDDRONE-FMUK66! The arming switch is included in the GPS module. Please refer to the GPS connector page.
The HoverGames drone kit will include an pre-built arming switch with the right connector. It should not be necessary to build your own switch. This information is purely for reference purposes.
E-Switch LP1 series switch with integrated LED.
There are 3 wires on the connector and 4 pins on the switch.
Pin 3 and pin 4 on the switch have to be soldered together with a small wire.
NOTE: Pin 1 of the connector does not go to pin 1 of the switch.
Polarity of the LED is important!
JST-GH 3 pin
Switch with LED
Pin 1 - 3V3
Pin 3 - LED (+) (Join pin 3 and pin 4)
Pin 4 - Switch (Join pin 3 and pin 4)
Pin 1 - LED (-)
Pin 2 - Switch
JST sells pre-terminated wires for the JST-GH series of connectors. This is handy, since they are difficult to crimp by hand and need a special tool. The pre-terminated wires are easy to work with and just poke into the holes of the housing and click into place.
The JST-GH "stock" wires fit in the holes nicely. You just strip a little off the end, and bend it up to catch in the hole before soldering.
Pin 1 of the JST-GH has a tiny triangle on the connector. It is normally just in white, but has been highlighted here in black.
Slide heatshrink over the wires before inserting them into the JST-GH housing! You can't do this afterwards. If you need to take the wires out of the housing again, you will need to carefully release the tiny plastic tab holding the wire in place and pull the wire out again.
When building this cable, pin 3 and pin 4 of the switch need to be connected. Short pin 3 and pin 4 by soldering a piece of wire in between.
You need to apply heatshrink over all three wire connections. Remember that pin 3 and pin 4 are connected and will need a larger diameter piece. Here, a small piece was applied first and pushed up against the pin, then a second (larger) piece was applied over both pin 3 and pin 4.
A double heatshrink, with a second, larger diameter piece over the inner piece makes a nice looking end result.
When completed the arming switch will look something like this:
Buzzer for audio feedback.
Since RDDRONE-FMUK66 Rev. C, this connector is not found on the board anymore. The newer FMUs now have a 10 pin connector for the Pixhawk 4 GPS, which has a buzzer inside. There is also no separate buzzer is included in the HoverGames kit anymore.
The 2 pin buzzer connector is not found on newer versions of the RDDRONE-FMUK66! The GPS module includes a buzzer. Please refer to the GPS connector page.
This is a piezo buzzer attached to a two pin JST-GH type connector.
Polarity is not critical.
The buzzer cable looks like the image above when completed.
It can be made quickly:
1x 2 pin JST-GH housing.
1x 6" JST-GH pre-terminated wire.
1x Piezo buzzer.
Cut the 6" JST-GH pre-terminated wire in half.
Strip 5mm off the cut ends of the JST-GH wire you just cut in half, and add tin using a soldering iron.
Solder the JST-GH wire to the stripped and tinned Buzzer wires.
Apply heatshrink over each of the solder joints.
Poke the crimped end of the JST-GH wire into the two pin housing.
The order does not matter, but for consistency the red buzzer wire should go to pin 1.
The RDDRONE-FMUK66 includes three electrical fuses. They will blow when too much current goes through them, to protect the MCU and other components on the PCB.
It is easily determined if a fuse is blown by using a multimeter to measure if the fuse is still conducting. If you are certain that a fuse is blown, you will have to replace it by a similar fuse that can handle 500 mA.
The fuses have changed on recent boards to an automatically resetting type. You should never have to change them. If they do open, simply wait a very brief amount of time for them to reset. However you should determine *WHY* the fuse opened before attempting to use the board.
RDDRONE-FMUK66 has three fuses, two (F1 & F2) for the CAN transceivers, and one (F3) for the USB port.
NXP’s Rapid IoT Prototyping Kit is a comprehensive, secure and power-optimized solution designed to accelerate prototype and development of an IoT end node.
