Serial root console

Connecting to the root console on NavQ using the USB--UART adapter

The root console will allow monitoring of the board from initial boot. Since modern PCs don't tend to include serial ports anymore, a small FTDI USB-UART adapter is provided to convert the serial port to USB.

Hardware connection

  • Plug the 6 pin JST-GH cable from the USB-UART converter into NavQ connector "UART2/I2C2"

  • Plug the USB-UART into your pc like you would a dongle or memory stick

    • Your PC operating system should respond right away when it recognizes the USB-UART. On windows it will play a "usb connect sound"

    • There should be a red light illuminated on the USB-UART board (even when not plugged into the NAvQ)

  • Follow the terminal configuration below and power on the NavQ

Troubleshooting Tip: If the COM port does not show in Device Manager or you don't hear the "usb connect sound" double check that the USB-C connector is fully plugged in and seated into the USB-UART adapter board.

Troubleshooting Tip: If the USB UART is not detected on your PC, in some instances you may need to download FDTI USB-UART driver software. It can be found here:

Terminal software connection

A terminal program will be required to communicate over the serial console. The following example is for a Windows 10 PC using the terminal program PuTTY.

Default NavQ terminal settings are: 115200 Baud, N, 8, 1 (no Parity, no flow control)

In Windows 10 use Device manager to determine which COM port is assigned to the FTDI USB-UART serial adapter. The open PuTTY window shown below is the root console of the NavQ.

Configuring PuTTY

There are several options for a terminal program that can be used. This example is for PuTTY on a Windows PC. Other programs and other hosts can be used. Example using PuTTY to connect to the serial console via a USB-UART adapter. In this example the COM port was determined above by looking at Windows 10 Device manager.

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