Cognipilot: Prepare NavQPlus

Setting up B3RB with CogniPilot environment software


The definitive guide is the CogniPilot website, these sub-pages are only for additional details and guidance.

Prepare NavQPlus

Follow this section of to prepare Cognipilot-Cranium on NavQPlus :

This will:

  1. Flash the EMMC on the NavQPlus with the current Linux Image, using uuu using the USB interface

  2. Establish a console connection using one of the three possible methods (USB-UART, SSH,USB-C Gadget ethernet)

  3. Connect NavQPlus to a Wi-Fi network and establish an alternative console via SSH over Wi-Fi connection

  4. Install Cognipilot Cranium on the NavQPlus (using the script provided)

This command launches the ROS2 with b3rb configuration on the NavQPlus. You should have started the FoxGlove or RVIS application first on your host PC

ros2 launch b3rb_bringup

The developer guide for Cognipilot can be found here:

Last updated