Rapid IoT integrates 11 NXP devices (microcontroller, low-power connectivity, sensors, NFC, secure element, power management, interface) in a small form-factor hardware design, and combines it with proven software enablement (drivers, RTOS, middleware, cloud connect) and a web IDE with GUI based programming.
Example code to enable MAVLink is available. More information can be found on its own page:
During the development of the RDDRONE-FMUK66 (NXPhlite) several hardware issues were discovered and fixed in newer revisions. Boards send to HoverGames participants should NOT have these issues.
Bi-directional buffer U50 was found to oscillate when UART4 is set to higher baudrates, or when long cables are connected to the TELEM1 connector. As a solution, the U50 levelshifter was removed from the board and a 220R resistor pack was placed in parallel.
The GND pin of the PWM1 connector on the PWM servorail was left floating. This might cause distortion of the PWM signal that goes to the ESC. As a quick solution, the PWM1 GND can be soldered to the PWM2 GND (which is correctly connected to the ground plane).
The team has discovered that the auto-sensing bi-directional buffer part U50 is configured for 5V signalling. This is causing the lines to oscillate when connected to the 3V3 signalling on the typical SiK telemetry radios used. The solution is to either remove U50, or connect the "B" side of the buffer to 3V instead of 5V. This is precision work and very difficult to do by hand. It will be corrected in the next revision. If you are unable to get this done yourself, please contact Iain Galloway or Matthias Wilkens to arrange a reworked replacement board.
The first prototype version V01 / Rev. A of the DCD-LZ-ADAPT needs small rework in order to allow the J-Link debugger and the FTDI cable to work simultaneously.
The FTDI cable supplies 5V on VCC, and this causes the J-Link debugger to think the board is in reset.
VCC from the processor needs to appear on pin 1 of the SWD header.
The first build of boards had the oscillator Y1 installed upside down. The markings on this part are a little challenging based on the datasheet and the actual visibility on the part. The images below should help clarify how it is to be installed.
The Pixy2 camera can do simple object detection and line tracking. Data can be communicated to connected devices over I2C, SPI or UART.
A basic port of the Pixy library for Arduino was made for PX4/NuttX. This code allows you to connect the Pixy2 through I2C or SPI to the FMUK66. It provides a simple interface to access the data coming from the Pixy2 in your own PX4 modules.
The code is available under the NXP HoverGames GitHub:
Rapid IoT provides the easiest and fastest path for anyone to take their connected thing idea to a proof-of-concept. --
An adapter board will be available that allows you to easily connect the Rapid IoT to the FMUK66. This RDDRONE-IOT or "HDIB board" (HoverGames Drone IoT Adapter Board) has JST-GH connectors for UART, CAN and debugging. It also has two sockets for connecting all kinds of . More information is available on its own page:
Pixy2 is smaller, faster and more capable than the original Pixy. Like its predecessor, Pixy2 can learn to detect objects that you teach it, just by pressing a button. Additionally, Pixy2 has new algorithms that detect and track lines for use with line-following robots. The new algorithms can detect intersections and “road signs” as well. The road signs can tell your robot what to do, such as turn left, turn right, slow down, etc. And Pixy2 does all of this at 60 frames-per-second, so your robot can be fast, too. --
Pixy2 is a small camera with an that is able to do simple object detection and line tracking. It can be connected to all kinds of devices. Its software is available under an opensource license and extensive documentation is available. More information is available on the .
The PixyCam website has a . It includes many guides and tutorials and additional information for using the Pixy2. Make sure that you are using the Pixy2 documentation, not the documentation for previous version of the Pixy.
