PX4 examples to try

Assuming you have successfully connected via the UART and are seeing the PX4/NuttX nsh> prompt, you can try a few things using PX4/NuttX

nsh> help

This will show you basic help as well as list the Builtin Apps.

Try running some of the builtin apps: (Lines beginning with # below are just comments)

nsh> #run hello world
nsh> hello

nsh> #control the onboard RGB LED 
nsh> led_control breathe -c cyan

nsh> #check the actual RGB PWM driver status
nsh> rgbled_pwm status

nsh> #view the rtos processes
nsh> top

nsh> #check the hardware version and git verion
nsh> ver hw
nsh> ver git

As you can see there are also a number of other builtin apps ready to test servo's, I2C devices, SPI devices, and even a GPS when attached.

Testing CAN between two UCANS32K146 boards using PX4 CAN utilities

If you followed the instructions on the previous page to enable CAN utilities in PX4, then follow the steps below to test CAN communication between the boards.

  1. Connect two UCANS32K146 boards with the included CAN cable (yellow and white twisted pair with red and black power lines)

  2. Connect a termination resistor to each board on the same bus

  3. Boot up each board and connect to them using the included debuggers

  4. Run the following commands to communicate between boards over the CAN bus:

# On the receiving board:
nsh> ifup can0 # or can1 if using the can1 bus
nsh> candump can0

# On the sending board:
nsh> ifup can0
nsh> cansend can0 123#deadbeef

Once you run the cansend command on the sending board, you should see some output on the receiving board indicating that it received a message with arbitration ID 0x123 and data 0xDEADBEEF.

If this was successful, you have now successfully demonstrated CAN bus communication on UCANS32K146 running PX4.

Last updated

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