Programming using J-Link Commander

This page describes how to program the MR-CANHUBK344 Evaluation board with a Segger J-Link using the J-Link Commander application

You can use J-Link for programming, for example with the J-Link Commander. J-LINK Commander can be downloaded this from the Segger website:

  1. Make sure the MR-CANHUBK344 is powered and the programmer is connected to the MR-CANHUBK344 and your PC as shown here

  2. Start the J-Link commander application

  3. Type "connect" to connect to the target

  4. Type: "S32k344" to select the correct core.

    1. >> If you get an error, it could be that your program is not up to date, please install the latest version of the J-Link commander

  5. Type "s" for SWD programming

  6. Press enter if you are using the J-Link base (4000kHz).

    1. For the J-Link EDU Mini, it is recommended to type "1000". to slower programming speed

    2. >> If you get that the target voltage is too low, make sure 12V is supplied. You may need to remove JP1 and reattach it to bypass the watchdog timer on the FS26xx regulator. Then type again "connect".

  7. You should be connected to the Cortex-M7

  8. Type "r" to reset the core

  9. Type "erase" to erase the core

  10. Then load the binary with "loadbin <path to .bin file> 0x00400000"

    1. This will program the specified binary at program flash address 0x00400000 of the MR-CANHUBK344.

  11. Reset the core with "r"

  12. Then let it run with "g"

Last updated