NavQPlus is a companion computer focused on mobile robotics applications based on NXP i.MX 8M Plus MPU. It is quite versatile and could also be used for any other application requiring a Linux computer with Etherenet, CAN-FD, Cameras, communications and displays. NavQPlus has an NXP part number which starts with 8mpnavq and then specifies details about that particular version's memory and ethernet capability. More details about this board can be found on nxp.com and the gitbook link below:
Board which connects the RapidIOT board and the NXPhlite or other Dronecode.org FMU
The RDDRONE-IOT or "HDIB board" (HoverGames Drone IoT Adapter Board) is an experimental adapter board that allows the NXP RAPID-IOT board to connect to the RDDRONE-FMUK66, NXPhlite or another PX4 type FMU using Standard JST GH Connectors. It will accommodate two mikroelectronica CLIK modules, and has both CANBUS and UART connections to the outside world. An NXPhlite DCD-LZ debug port is provided at the bottom of the board which provides SWD debug as well as a UART console port. It will also accept a separate 3V or 5V custom power input ans well as the 6 pin JST-GH power brick input from a PX4-type power module.
The HDIB can also be configured to work with VSCP.org. VSCP stands for Very Simple Control Protocol and is typically implemented on a CAN Based IOT devices. To enable this a 3 pin DC-DC regulator needs to be soldered onto the HDIB board.
The RapidIOT would make for an excellent VSCP node, or bridge between CAN and Thread wireless networking.
The HDIB allows for several use cases combining a drone or rover and IoT, in other words "mobile IoT". Some examples are:
Peripheral to the drone
MAVLINK UART connected sensor (UV Light, Gas, pressure, radiation)
UAVCAN CAN connected generic node reference
LCD display of drone data
configuration settings input
NFC tag reader
Bluetooth BLE peripheral
Thread 802.15.4 IPV6/6LowPan mesh network radio
Controller of the drone
Use SDK to control drone operation
Use drone to get 3D position information for mapping point clouds of data
UV light map, C02 gas, Radiation detector in 3D point cloud resulting in a map or vector to source.
Map a workplace for light and oxygen levels.
Parallel operation / Payload
Ground based device for landing or sensing
Use BLE or Thread or IR
The HDIB is meant to be highly configurable, particularly in terms of power supply or power flow. there are several diodes and optional resistors used to steer power. Please check your particular board to ensure that the components are set correctly.
Thanks to Andrew Brahim on YouTube!
This video is from Andrew Brahim on YouTube. The written guide below is an overview of what he does in the video.
You can purchase a servo turret like the one linked below:
You will also want an UBEC that will power the +5V rail on the PWM channels:
You can mount the Pan/Tilt mount wherever you want on your drone. You may be limited in range by the length of the MIPI CSI cable that comes connected to the Google Coral Camera on the NavQ. You can purchase a longer cable from here:
The UBEC needs to be supplied power from the included power distribution board - you can solder the +/- wires to any of the leads on the board.
This image is from the NXP Cup Gitbook, so just use this as an example. Your Power Distribution Board will have bullet connectors on it.
Mount the Pan/Tilt mount anywhere you'd like on your drone. Plug each servo into the #5 and #6 PWM channels on the FMU, and plug the UBEC into the BEC port.
Make sure that your UBEC is set to 5V.
These are the settings you will want to use in QGroundControl to control the servos.
How to install and commission the MLX90614 you can find in the datasheet. You can connect the sensor at the "I2C/NFC" connector on the FMU.
In the picture above the assembly of the sensor is shown. Solder the pre-assembled cable for the FMU connector with the sensor to a small breadboard and plug the other ends of the cables into the connector as shown. For better power stability, you can attach a capacitor between Vdd and ground.
The MLX90614 has an I2C and a PWM protocol. Per default the I2C protocol is activated. Switching between the modes is described in the datasheet on page 29.
Example code for using the MLX90614 under PX4 is available under the NXP HoverGames GitHub:
The example was written in C++ and is based on the "px4_simple_app" in the examples folder of the PX4 Firmware. This example is in the folder "hg_mlx90614" and includes the files "CMakeLists.txt", "hg_temp.h" and "hg_temp.cpp".
