Serial root console

Connecting to the root console on NavQ using the USB--UART adapter

The root console will allow monitoring of the board from initial boot. Since modern PCs don't tend to include serial ports anymore, a small FTDI USB-UART adapter is provided to convert the serial port to USB.

Hardware connection

  • Plug the 6 pin JST-GH cable from the USB-UART converter into NavQ connector "UART2/I2C2"

  • Plug the USB-UART into your pc like you would a dongle or memory stick

    • Your PC operating system should respond right away when it recognizes the USB-UART. On windows it will play a "usb connect sound"

    • There should be a red light illuminated on the USB-UART board (even when not plugged into the NAvQ)

  • Follow the terminal configuration below and power on the NavQ

Troubleshooting Tip: If the COM port does not show in Device Manager or you don't hear the "usb connect sound" double check that the USB-C connector is fully plugged in and seated into the USB-UART adapter board.

Troubleshooting Tip: If the USB UART is not detected on your PC, in some instances you may need to download FDTI USB-UART driver software. It can be found here:

Terminal software connection

A terminal program will be required to communicate over the serial console. The following example is for a Windows 10 PC using the terminal program PuTTY.

Default NavQ terminal settings are: 115200 Baud, N, 8, 1 (no Parity, no flow control)

In Windows 10 use Device manager to determine which COM port is assigned to the FTDI USB-UART serial adapter. The open PuTTY window shown below is the root console of the NavQ.

In Windows 10, Device manager can be used to determine which COM port is assigned

Configuring PuTTY

There are several options for a terminal program that can be used. This example is for PuTTY on a Windows PC. Other programs and other hosts can be used. Example using PuTTY to connect to the serial console via a USB-UART adapter. In this example the COM port was determined above by looking at Windows 10 Device manager.

Default baud rate is 115200
You may also want to configure the serial console to turn off flow control

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