Cognipilot: Prepare Linux development PC
Setting up B3RB with CogniPilot environment software
The definitive guide is the CogniPilot website, these sub-pages are only for additional details and guidance.
Prepare your Linux development PC
Please start with an Ubuntu Linux install 22.04 or newer.
Follow this section of CogniPilot to prepare your Linux development PC with ROS, Zephyr and CogniPilot development tools
NEW Ubuntu Linux 24.04
This will:
keys and gpg keys for git accessinstall Git
Install ROS2
install Zephyr build tools
and B3RB CogniPilot packages on your host Linux laptop.
prepare a SIL (software in the loop) example
optionally setup for serving the CogniPilot documentation locally
Next Steps
At this point you have configured a Linux PC for development. Follow the remaining subpage steps for guidance to get the B3RB (CANHUB-K3 and NavQPlus ready) to be updated. Note that the next section to refer to in the CogniPilot will be
Last updated
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