For running the example the command hg_mlx90614
has to be added under the keyword "EXAMPLES" in the file "default.cmake" from the folder ".../src/Firmware/boards/nxp/fmuk66-v3" . Also copy the folder "hg_mlx90614" in the folder ".../src/Firmware/src/examples".
Within the example there are two public functions for reading the object temperature and the ambient temperature. These will be called as follows:
First creating an object of the "HG_Temp"-Class. Then you can call the functions for reading the temperature. Both functions readAmbientTempC
and readObjectTempC
returns the temperature as a double type in degrees Celsius.
Communication between the FMU and the Rapid-IoT
In the "MCUXpresso IDE - Quickstart Panel click on the option "Import SDK example(s)..".
The "SDK Import Wizard" pops up. Here choose your board, in this case the "rapid_iot_k64f" and click on "Next".
In the following window you can define a project name prefix and a project name suffix. In this case the default names are used.In the "Project options" choose UART as SDK Debug Console and check under the "Examples" the "hello_world". Compare with the picture below. Now click on "Next".
In the last window uncheck the Options "Redirect SDK "PRINTF2 to C library "printf" and "Include semihost HardFault handler" and check the option "Redlib: Use floating point version of printf":
Now click on "Finish". The project will be created. This could last a moment. Build your project for the first time by using the "Build"-symbol in the upper left corner or the "Build" button in the "Quickstart Panel. (see Picture) The compiler should run without errors.
We are now ready including the SDK example. Now we have to prepare the project for the MAVLink demo and then include the MAVLink Demo. First we have to activate the UART2 port in the code:
The UART2 Port is not activated jet. So we have to go the the "Peripherals". To do that select "Window" -> "Perspective" -> "Open Perspective" -> "Peripherals" or use the shortcut in the upper right corner.
Go to the Functional Group "BOARD_Init_TERMINAL_UART" and scroll down to the "UART2" Peripheral in the left menu "Peripherals". Check "UART2" and double click on the name if the menu do not open automatically. Rename the "Name" to "UART2" (instead o "UART_1") and control if the "UART baud rate" is 115200.
An error may be displayed in the functional group "BOARD_Init_BATSENS". If so, go to this group and open the menu for ADC0. There the input clock source is missing. Select the "Bus clock - BOARD_Boot_Clock_RUN: 60 MHz" for the ADC.
Now you can Update the Project via the green Button on top. A window will pop up. Click on "OK" to update your project.
Build your project again.
Now, you might get errors.These are due to inconsistent makro names. At the moment there is no better solution than to adjust these makros manually. This must be done according to the following pattern:
Double click on an error in the "Console"
In one file more than one makro could be corrupt. You can identify the errors by the red underscores and the red crosses on the left side.
Change only makros which are marked as errors!
NOTE: Only one makro per line is corrupt. If you want to see which one is incorrect, drive the mouse over the red cross. Then you will be shown which macro is corrupt.
In the picture above the makro GPIO_INITPINS_TOUCH_RST_GPIO_PIN
is corrupt. Change this to GPIO_INITPINS_TOUCH_RST_PIN
is okay. Leave this makro as it is!
Change every incorrect makro with _GPIO_PIN
at the end to _PIN
-> Delete the GPIO
Change every incorrect makro with _GPIO_PORT
at the end to _PORT
-> Delete the GPIO
Change every incorrect makro with BOARD_INITPINS_KW41_UART_RTS_GPIO
Change every incorrect makro with BOARD_INITPINS_KW41_UART_CTS_GPIO
Change every incorrect makro with _PERIPHERAL
at the end to _PORT
Change every incorrect makro with _CHANNEL
at the end to _PIN
Save the file and build the project again.
Repeat these steps until there are no (new) errors anymore
If you only want to use the example, skip the next subsection and go to the section "Including the MAVLink Demo". If you want to write your own application, go further.
