Battery LED w/ Teensy LC
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This "Project Guide" is written to show some of the capabilites of NavQ. In conjunction with a Teensy LC and a strip of WS2812B LEDs, you can add a forward-facing battery indicator light to your drone.
The software needed to run this project on your NavQ is as follows:
ROS Noetic
You can install this software using the guides here:
ROS1Controlling your drone from NavQ using MAVROSThe hardware needed is the same as the hardware from the I2C guide here:
I2CAt the moment, we're just going to paste the code here, and a more detailed guide will be written later.
This code should be uploaded to the Teensy using the Arduino IDE.
The ROS node should be placed in the home folder ('/home/navq/')
The service file should be located in /etc/systemd/system/.
The Launch script should be located in /usr/local/bin/.
Once all of the necessary files are placed in their respective directories, you need to make the systemd service run at boot. To do this, run in the terminal: