Debugging with Foxglove

This tutorial describes how to perform debugging using Foxglove.


After you have completed the initial setup for CogniPilot on a native ubuntu machine, open a new terminal and run "build_foxglove" to install foxglove on your machines.

  • Note: If this command is not found, restart your system and try again.

  • Select "y" when asked for clone repositories using git with already setup github ssh keys.

  • Select "1" when asked for which release to be used - airy (1) or main (2).



NOTE: When working with hardware buggy, the debug topics must be added to the default_value of topic_whitelist in b3rb_robot/b3rb_bringup/launch/ as well, as shown in the steps below. Then build, source and run. The changes made on cranium must be done on NavQPlus and not the UBUNTU HOST MACHINE.

  1. Camera Images: We can publish debug images from "b3rb_ros_line_follower/b3rb_ros_line_follower/". For publishing debug images from other ROS2 nodes, follow similar process.

    • Create a new publisher in the init function as shown in the attached image. We need to create a new topic and in our case we have chosen "/debug_images/vector_image".

    • Now, pass this publisher (self.publisher_vector_image) and the image as arguments to the "publish_debug_image" function whenever you want to output your debug images.

    • Open a new terminal and run the following commands.

      • cd ~/cognipilot/cranium

      • colcon build

      • source install/setup.bash

    • Append the same topic name "/debug_images/vector_image" to the default_value of topic_whitelist in electrode/src/electrode/launch/ as shown in the attached image.

    • When working with hardware buggy append the same topic name "/debug_images/vector_image" to the default_value of topic_whitelist in b3rb_robot/b3rb_bringup/launch/ The snippet of this argument is attached in the image below.

      • Open a new terminal and run the following commands.

        • cd ~/cognipilot/cranium

        • colcon build

        • source install/setup.bash

    • Open a new terminal and run the following commands.

      • cd ~/cognipilot/electrode

      • colcon build

      • source install/setup.bash

  2. LIDAR Data:

    • Append "/scan" to the default_value of topic_whitelist in electrode/src/electrode/launch/ as shown in the attached image.

    • When working with hardware buggy append "/scan" to the default_value of topic_whitelist in b3rb_robot/b3rb_bringup/launch/ The snippet of this argument is attached in the image below.

      • Open a new terminal and run the following commands.

        • cd ~/cognipilot/cranium

        • colcon build

        • source install/setup.bash

    • Open a new terminal and run the following commands.

      • cd ~/cognipilot/electrode

      • colcon build

      • source install/setup.bash


  • Open a new terminal and run the following command after starting the simulation (which is done using the command "ros2 launch b3rb_gz_bringup world:=<track_name>")

    • ros2 launch electrode sim:=True

    • Then open connection to the url "ws://localhost:8765"

  • Camera Images.

    • Create a new Image panel as shown in the attached image.

    • Then click on panel settings and select the topic for which you created a publisher in the "prerequisites" section.

    • Now this panel will display the image whenever you publish a debug image from your code to the said topic.

  • LIDAR Data.

    • Create a new 3D panel by clicking on the add panel button from the top-left corner as shown in the attached image.

    • You may switch to 2D camera since the LIDAR is 2D.

    • Then click on panel settings.

    • Toggle visibility of "/scan" under Topics.

    • Then select "lidar_link" in Display frame under Frame.

      • If you don't immediately see the "lidar_link" option available, then close the settings panel, play the simulation for a few seconds, then try again.

    • You may close the panel settings after this.

    • Please see the attached images for sample output.

Last updated