In your source code include the UART-Library as follows: #inlcude "fsl_uart.h"
The configuration of UART2 looks like:
The UART2 has to be initialized first. You can do this as follows:
Creating a MAVLink heartbeat message is possible by using the mavlink_msg_heartbeat_pack()
. Then the heartbeat has to be changed into a message with mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer()
before sending. Sending the heartbeat message could be done by UART_WriteBlocking(
). Check the example below:
With the following code you can receive a message and interpret it as a MAVLink message.
After receiving a heartbeat message can be decoded by using the function mavlink_msg_heartbeat_decode(&message, &heartbeat)
. This function decodes the message
and saves the result in heartbeat
As another example we show you how to receive a system status message and print the voltage to the Rapid-IoT display. This works on the same principle:
The same procedure can be used for example receiving GPS or battery status messages. Therefore you have to replace the sys
in the function with gps
or battery
. Check the source code "hg_mavlink_demo.c" in the project for these examples.
Mount the cable for connecting the RDDRONE-IOT "HDIB" adapter board with the FMU using UART2 as shown in the picture below.
The TELEM2 Port on the FMU has to be activated first. You can do this in QGroundControl. Go to the menu "Setup", then "Parameter" and click on "MAVLink". Set the parameters as shown in the picture below. You only have to change the (red) "MAV_1_*"-parameters.
Then change the Telemetry 2 baud rate to "115200 8N1" in the menu "Setup"->"Parameter"->"Serial". See red parameter in the picture below.
When you are not familiar with the Rapid IoT, you can do the from the NXP website. There you can get also the which includes a "Hello World"-Example.
You need the both SDKs "SDK_2.xRapidIoT_MK64F12" and "SDK_2.xRapidIoT_MKW41Z4". Download them and install the SDKs by Drag&Drop into the "Installed SDKs" window in MCUXpresso.
A MAVLink demo for the Rapid-IOT is available . The code includes sending and receiving messages via MAVLink using the UART2 port of the RDDRONE-IOT "HDIB" adapter board. The code bases on the "hello_world"-application of the "SDK_2.3.0_RapidIoT_MK64F12"-projects. We work with MCUXpresso.
Download the Repository for the and copy folder "mavlink" to your project. The file "hg_mavlink_demo.c" replaces the "hello_world.c". Delete the "hello_world.c" and copy "hg_mavlink_demo.c" into the "source" folder. Build your project. There should be no error. Now you can flash the code on the Rapid IoT. You can use the "GUI Flash Tool" for this. This can be found in the upper menu bar as a blue symbol.
Use the Jlink debugger as described . The program is now ready. If you want to write your own MAVLink code go further. Else skip this subsection and follow up the Section "Connecting the RDDRONE-IOT "HDIB" adapter board to the FMU" to connect your Rapid IoT device.
Using MAVLink you need the . Download the project and add it as a folder "mavlink" to your project. Then include the common library in your source code as follows:
The datasheet of the AMG8833 you can find here. You can connect the sensor with the "I2C/NFC" connector on the FMU. To mount the sensor, you can solder 5x1 jacks to a breadboard so the sensor can be placed on the board. On the back of the breadboard you can solder the cables for the FMU plug according to the label on the sensor. For the power supply use the connector "VIN". You just need to solder the cables at the lower row. The upper row is just for a stable assembly. The end of the cable has to be plugged into the FMU plug as shown below.
Example code for using the MLX90614 under PX4 is available under the NXP HoverGames GitHub:
The example was written in C++ and bases on the "px4_simple_app" in the examples folder of the PX4 Firmware. You can find the example in the folder "hg_amg88xx" and includes the files "CMakeLists.txt", "hg_amg88xx.h" and "hg_amg88xx.cpp".
For running the example the command hg_amg88xx
has to be added under the keyword "EXAMPLES" in the file "default.cmake" from the folder ".../src/Firmware/boards/nxp/fmuk66-v3" . Also copy the folder "hg_amg88xx" in the folder ".../src/Firmware/src/examples".
