
This page contains a few different ways to reach other participants and the people behind HoverGames.

HoverGames website

The main website for HoverGames is

NXP Mobile Robotics Community

The NXP Mobile Robotics Community has a space dedicated to HoverGames. Here you can ask your questions about the drone kit and add-on boards. There is also a subspace for the NavQ Companion Computer. For questions about PX4 Autopilot and other Dronecode software you can use the platforms mentioned below.

PX4 Slack and Discuss forum

HoverGames has its own Slack channel (#hovergames) on the PX4 Slack. To gain access to the PX4 Slack, you have to register through this form first. There are many channels on the PX4 Slack related to different Dronecode projects and different features of the PX4 software. It is recommended to have a look at the list of available channels.

To join #hovergames you can press "Channels" or the small plus icon next to it, then search for the channel name. If this is not visible, you can make the menu appear by pressing the PX4 logo at the top. Any HoverGames or RDDRONE-FMUK66 specific questions can be asked here. More general PX4 related questions can be discussed in other channels.

Dronecode also has a Discuss forum for discussing PX4, QGroundControl, MAVLink, MAVSDK and other Dronecode projects. General questions regarding drones and PX4 can also be asked there. Discussion board

General questions can also be asked on the discussion board for the second HoverGames challenge. We try to keep an eye on the new posts and ongoing discussions, but more in-depth or technical questions are better asked on the NXP Mobile Robotics community or on PX4 Slack (or the PX4 Discuss forum).

The discussion board for the first challenge is also still available and can be found here.

Contact the HoverGames team

Please use this GitBook as your guide. If you would like to contribute, or have questions that cannot be answered here, you can contact the NXP HoverGames and RDDRONE-FMUK66 team by e-mail:

Contribute to our GitBook

We would really like to receive your feedback regarding this GitBook. You can send us an e-mail or let us know on Slack. This GitBook is also synchronized to a git repository on GitHub, so you can open an issue or pull request on GitHub as well.

Last updated