First creating an object of the "HG_AMG88xx"-Class. Then you can call the readPixels(float *buf, uint8_t size)
for reading the actual temperature of all 64 pixels. Then you can print every pixel using a for-loop.
HoverGames3 includes Bosch Sensortec as a partner. They contributed their BME688 Environmental sensor as installed on the Adafruit BME688 module. It should also be noted that the Bosch Sensortech BMI088 inertial sensor is also used on the FMUK66.
More information on the BME688 sensor can be found on their webpage here: https://www.bosch-sensortec.com/products/environmental-sensors/gas-sensors/bme688/
This version of the environmental (gas) sensor is pin compatible with the BME680, but with AI built in! From the sensortec website they state "The BME688 is the first gas sensor with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and integrated high-linearity and high-accuracy pressure, humidity and temperature sensors."
The Adafruit BME688 module has two "STEMMA QT" JST SH 4 pin sockets (Also called Qwiic/ Sparkfun QT) for I2C access to the sensor.
Stemma QT to Qwiic (Used by Adafruit and Sparkfun breakout boards)
Qwiic to open pins (useful for breadboards or some microcontrollers with sockets)
Qwiic to FMUK66 (JST-GH 5 pin I2C/NFC interface)
Qwiic to NavQ (JST-GH 9 pin UART4/I2C/GPIO interface)
Qwiic to NavQPlus (JST-GH 6 pin AUX interface)
Adafruit Learn guide for the BME680 Doesn't cover the new Bosch BME AI-Studio
3D printable enclosures:
Please Note: This document is not a manual of the company s.m.s, smart microwave sensors GmbH .
The following items are required to reproduce the following setup instructions.
Windows Device
Plug & Play cable (Alternatively, you can make the cable yourself. The connection is described in the Customer Interface.)
CAN to USB Adapter
Install and download the following software and documents on your PC
Drive Recorder Software
Firmware Bundle
CANSpec (.csdx)
DriveRecorder setup (.dsk)
Customer Interfce (User Manual)
Ethernet Interface (User Manual)
PEAK Device Driver Setup for the CAN-Interface
Make sure that the prerequisites are available.
Run the DriveRecorder
Load the .dsk file (File -> Load Desktop)
Load the .csdx file (File -> Load CanSpec)
Check the connection to the sensor: You should see a green indicator in the Hardware Monitor and a point cloud in the TargetDraw tab.
Configure the DRVEGRD 152
The DriveRecorder software offers the possibility to configure the DRVEGRD 152. The following configuration is just an example of how the sensor can be set. To configure the DRVEGRD 152, you must switch to the Commad Configurator tab. Each command must be sent separately. Note that the parameter detection_sensitivity is a custom user command.
smartmicro provides a node (see prerequisites) that interfaces with the smartmicro radar driver and publishes the data acquired by the sensor via the ROS2 pipeline.
clone the repository from GitHub
change the folder to the cloned repository
replace "lib-linux-x86_64_gcc_9" with "lib-linux-armv8-gcc_9". Save and exit the file with Ctrl+X
customize the configuration file. Save and exit the file with Ctrl+X
give smart_extract.sh the rights to execute
get the Smart Access release
build the package
setup the environment
launch the node. Note that the & ensures that the command is executed in the background.
Display the data to validate whether the node is running.
The is a 76-77GHz radar sensor from the company s.m.s, smart microwave sensors GmbH. It is suitable for a wide range of automotive applications that features 4D/PxHD technology. The sensor has a medium and a long range mode. The medium range is up to 65 meters and the long range up to 178 meters.
The NavQPlus should be with the recommended latest
A configured is required. The example tutorial package is not required.
From the smartmicro (requires access data):
ip address in decimal form
IP address of the sensor
ip address in decimal form
IP address where data should be sent to
UDP port used for sending data
Disable output of target list via CAN
Enable output of target list via ETH
Enable medium range operation
Sensor detection sensitivity: high
Saving parameters to EEPROM